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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black
       [157]          Shemos—Beshalach 13:18–19 èéYçé:âé çìùáZúåîù                                           Shemos—Beshalach 15:1  à:åè çìùáZúåîù            [176]

                             from the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑô                               this song to Adonoy and they said, þ¢ÒôêÑñe£þÐôêÒÞiÔîíflÖîÒí−ÞÔñ ·³êÒfÔíí¥Öþ−ÌMÔí-³Óê
            19. Moshe took the bones of Yoseif with him, B¢n̼¹£Ñ½B− ³B 'ôЮԼ-³Óêí§ÓLô ì'ÔwÌiÔî .¬−  I will sing to Adonoy for He is most high, í flÖêÖbíÒ¤êÖè-−ÞÌk ·íÒÖîí−ÞÔlíÖþ−¥ÌLÖê
          for [Yoseif] had bound the B’nei Yisrael by oath ·ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¥ÑòÐa-³ÓêÔ¼−•ÌaÐLÌíÔ¼·ÑaÐLÔí »−Ìk
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
              saying, “Elohim will surely remember you, ó flÓ×гÓê ·ó−ÌíGÍêðÒ¥šÐõÌ−ðÒ·šÖtþÒ flôêÑñ
                and [then] you must carry up my bones −§Ô³ÒôЮԼ-³Óêó«Ó³−ÌñμÞÔíÐî                           [has its source] in Scripture. 14  ,íÖþBzÔíöÌô
                              out of here with you. :óÞÓ ×ÐzÌêí£ÓfÌô                                  This applies to all [the examples cited] 15  ,öÖle×ÐaöÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                        except for the one regarding Shlomo  ,íÒôGÐLñÓMÌô ±eì
                                                                                                                   which they explained  eíeLÐþ−ÑtÓL
                                                                                                       One cannot say and explain this usage  íÓfÔí öBLÖñëÑM−Ô−Ðñe þÔôBñ ö−ÑêÐî
                    “And he armed his servants” by “ï−ÑþÖïÐî.”  .ï−ÑþÖïÐîî−Ö×−ÌòÎì³ÓêšÓþÖiÔî            the same way as other things written  ó−ÌëÖzÐ×ÌpÔíó−ÌþÖëÐcþÖêÐLÌk
                       An alternate explanation of ó−ÌLŠôÎìÔî  ,ó−̾ŠôÎì:þÑìÔêþÖëÖc          in the future tense and, yet, referring to the present;  ,[ðÖiÌô] íÓîBí öBLÐñÌaöÑíÐîð−ּ̳ öBLÐñÌa
                     one of every five went out [of Egypt]  ,eêЮÖ−íÖ¾ÌôÎìÑôðÖìÓê                    for example: “Thus (íÓNμÔ−) is Iyov doing” 16  ,ëBiÌêíÓNμÔ−íÖ×Ök öBèÐk
        and four-fifths died during the three days of darkness. 13  :íÖñ−ÑõÎê−ÑôÐ−³ÓLñÐLÌae³Ñôó−ÌšÖñÎìíÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêÐî  [or:] “At the command of God (eòÎìÔ−) they encamp” 17  ,eòÎìÔ−’í−ÌtñÔ¼
                       [19] He had bound by oath. 14  .ÇòéÄaÀLÄäÇòÅaÀLÇä [èé]                 [or:] “Sometimes the cloud is [on the Mishkon].” 18  ,öÖòÖ¼ÓííÓ−ÐíÌ−þÓLÎêLÑ−Ðî
                          He (Yoseif) made them swear  óÖ¼−ÌaÐLÌí                                            This is because they are things  þÖëÖcöÑíÓL−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                          that were continuously happening  ð−ÌôÖ³íÓîBíÔí
                  that they will make their children swear.  .óÓí−ÑòÐëÌñ e¼−ÌaÐLÔiÓL
                     Why did he not bind his sons by oath  î−ÖòÖaÔ¼−ÌaÐLÌíêGíÖnÖñÐî                 and they can accept both future and past. 19  ,þÖëÖ¼ öBLÐñö−Ñað−Ì ³Ö¼ öBLÐñö−ÑaBañÑõBòÐî
        that they immediately carry him to the land of Canaan,  ,ðÖiÌôöÔ¼ÔòÐk±ÓþÓêÐñ eíeêÖOÌiÓL        But this (þ−ÌLÖ− and the other examples)  íÓïñÖëÎê
                       as Yaakov bound [them] by oath?  ?ëҚμÔ−Ô¼−ÌaÐLÌíÓLBôÐk                        which was only a one-time occurrence  ,íÖ¼ÖLÐñêÖlÓêíÖ−ÖíêHÓL
                       Yoseif said: “I was a ruler in Egypt,  óÌ−ÔþЮÌôÐë−̳−Ì−Öí ¬−ÌlÔL−ÌòÎê,¹Ñ½B− þÔôÖê  cannot be explained in these terms. 20  :íÓfÔí öBLÖlÔëBëÐM−Ô−Ðñ ñB×Ö− Bò−Ñê
                     and I had sufficient power to do [so],  ,³BNμÔñ−ÌðÖ−ÐašÑt−̽íÖ−ÖíÐî                        For He is most high. 21  .äÈàÈbäÉàÈb-éÞÄk
         but the Egyptians will not permit my sons to do [so].”  ,³BNμÔñó−ÌþЮÌô óeì−ÌpÔ−êG−ÔòÖañÖëÎê    íÖêÖbíÒêÖb is as Onkelos translates it. 22  .BôebÐþÔ³Ðk,íÓêÑbñÖkñÔ¼íÖêÖbгÌpÓM
                       He therefore bound them by oath  óÖ¼−ÌaÐLÌíCÖ×Ðñ                                         (An alternate explanation:  ,þÑìÔêþÖëÖc)
       that when they will be redeemed and go out of there,  óÖMÌôeêЮÑ−ÐîeñÎêÖbÌiÓ LÐ×Ìñ          The repetition [of íÖêÖbíÒêÖè] intends to convey  þÔôBñ ñÓõÓkÔíêÖa
                       that they carry him [with them]. 15  :eíeêÖOÌiÓL                                            that He did something  þÖëÖðíÖNÖ¼ÓL
                 And then you must carry up my bones  éÇúÉîÀöÇò-úÆàíÆúéÄìÂòÞÇäÀå                        that is impossible for a human to do.  :³BNμÔñóÖðÖîþÖNÖëÐñþÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÓL
                              out of here with you.  .íÞÆëÀzÄàäÆfÄî                           When he (the human) fights against his fellow man  Bþ−ÑëÎìÔaóÖìÐñÌò êeíÓLÐk
             It was his brothers that he bound by this oath. 16  .öÑkÔ¼−ÌaÐLÌíî−ÖìÓêÐñ                             and overpowers him,  ,î−ÖñÖ¼þÑaÔbгÌôe
                                                                                                          he will throw him from his horse,  ,½eqÔíöÌô Bñ−ÌtÔô
                        Consequently we learn from this  eòÖðÐnÌñ
                                                                                                                        whereas, here:  öêÖ×Ðî
             that also the bones of all the brothers [lit. tribes]  ó−̬ÖëÐMÔíñÖk ³BôЮԼ¹ÔêÓL
                           did they carry up with them  ,óÓíÖn̼eñͼÓí                           “The horse and its rider he threw into the sea.”  .óÖiÔëíÖôÖþBëÐ×BþÐî ½eqÔí
                           as it says: óÓ×ÐzÌê—with you 17 18  :óÓ×ÐzÌêþÔôÍêÓpÓL                   And regarding anything that cannot be done  ³BNμÔñþÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÓLñÒ×Ðî
                                                                                                              by anyone else [except Him],  B³Öñeï −ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
                                                                                                      the correct expression is ³eêÑè (íÖêÖè) as in:  ,³eêÑb öBLÐñBañÑõBò
       13 There were many B’nei Yisrael who had no desire to leave Egypt and, so that the Egyptians not witness their
       demise, they died during the plague of darkness. (Mechilta)  14 Why the repetitive Ô¼−ÌaÐLÌíÔ¼ÑaÐLÔí?  15 Mechilta.  14 That Moshe will be resurrected with the B’nei Yisrael and, at that time, sing a song of praise to God. (Sanhedrin
       16 But he knew that his brothers would not be able to do this (see previous Rashi). Then he must have meant that  91, Mechilta).  15 [I.e.,] ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−þ−ÌLÖ−ïÖê,Ô¼Š¾BíÐ−þÑaÔðÐ−ïÖê.  16 Iyov 1, 5.  17 Bamidbar 9, 20.  18 Ibid., 18.  19 For the
       his bones be carried up by his brothers’ children and he should have said it in the third person. “And then they must  present is the meeting point between the past and the future. (R.Y.H.)  20 I.e., in terms of continuous actions.
       carry up my bones with them!” (S.H., B.Y.)  17 I.e., with your bones. Hence, the second person.  18 Mechilta.  21 íÖêÖbíÒêÖb seems repetitious. Rashi gives three explanations.  22 I.e., êÖ−ÔòÖ³ÐîÑèñÔ¼−ÑêÖbгÓê—He is exalted above the exalted.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #
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