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[153]                Shemos—Bo 13:14–16 æèYãé:âé àáZúåîù                                              Shemos—Beshalach 15:2  á:åè çìùáZúåîù            [180]

                                        Maftir     øéèôî                                         This is my Almighty and I will glorify Him; eíflÑîÐòÔêÐî ·−ÌñÑêí¥Óï
        14. When your son asks you at a later time saying þÒ¤ôêÑñþ£ÖìÖô §EÐòÌë 'EÐñÞÖêÐLÌ−-−ÞÌkí„Ö−ÖíÐî .ð−
        “With a strong hand Adonoy brought us out of Egypt óÌ−£ÔþЮÌnÌôíÒ§ÖîíÐ−eò«Öê−Ì®B Þíð†Ö−šÓïÒ¤ìÐa
                                                                                                           and the following is an example:  :B³ÖôÐèeð íÓïÐî
                           from the house of slavery. :ó−ÞÌðÖëμ³−'ÑaÌô
                                                                                                            “around the walls of the house,  ë−ÌëÖ½³Ì−ÔaÔí ³Bþ−Ìš³Óê
        15. When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to send us out, ›eò›ÑìÐlÔLÐñ ‡íÒ¼ÐþÔõí¤ÖLКÌí-−ÞÌk−†ÌíÐ−Ôî .î¬
                                                                                                       for the Temple and the Holy of Holies,  þ−ÌëÐcÔñÐîñÖ×−ÑíÔñ
       Adonoy killed every first-born in the land of Egypt, óÌ− flÔþЮÌô±Óþ¤ÓêÐa ·þB×Ða-ñÖkíÒ¥ÖîíÐ−èÒ·þÎíÞÔiÔî  (NÔ¼ÔiÔî) he made side-structures all around,” 61  ,ë−ÌëÖ½ ³B¼ÖñЮNÔ¼ÔiÔî
                          from the first-born of man ó£ÖðÖêþÒ'×ÐaÌô                             where it should have said íÖNÖ¼ [instead of NÔ¼ÔiÔî]. 62  .ë−ÌëÖ½ ³B¼ÖñЮíÖNÖ¼þÔôBñ Bñ íÖ−Öí
                            to the first-born of beast. í¢ÖôÑíÐaþB¤×Ða-ðÔ¼Ðî                                  Similarly in Divrei Hayomim:  ó−ÌôÖiÔí−ÑþÐëÌðÐaöÑ×Ðî
                                                                                                             “And [as for] the B’nei Yisrael  ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐëe
                   I am therefore sacrificing to Adonoy í†ÖîÒí−ÞÔñÔì•ÑëÒï−·ÌòÎê »öÑk-ñÔ¼
                                                                                                            who dwelt in the Judean cities,  íÖðeíÐ−−ÑþÖ¼Ðaó−ÌëÐLÒiÔí
       all that [is first to] open the womb which are male, ó− flÌþÖ×ÐfÔí ·óÓì·ÓþþÓ¬¥Ót-ñÖk
                                                                                                      Rechavom μGÐôÌiÔî (reigned) over them,” 63  ,óÖ¼ÐëÔìÐþóÓí−ÑñμCGÐôÌiÔî
                and the first-born of my sons I redeem.’ :íÞÓcÐõÓ ê−£ÔòÖaþB'×Ða-ñÖ×Ðî                where it should have said óÖ¼ÐëÔìÐþóÓí−ÑñÔ¼CÔñÖô  ;óÖ¼ÐëÔìÐþóÓí−ÑñμCÔñÖôþÔôBñ Bñ íÖ−Öí
           16. [These words] shall be a sign on your hand í flÖ×Ðð¤Ö−-ñÔ¼ ·³BêÐñí¥Ö−ÖíÐî .ï¬                           [instead of CGÐôÌiÔî].
                                                                                                       [Or:] “Due to the inability of God, etc.  ’BèÐî’í³ÓñÒ×Ð−−ÌzÐñÌaÌô
                                                                                               where it should have said óÖ¬ÖìÐL [instead of óѬÖìÐLÌiÔî];  ;ó−Ö¬ÖìÐLþÔôBñ Bñ íÖ−Öí
                   He caused the kohein a monetary loss. 41  ,öÑíÒkñÓL BòBôÖôð−̽ÐõÌí êeí
                                                                                                     [Or:] “And the men that Moshe sent, etc.  ’BèÐîíÓLô ìÔñÖLþÓLÎêó−ÌLÖòÎêÔíÐî
              Consequently, he suffers a loss of his money. 42  :BòBôÖôð−̽ÐõÔ−CÖ×−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                                        (e³ŠôÖiÔî) died,” 65  ,e³ŠôÖiÔî
         Redeem every first-born male among your sons.  .äÞÆcÀôÄzEéÆðÈáÀaíÈãÈà øBëÀaìÉëÀå
                                                                                                 where it should have said e³Ñô [instead of e³ŠôÖiÔî];  ;þÔôBñ Bñ íÖ−Öíe³Ñô
                        His five selaim redemption value  BòB−ÐðÌtó−̼ÖñнLÑôÖì
                                                                                               [Or:] “Whoever paid no heed to the word of God.  ’í þÔëÐcñÓê BaÌñóÖNêGþÓLÎêÔî
                        is established in another place. 43  :þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐa ëe®Öš
                                                                                                              (ëÒïμÔiÔî) left [his cattle, etc.],” 66  .ëÒïμÔiÔî
           [14] When your son asks you at a later time.  .øÈçÈîEÀðÄaEÀìÞÈàÀLÄé-éÞÄk [ãé]         where it should have said ëÔïÖ¼ [instead of ëÒïμÔiÔî].  :ëÔïÖ¼þÔôG Bñ íÖ−Öí
                        There is a þÖìÖô that is immediate 44  î−ÖLÐ×Ô¼ êeíÓLþÖìÖôLÑ−
                                                                                                                 This is my Almighty. 67  .éÄìÅàäÆæ
                 and there is a þÖìÖô that denotes a later time,  ,öÔôÐïþÔìÔêÐñ êeíÓLþÖìÖôLÑ−Ðî
                                                                                                              With his glory (His very Self)  BðBëÐ×Ìa
                      for example this one [of this verse],  ,íÓï öBèÐk
                                                                                                             did He reveal Himself to them  óÓí−ÑñμíÖñÐèÌò
       and, for example: “(þÖìÖô) tomorrow your children will say  óÓ×−ÑòÐëeþÐôêÒ−þÖìÖô öBèÐ×e
                                                                                                      and they pointed at Him with a finger. 68  ;¼ÔaЮÓêÐë B³Bê ö−ÌêÐþÔôe−ÖíÐî
                                   to our children.”  ,eò−ÑòÖëÐñ
                                                                                                             A handmaiden saw at the Sea  óÖiÔíñÔ¼íÖìÐõÌLíÖ³ÎêÖþ
           in the matter of the children of Gad and Reuvein. 45  :öÑëeêÐþ−ÑòÐëe ðÖè−ÑòÐëÌc
                                                                                                      what even the prophets could not see. 69  :ó−Ìê−ÌëÐòeêÖþêHÓMíÔô
                                   “What is this?”  .úàÉf-äÇî
                                                                                                                And I will glorify Him.  .eäÅåÀðÇàÀå
                          [The question] of a dull child  LÑt̬ šBò−ÌzíÓï
                                                                                                 Onkelos translates it (eíÑîÐòÔêÐî) from the term íÓîÖò 70  íÓîÖò öBLÐ ñóÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeê
                  who is unable to ask a profound question  B³ÖñÑêÐLš−ÌôμÔíÐñÔ¼ÑðB− Bò−ÑêÓL
                                                                                                     [from:] “öÖòÎêÔLíÓîÖò”—“ peaceful dwelling,” 71  ,öÖòÎêÔLíÓîÖòZ
                     and asks indefinitely, “What is this?”  "?³êÒïíÔô,, ñÑêBLÐîóѳB½Ðî
                                                                                                       [or:] öêÒ®íÑîÐòÌñ—“ A dwelling for sheep.” 72  .öêÒ®íÑîÐòÌñ
                                 Elsewhere it states:  ,þÑôBê êeí þÑìÔê óBšÖôÐëe
                “What are [the meanings] of the testimonies  ³ÒðѼÖííÖô
                       the statutes, and the laws, etc.?” 46  ’BèÐîó−̬ÖtÐLÌnÔíÐîó−ÌwŠìÔíÐî  61 I Melachim 6, 5.  62 So, too, in our case it says −ÌíÐ−Ôî instead of íÖ−Öí.  63 I Melachim 12, 17; II Divrei Hayomim 10,
                                                                                          17.  64 Bamidbar 14, 16.  65 Ibid 36–37.  66 Above, 9, 21.  67 íÓï—this conveys something present and obvious
                                                                                          to the speaker.  68 Their prophetic vision was so clear and obvious that they could experience that ultimate hidden
       41 By not redeeming it for sheep.  42 Bechoros 10b.  43 Vayikra 18, 16.  44 I.e., “tomorrow.”  45 Yehoshua  mystery with their senses. Hence −ÌñÑšíÓï—“ This is my God,” eíÑîÐòÔêÐî—“ and I will exalt Him.”  69 Mechilta.  70 A
       22, 24.  46 Devarim 6, 20.  #                                                   #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-
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