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[155] Shemos—Beshalach 13:17–18 çéYæé:âé çìùáZúåîù Shemos—Beshalach 15:2 á:åè çìùáZúåîù [178]
BESHALACH çìùá 2. The strength and retribution of God dflÖ− ·³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−¥ÌfÖ¼.ë
17. When Pharaoh sent away the people ›óÖ¼Öí-³Óê ‡íÒ¼ÐþÔtì¤ÔlÔLÐa−†ÌíÐ−Ôî .ï−
Elohim did not lead them ó−†ÌíGÍêó¤ÖìÖò-ê ÞGÐî
by way of the land of the Philistines ó− flÌzÐLÌñÐt±Óþ¤ÓêCÓþÓcƒ [2] The strength and retribution of God. .dÈéúÈøÀîÄæÀåéÄfÈò [á]
although it was the shortest route; êe¢íëB£þÖš−'Ìk Onkelos translates [³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌïÖ¼ as:] óÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeê
for Elohim said, “The people might change their minds ó§Ö¼Öíó'ÑìÖpÌ−-öÓtó−†ÌíGÍêþ¤ÔôÖê|−¤Ìk “my might and my praise,” 34 ,−ÌzÐìÔaÐLŠ³Ðî−ÌtКÖz
−ÌïÖ¼ being the same as −Ì, vocalized with a shuruk šþî¾ë,−ÌfŠ¼BôÐk−ÌfÖ¼
should they encounter war, and return to Egypt. :íÖôÐ−ÞÖþЮÌôeë'ÖLÐîí£ÖôÖìÐñÌôó'Ö³ÒêÐþÌa
and ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî being the same as −̳ÖþÐôÌïÐî. 35 ,−̳ÖþÐôÌïÐîBôÐk³ÖþÐôÌïÐî
18. And so Elohim led the people round-about ó§Ö¼Öí-³Óê|ó−«ÌíGÍêë·ÑqÔiÔî .ì−
But I wonder at the wording of the verse ,êÖþКÌnÔí öBLÐññÔ¼ÔdÑôÖ³−ÌòÎêÔî
except in three places ³BôBšÐôíÖLñÐLÌëêÖlÓê
[17] When Pharaoh sent away, etc. ,äÉòÀøÇtçÇlÇLÀaéÄäÀéÇå [æé] where it is placed next to “³ÖþÐôÌïÐî,” ,³ÖþÐôÌïÐîñÓ®Ñê CeôÖ½ êeíÓL
Elohim did not lead them. .íÈçÈð-à ÞGÀå whereas, everywhere else it is vocalized with a shuruk, ,šŠþeL ðešÖò ³BôBšÐôþÖêÐLñÖ×Ðî
[óÖìÖòêGÐî means] He did not lead them, as in: BôÐk,óÖèÖíÐòêGÐî [e.g.] −ÌfŠ¼Öôe −ÌfŠ¼’í 37 ,−ÌfŠ¼Öôe −ÌfŠ¼’í
“Go, (íÑìÐò) lead the nation!” 1 ,óÖ¼Öí³ÓêíÑìÐòCÑñ [or:] íÖþÒôÐLÓê E−ÓñÑêBfŠ¼. 38 .íÖþÒôÐLÓê E−ÓñÑêBfŠ¼
[or] “When you go, (íÓìÐòÔz) it will lead you.” 2 :EгBê íÓìÐòÔzEÐ×ÓlÔíгÌíÐa Similarly, every two-letter word ³Bi̳Bê −ÑzÐL³ÔaíÖ ë−ÑzñÖköÑ×Ðî
Although it was the shortest route .àeä áBøÈ÷éÄk that is vocalized with a malopum (cholam), ó"eõêÖñÐôíÖðešÐpÔí
And it was, therefore, easy to return by that route 3 CÓþÓcÔí B³BêÐa ëeLÖñÔìBòÐî when it is extended by a third [suffix] letter, ³−ÌL−ÌñÐL ³BêÐa³Ó×ÓþÏêÖôê−ÌíÓLÐk
to Egypt. There are many midrashic explanations. :íÑaÐþÔíLÑ−íÖðÖbÔê−ÑLÐþÐðÌôe .óÌ−ÔþЮÌôÐñ and the second one is not a sheva or chatef, 39 ,¹Ö¬ÎìÔaêÖëÐLÌaíÖiÌòÐLÔíö−ÑêÐî
then the first [letter] is vocalized with a shuruk: 40 ,šŠþeLÐëíÖðešÐòíÖòBLêÌþÖí
Should they encounter war. .äÈîÈçÀìÄîíÈúÉàÀøÄa
For example the war of: ³ÓôÓìÐñÌô öBèÐk For example: [The word] ïÒ¼ [becomes] ,−ÌfŠ¼ ,−ÌfŠ¼ïÒ¼ öBèÐk
“And the Amaleikites and Canaanites came down, etc.” 4 .’BèÐî−ÌòμÔòÐkÔíÐî−ÌšÑñÖôμÖíðÓþÑiÔî [the word] šÒþ [becomes] −ÌwŠþ ,−ÌwŠþ šBþ
Had they travelled a straight route þÖLÖ−CÓþÓc e×ÐñÖíóÌê šÒì [becomes] −ÌwŠì, ,−ÌwŠìšÒì
they would [then] have returned [to Egypt]. ;ó−ÌþÐïBì e−Öí ñÒ¼ [becomes] BlŠ¼ [e.g.] “Ble¼ þe½Ö−,” 41 ,BlŠ¼óÓí−ÑñμÑôþÖ½ÐîZBlŠ¼ ñB¼
If, when He led them on a round-about route, ,óÖwe¼ÐôCÓþÓcóÖõ−ÌwÌíÓLÐkóÌêíÖôe ñÒk [becomes] BGŠk [e.g.] BlŠkñÔ¼ó−ÌL−ÌñÖLÐî. 42 ,BlŠkñÔ¼óÌLÌñÖLÐîZBlŠkñÒk
But [in] these three— ,’è elÑêÐî
they said, “Let us appoint a leader LêÒþíÖòÐzÌòeþÐôÖê
and let us return to Egypt,” 5 ,íÖôÐ−ÖþЮÌôíÖëeLÖòÐî ³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌïÖ¼ which appears here, öêÖkñÓL³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌfÖ¼
then had He led them on a straight [route] íÖ¬eLÐõÌaóÖ×−ÌñBí óÌê and the one in Yeshaiyahu (12, 2) 43 íÖ−мÔLÐ−ñÓLÐî
how much more so [would they have said so]. 6 :íÖnÔ×ÐîíÖnÔk³ÔìÔêñÔ¼ and the one in Tehillim (118, 14)— 44 ,ó−ÌlÌíÐzñÓLÐî
[the letter ’¼] is vocalized with a short kamatz. 45 ,±ÔôÖ š¹Ô¬ÎìÔaó−ÌðešÐò
[The people] might change their minds. .íÅçÈpÄé-ïÆt
And furthermore in none of them 46 óÓíÑôðÖìÓêÐaö−Ñê ðB¼Ðî
They might have second thoughts about going out, eêЮÖiÓLñÔ¼íÖëÖLÎìÔôeëÐLÐìÔ−
and set their hearts to return [to Egypt]. 7 :ëeLÖñëÑñeòÐzÌ−Ðî
34 The suffix ’− being in the first—person—possessive, the same as −ÌlÓLïÖ¼—my might. 35 I.e., as if it had been written
[18] He led [the people] round-about. .áÅqÇiÇå [çé] with the suffix ’−. 36 I.e., The kametz under the first letter of “−ÌfÖ¼.” 37 Yirmiyahu 16, 19. “God is my strength
[Meaning:] He led them round-about óÖa−̽Íí and my hope.” 38 Tehillim 59, 10 “Because of his strength, for Your help I will wait”. 39 Rashi refers to a ¼ÖòêÖîÐL
from the direct route íÖ¬eLÐtÔíCÓþÓcÔíöÌô as ¹"Ö¬Îì (See Rashi below, 22, 19 ó−íñêñ í"ð). Someone later inserted êÖîÐLÌa in the Rashi text to help us out. (B.R.)
40 In other words: only when the middle letter is a êÖîÐL, is it possible for the vowel of the first letter to be something
to the round-about route. :íÖôešÎ¼ÖíCÓþÓcÔñ
other than a šŠþeL (±Šaeš), e.g., EÐwÖì. But, when there is no êÖîÐL, then the vowel under the first letter must be a šŠþeL
(±Šaeš). 41 Yeshiayahu 14, 25 (His yoke will be removed). 42 Above, 14, 7 “and commanders over all of them.”
1 Below, 32, 34. 2 Mishlei 6, 22. 3 Mechilta. 4 Bamidbar 14, 45. 5 Ibid 4. 6 Mechilta. 7 See Rashi 43 íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−Ôî’ídÖ−³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌïÖ¼−Ìk” 44 íÖ¼eL−Ìñ−Ìñ−ÌíÐ−ÔîdÖ−³ÖþÐôÌïÐî−ÌïÖ¼. 45 Thus, according to Onkelos who translates −ï¼ as
Bereishis 6, 6 óìò−î í"ð. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 6 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black #26015-