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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black
 [119]  Shemos—Bo 12:8–9 èYç:áé àáZúåîù  Shemos—Bo 13:9–11 àéYè:âé àáZúåîù  [150]

 8. They shall eat the meat during this night. í¢ÓfÔííÖñÐ−¤ÔlÔaþ£ÖNÖaÔí-³Óêe'ñÐ×ÞÖêÐî.ì  9. It shall be to you as a sign on your hand, †EÐðÞÖ−-ñÔ¼³B•êÐñ ·EÐñ »íÖ−ÖíÐî.¬
 It shall be roasted over fire. L¤Ñê-−ÌñЮ  and for a reminder between your eyes, E−flÓò−Ѽö−¤Ña ·öBþÖkÌïÐñe
 They shall eat it with matzos and bitter herbs. :eíÞŠñÐ×êÒÞ−ó−£ÌþÒþÐô-ñÔ¼³B flvÔôe  so that Adonoy’s teachings will be in your mouth, E−¢ÌõÐaíÒ£ÖîíÐ−³'ÔþBz í§Ó−ÐíÞÌzöÔ¼ †ÔôÐñ
 9. You must not eat it half-cooked êflÖò ·ep·ÓnÌôe¥ñÐ×êÒ Þz-ñÔê.¬  for with a strong hand í flÖšÖïÎìð¤Ö−Ða−Ìkƒ
 or boiled in water, óÌ−¢ÖnÔañ£ÖMŠëÐôñ'ÑLÖëe  Adonoy brought you out of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌnÌôíÒ£ÖîíÐ− 'EÎêÞÌ®Bí
 but only roasted over fire, L flÑê-−ÌñЮ-óÌê−¤Ìk  SHMOT  10. You must preserve this statute in its appointed time, d¢ÖðμB ÞôÐñ³êÒ£fÔíí'ÖwŠ ìÞÔí-³Óê §ÖzÐþÔôÞÖLÐî.−
                                 from year to year. ô :íÖô−ÞÌôÖ−ó−£ÌôÖiÌô
                        to the land of the Canaanites −flÌòμÞÔòÐkÔí±Óþ¤Óê-ñÓê
 of the house [in which you store your] straw,  öÓëÓzÔí³−ÑëÐaÓL
 [nor] of the stable (lit. the cattle house)  ,þÖšÖaÔí³−Ñëe
 in which people do not reside [or eat]. 55  :B×B³Ðaö−ÌþÖcö−ÑêÓL
 [8] The meat. 56  .øÈNÈaÇä-úÆà [ç]  to be redeemed. 22  :ñÑêÖb−Ìñ
 But not the sinews or the bones. 57  :³Bô֮μÔîó−Ìð−ÌèêGÐî
                       [9] It shall be to you as a sign.  .úBàÀìEÀìäÈéÈäÀå [è]
 With bitter herbs. 58  .íéÄøÉøÀî-ìÇò úBvÇîe  The Exodus from Egypt will be to you as a sign—  EÐñíÓ−ÐíÌzóÌ−ÔþЮÌô³Ôê−Ì®Ð−
 Any bitter herb is call þBþÖô 59  ,þBþÖôêÖþКÌòþÔôëÓNѼñÖk
 5      on your hand and a reminder between your eyes.  ,EéÆðéÅò ïéÅa ïBøÈkÄæÀìe EÀãÈé-ìÇò úBàÀì
 He commanded them to eat bitter herbs  þÔô ñB×ÍêÓñóÖeÌ®Ðî  Meaning: that you write these sections 23  eñÖlÔí ³BiÌLÖþÖtÔí ëBzÐ×ÌzÓLþÔôBñ íÓ®Bþ
 as a rememberance  þÓ×Ñï
              and tie them upon the head and upon the arm.  :Ô¼BþÐfÔëe LêÒþÖaöÑþÐLК̳Ðî
 of 60  “And they made their lives bitter.” 61  :óÓí−ÑiÔì³ÓêeþÐþÖôÐ−ÔîÐñ
                                   On your hand.  .EÀãÈé-ìÇò
 [9] You must not eat it half-cooked.  .àÈðepÆnÄîeìÀëàÉ Þz-ìÇà [è]
                                   On the left hand.  ,ñêÒôÐNðÔ−
 Anything not sufficiently roasted  BkÐþÖ®ñÖk −eñÖ® Bò−ÑêÓL
                 This is why íÖ×ÐðÖ− is written “full” (with a ’í)  êÑñÖôíÖ×ÐðÖ−CÖ×−ÌõÐñ
 is called êÖò (naye) in Arabic.  :−ÌëÐþÔ¼ öBLÖñÐëêÖòBêÐþBš  in the second section (v. 16)  ,íÖiÌòÐLíÖLÖþÖõÐa
 Or boiled.  .ìÈMËáÀîìÅLÈáe  so that it may be explained [as a contraction]  dÖa LBþÐðÌñ
 All this is part of the prohibition:  ³ÔþÖíÐïÔêÐëíÓïñÖk  of two words íÖíÑ×ê−ÌíÓLðÖ− (the weak hand).  :íÖíÑ×ê−ÌíÓLðÖ−
 “Do not eat [it].”  :eñÐ×êÒzñÔê
                [10] From year to year (lit. days to days).  .äÈîéÞÄîÈéíéÄîÈiÄî [é]
 In water.  .íÄéÈnÇa  [íÖô−ÌôÖ−ó−ÌôÖiÌô means] from year to year.  :íÖòÖLÐñíÖòÖMÌô
 From where do we know other liquids [as well]?  ?ö−ÌšÐLÔôþÖêÐLÌñöÌ−ÔpÌô
                      [11] When Adonoy brings you.  .EÂàéÞÄáÀé-éÄkäÈéÈäÀå [àé]
 The Torah tells us ñÖMŠëÐôñÑLÖëe (not just ñÖMeëÐôe),  ,ñÖMŠëÐôñÑLÖëe þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz  There are some of our Sages who learned from here  öêÖkÌôeðÐôÖlÓL eò−ѳBaÔþÑôLÑ−
 [to include] anything [boiled].  62  :óBšÖôñÖkÌô  that the first-born of the wilderness were not sanctified.  ,þÖaÐðÌnÔaó−ÌðÖñBpÔí ³BþB×ÐëeLÐðÖšêHÓL
 But only roasted over fire.  .LÅà-éÄìÀö-íÄàéÄk  The one whose opinion it is that they were sanctified  eLÐðÖšþÑôBêÖíÐî
 Above (in the previous verse) the Torah decrees it  î−ÖñÖ¼þÔïÖbíÖñмÔôÐñ  explains this “coming into [Eretz Yisrael]” thus:  :Bï íÖê−ÌaLÑþÖõÐô
 as a positive precept  ,íÑNμ³ÔîЮÌôÐa  If you will fulfill it (the sanctification of the first-born)  eíeô−ÐiÔšÐzóÌê
 whereas, here, it adds a negative precept.  ,íÓNμԳ êG î−ÖñÖ¼¹−̽Bí öêÖ×Ðî  in the wilderness, you will merit entering the land  ±ÓþÖêÖñ½ÑòÖk−ÌñekÐïÌzþÖaÐðÌnÔë
 I.e., “Do not eat from it unless roasted by fire.” 63  :LÑê−ÌñЮóÌê−Ìk ,epÓnÌôeñÐ×êÒzñÔê  and you will [continue to] fulfill it there. 24 25  :óÖL eíeô−ÐiԚгe

 55 Mechilta.  56 Why not just say B³Bê eñÐ×ÖêÐî—and eat it? (S.C.)  57 I.e., one cannot fulfill the mitzvah by eating  22 Since the Exodus from Egypt was solely so that Israel would fulfill the mitzvos and, since the evil son excludes
 the sinews and bones. (Mechilta—see Malbim)  58 Why ó−ÌþBþÐô, in the plural and not þBþÖô (singular)? (B.M.C.).  himself from this, he would not have been worthy of redemption.  23 Vs. 1-10 and vs. 11-16.  24 Acordingly, −Ìk
 59 I.e., there is no need to use only the specific herb called þBþÖô.  60 Above, 1, 14.  61 Pesachim 116b.  62 Ibid.  EÎê−ÌëÐ− takes on the meaning “so that He will bring you” i.e., “Fulfill the mitzvah of sanctifying the first-born so that
 63 Pesachim 41b.  He will bring you into Eretz Yisrael.  25 Mechilta.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   #
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