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[145]                Shemos—Bo 12:46–48 çîYåî:áé àáZúåîù                                                    Shemos—Bo 12:14 ãé:áé àáZúåîù              [124]

                      any of its flesh, to the outdoors, íÖ®e¢ìþ£ÖNÖaÔí-öÌô               14. This day shall be for you a [day of] remembrance. öB flþÖkÌïÐñ ·óÓ×Öñí¥ÓfÔíóB·iÔí »íÖ−ÖíÐî .ð−
               and you must not break any of its bones. :B Þë-eþÐaÐL̳-ê ÞGóÓ®£Ó¼Ðî             You shall celebrate it as a festival to Adonoy, íÒ¢Öîí−ÞÔñè¤ÔìB£³Òêó'Ó³ÒbÔìÐî
                   47. The entire community of Yisrael ñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−³'Ôðμ-ñÖk .ïô                            throughout your generations. ó flÓ×−ѳҤþÒðÐñ
                           must make this [offering]. :B Þ³Òêe 'NμÞÔ−                       It is an eternal statute that you must celebrate it. :eíÞŠbÖìÐzó£ÖñB¼ ³Ô'wŠì
                  48. When a proselyte dwells with you þ†Ñb •EÐzÌêþe·èÖ−-−ÞÌ×Ðî .ìô
        and wants to make the Pesach-offering to Adonoy, ›íÒÖîí−ÞÔñ ‡ìÔ½‡ÓõíÖN¤Ö¼Ðî                                                 é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI
                                                                                                              [14] A remembrance— 90  .ïBøÈkÄæÀì [ãé]
                                                                                                                 for [future] generations.  :³BþBðÐñ
              And you must not break any of its bones.  .Bá-eøÀaÀLÄúàGíÆöÆòÀå
                               [A bone] that is edible  ,íÖñ−Ì×ÎêÔñ −eêÖþÖí                                      You shall celebrate it.  .BúÉàíÆúÉbÇçÀå
                         as, for example, if it has upon it  î−ÖñÖ¼LÑiÓL öBèÐk                       The day which is for you a remembrance,  öBþÖkÌïÐñEÐñ êeíÓL óB−
                               a kezayis piece of flesh,  ,þÖNÖa³Ì−ÔïÐk                                            you shall celebrate it.  .BèÐèBì íÖzÔê
                         there is the prohibition against  óeMÌôBaLÑ−                                          But we have not yet heard  eòмÔôÖLêGö−Ì−ÔðμÔî
                                  breaking the bone.  ;óÓ®Ó¼³Ôþ−ÌëÐL                                  which day is the day of remembrance. 91  ,öBþÖkÌfÔí óB− eíÓï−Ñê
                             If it does not have upon it  î−ÖñÖ¼ö−Ñê                                          The Torah therefore tells us:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                           a kezayis of flesh or marrow,  ,ÔìBô Bê þÖNÖa³Ì−ÔïÐk                      “Remember this day on which you left,” 92  óÓ³êÖ®Ð−þÓLÎêíÓfÔí óBiÔí³Óê þB×Öï
          there is no prohibition against breaking the bone. 252  :óÓ®Ö¼³Ôþ−ÌëÐL óeMÌôBaö−Ñê     which teaches us that the day of the departure  íÖê−Ì®ÐiÔí óBiÓLeòÖðÐnÌñ
                                                                                                               is the day of remembrance.  .öBþÖkÌïñÓL óB− êeí
                [47]  The entire community of Yisrael  ìÅàÈøÀNÄéúÇãÂò-ìÈk [æî]
                                                                                                         And on which day did they depart?  ?eêЮÖ− óB− íÓï−ÑêÐî
                            must make this offering.  ,B ÞúÉàeNÂòÞÇé
                                                                                                                     The Torah tells us:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                   Why is this said?  ?þÔôÍêÓòíÖnÖñ
                                                                                                     “On the day following the [korbon] Pesach  ìÔ½ÓtÔí³ÔþÏìÖnÌô
                Because about the Pesach in Egypt it states:  óÌ−ÔþЮÌôìÔ½ÓõÐaþÑôBê êeíÓL−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                                      they departed.” 93  .eêЮÖ−
                              “A lamb for a family” 253  ,³BëÖê³−ÑëÐñíÓN
                                                                                              Thus, you must say that the fifteenth day of Nissan  öÖ½−ÌòÐaþÖNÖ¼íÖMÌôÎì óB− þÑôBê −ÑîÍí
           [i.e.,] they were assigned to it according to families;  ,³BìÖtÐLÌôÐñ î−ÖñÖ¼eòÐôÌpÓL
                                                                                                                         is a Yom Tov  ,ëB¬ óB− ñÓL êeí
                               I might therefore think  ñB×Ö−
                                                                                                             for on the eve of the fifteenth  þÖNÖ¼íÖMÌôÎì ñ−Ñ ñ−ÑþÎíÓL
       that this holds true for the Pesach of later generations. 254  ?öÑk ³BþBc ìÔ½Ót¹Ôê
                                                                                                               they ate the [korbon] Pesach  ìÔ½ÓtÔí³ÓêeñÐ×Öê
                           The Torah therefore tells us:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                                                                                         and in the morning they departed. 94  :eêÖ®Ö−þÓšBaÔñÐî
          “The entire community of Israel shall make it.” 255 256  :B³ÒêeNμÔ−ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−³ÔðμñÖk
                                                                                                       Throughout your generations, etc.  .'åâå íÆëéÅúÉøÉãÀì
           [48] And wants to make the Pesach-offering.  .çÇñÆôäÈNÈòÀå [çî]
                                                                                                                      I might conclude  −ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL
                    I might think that when one converts  þ−ÑiÔbгÌnÔíñÖk ñB×Ö−
                                                                                                   that the minimum of “generations” is two. 95  !óÌ−ÔòÐL Z ³BþBc ¬e¼Ìô
            he must immediately do the korbon Pesach service,  ?ðÖiÌôìÔ½ÓõíÓNμÔ−
                                                                                                                The Torah therefore says:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                            the Torah therefore tells us:  þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔz
                                                                                                   “As a statute forever shall you celebrate it.” 96  :eíebÖìÐzóÖñB¼ ³ÔwŠì
                   “and he shall be like the native born”—  Z±ÓþÖêÖíìÔþÐïÓêÐkíÖ−ÖíÐî
        just as the native-born [brings the Pesach] on the 14th  ,þÖNÖ¼íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêÐaìÖþÐïÓêíÖô
               so, too, the convert [brings it] on the 14th. 257  :þÖNÖ¼íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêÐaþÑb¹Ôê
                                                                                          90 öBþÖkÌïÐñóÓ×Öñ—to you as a remembrance might be misconstrued as addressing only that generation, so Rashi clarifies. . . .
                                                                                          (S.C.)  91 For several days have been mentioned—Rosh Chodesh (v. 1), the tenth of the month (v. 3), the
       252 Pesachim 84a.  253 Above, v. 3.  254 That all members of one korbon Pesach must be members of the same  fourteenth (v. 6), and the fifteenth (v. 8).  92 Below, 13, 3.  93 Bamidbar 33, 3.  94 Mechilta.  95 When the
       family.  255 I.e., even members of different families may be appointed to the same korbon Pesach.  256 Mechilta.  Torah uses a plural without indicating a number, we may assume that the Torah means two, and I might conclude
       257 Ibid.                                                                          that only those who actually took part in the Exodus from Egypt are obligated to observe the Yom Tov.  96 Ibid.  #                                                           #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-
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