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[121]  Shemos—Bo 12:11–12 áéYàé:áé àáZúåîù  Shemos—Bo 13:5  ä:âé àáZúåîù  [148]

 with your waist belted, your shoes on your feet, ó flÓ×−ÑñÐèÔþÐa ·óÓ×−ÑñμÞÔòó− flÌþŠèÎìó¤Ó×−ÑòгÖô  5. When Adonoy brings you í”ÖîÒíÐ− ¤EÎê−ÞÌëÐ−-−ÞÌ×í¤Ö−ÖíÐî.í
 and your staff in your hand. ó¢Ó×ÐðÓ−Ðaó£Ó×ÐñÓwÔôe  to the land of the Canaanite, the Chittites, −·ÌzÌìÞÔíÐî−…ÌòμÞÔòÐkÔí…±Óþ¤Óê-ñÓê
 You must eat it in haste, öBflïÖtÌìÐa ·B³Òêó¥ÓzÐñÔ×ÎêÞÔî  the Emorites, the Chivites and the Yevusites, −†Ì½eëÐ−ÔíÐî−¤ÌeÌìÞÔíÐî−•ÌþÒôÍêÞÖíÐî
 it is a Pesach-offering to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñêe£íìÔ½'Ót  which He swore to your fathers ·E−·Ó³ÒëÎêÞÔñ¼¥ÔaÐLÌòþ·ÓLÎê
 12. I will pass through the land of Egypt ‡óÌ−‡ÔþЮÌô-±ÓþÞÓêÐë−¤ÌzÐþÔëÞÖ¼Ðî .ë−  [that He would] give to you— C flÖñ³Ó³¤Öñ
                 a land flowing with milk and honey— L¢ÖëÐðe ë£ÖñÖì³'ÔëÖï±Óþ§Óê
            you must conduct this service in this month. :íÞÓfÔíLÓðÒ'ìÔa³êÒ£fÔíí'ÖðÒëμÞÖí-³Óê §ÖzÐðÔëÞÖ¼Ðî
 [11] With your waist belted— 67  .íéÄøËâÂçíÆëéÅðÀúÈî [àé]
 ready to travel.  :CÓþÖcÔñó−ÌòÖneïÐô
 In haste.  .ïBæÈtÄçÀa  “He brings out prisoners ³BþÖ¾BkÔa,” 6  ³BþÖLBkÔaó−Ìþ−̽Îêê−Ì®Bô
 [öBïÖtÌìÐa is] a term denoting rushing and hurrying,  ,³eþ−ÌíÐôe íÖñÖíÓa öBLÐñ  [³BþÖLBkÔa meaning:] a month that is þѾÖk (fit) to go out.  :³êÑ®ÖñþÑLÖ× êeíÓLLÓðÒì
 as in: “And David (ïÖtÐìÓò) rushed to leave,” 68  ,³Ó×ÓñÖñïÖtÐìÓòðÌîÖð−ÌíÐ−ÔîBôÐk  [5] To the land of the Canaanite, etc.  .'åâå éÄðÂòÇðÀkÇäõÆøÆà-ìÆà [ä]
 [or:] “which the Aramites threw away  óÖþÎê e×−ÌñÐLÌíþÓLÎê  And although only five nations are enumerated  ,ö−ÌôÖôμíÖMÌôÎìêÖlÓêíÖòÖôêHÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹ÔêÐî
 (óÖïÐõÖìÐë) in their rush.” 69  :óÖïÐõÖìÐa  [nevertheless,] all seven nations are implied  ,¼ÖôÐLÔôÐaó−Ì−Bè íÖ¼ÐëÌLñÖk
 It is a Pesach-offering to Adonoy.  .'äÇì àeä çÇñÆt  because Canaan includes them all.  ,óÑí−ÌòμÔòÐkñÔñÐ×ÌaöÖlekÓL
 The korbon (sacrifice) is called “Pesach”  ìÔ½Ót −eþÖšöÖaÐþÖšÔí  There was, however, one among the family of Canaan  íÖ³Ð−ÖíöÔ¼ÔòÐk ³BìÐtÐLÌnÌô³ÔìÔêÐî
 on account of the skipping and passing over,  ,íÖì−̽ÐtÔíÐî èel−ÌcÔíóÑLñÔ¼  who had no other name except “Canaanite.” 89  :−ÌòμÔòÐkêÖlÓêóÑLdÖñêÖþКÌòêHÓL
 because God skipped over the Israelite houses  ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑzÖaèÑlÔðÐôíÖ−Öíí"ÖaÖwÔíÓL  Swore to your fathers, etc.  .EéÆúÉáÂàÞÇìòÇaÀLÄð
 that were among the Egyptian houses  ,ó−ÌþЮÌô−ÑzÖaö−ÑaÌô  Concerning Avraham it states:  :þÑôBê êeí óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐa
 and He would jump from Egyptian to Egyptian  −ÌþЮÌôÐñ−ÌþЮÌnÌô±ÑõBšÐî  “On that day Adonoy made a covenant  ’í ³ÔþÖk êeíÔí óBiÔa
 and the Israelite in the middle escaped.  .¬ÖñÐôÌò−̼֮ÐôÓêñÑêÖþÐNÌ−Ðî  with Avram, etc.” 10  ,’BèÐîóÖþÐëÔê³Óê
 “[Therefore,] you perform  eNμóÓzÔêÐî  Concerning Yitzchok it states:  :þÑôBê êeí šÖìЮÌ−Ðëe
 all its (the korbon Pesach) service  î−Ö³BðBëμñÖ×  “Stay temporarily in this land, etc.” 11  ,³êÒfÔí±Ó þÖêÖa þeb
 for the sake of God” 70  óÌ−ÔôÖLóÑLÐñ  Concerning Yaakov it states:  :þÑôBê êeí ëҚμÔ−Ðëe
 in a manner of skipping and springing (i.e., hastily)  ,íÖ®−ÌõКe èelÌcCÓþÓc  “The land upon which you are lying, etc.” 12 13  :Öí−ÓñÖ¼ëÑ×ÒLíÖzÔêþÓLÎê±ÓþÖêÖí
 as a remembrance of its (i.e., the korbon’s) name  BôÐLÌñþÓ×Ñï  A land flowing with milk and honey. 14  .LÈáÀãe áÈìÈçúÇáÈæ
 which is called “Pesach” (“skipping or passing over”). 71  ;ìÔ½Ót −eþÖwÓL  Milk flows from the goats 15  ,ó−Ìf̼ÖíöÌôëÖïëÖñÖì
 Also, the word [for Passover] Paske [in Old French]  ê"š¾õ óÔèÐî  and the honey flows from the dates and figs 16  :ó−ÌòÑêÐzÔíöÌôe ó−ÌþÖôÐzÔíöÌôëÖïLÔëÐcÔíÐî
 denotes stepping-over.  :íÖ¼−̽Ðt öBLÐñ
                                     This service.  .úàÉfÇääÈãÉáÂòÞÈä-úÆà
 [12] I will pass. 72  .éÄzÀøÇáÞÈòÀå [áé]  [I.e., the service] of the korbon Pesach.  ,ìÔ½ÓtñÓL
 [This is meant allegorically:] as if He were a king  CÓñÓôÐk  But was this not already stated above:  ,íÖñмÔôÐñþÔôÍêÓòþÖëÐ×êGÎíÔî
 who passes from place to place  ,óBšÖôÐñ óBšÖnÌôþÑëB¼Öí
 [but here it was] with one passing  ³ÔìÔêíÖþÖëμÔíÐëe  6 Tehillim 68, 7.  7 The seven nations listed in Devarim 7, 1.  8 Summary: Though there were seven nations that
       inhabited Canaan, here only five are mentioned—−ÌLÖèÐþÌè and −ÌïÌþÐt are omitted. This is because Canaan, which can
       be used generically for all seven, is here used for −ÌLÖèÐþÌè and −ÌïÌþÐt. When all seven are specifically listed (Devarim
 67 This is not meant literally, but . . . (S.C.). This is based on the Mishnah (Pesachim 96a) that expresses the  7, 1) Canaan is included because Canaan was also the name of one of the individual nations.  9 Tanchuma
 requirement of ó−ÌþeèÎìóÓ×−ÑòгÖô in terms of öBïÖtÌìÐañÔ×ÍêÓò—it is eaten in a hurry. (M.)  68 I Shmuel 23, 26.  69 II Melachim  12.  10 Bereishis 15, 18 saying: ‘To your descendants I have given this land.’  11 Ibid 26, 3 “for to you and your
 7, 15.  70 As is indicated by ’íÔñ êeí ìÔ½Ót—“ the korbon Pesach shall be for the sake of God.”  71 Which is another  descendants I will give all these lands.”  12 Ibid 28, 13 “I will give to you and your descendants.”  13 Mechilta.
 reason for the name of the korbon Pesach, i.e., it is to be eaten hastily in a manner of skipping and springing. (B.Y.)  14 But, the earth itself does not produce milk and honey! (M.,G.A.)  15 Which are nourished from the land. (G.A.)
 72 This cannot be taken literally for God is everywhere at once.  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan   #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-E

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