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[149] Shemos—Bo 13:6–8 çYå:âé àáZúåîù #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHM
Shemos—Bo 12:9–11 àéYè:áé àáZúåîù
6. For seven days you must eat matzos, ³¢ÒvÔôñ¤Ô×êÒzó−£ÌôÖ−³'Ô¼ÐëÌL.î its head with its knees and its inner organs. :B ÞaÐþÌš-ñÔ¼Ðîî−£Ö¼ÖþÐk-ñÔ¼B 'LêÒþ
and the seventh day is a festival to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñè£Ôì− fl̼−ÌëÐMÔí ·óBiÔëe 10. You must not leave any of it over until morning. þÓš¢Òa-ðÔ¼ep£ÓnÌô eþ−'̳B³-êGÐî.−
7. Matzos must be eaten these seven days. ó−¢ÌôÖiÔí³¤Ô¼ÐëÌL³£Ñêñ flÑ×ÖêÞÑ− ·³BvÔô.ï Any of it left over until morning þÓšÒ£a-ðÔ¼ep§ÓnÌôþ'Ö³ÒpÔíÐî
No chametz may be seen in your possession, ± †ÑôÖì •EÐñí·ÓêÖþÞÑ−-êGÐî must be burned in fire. :eõÒ ÞþÐNÌzL'ÑêÖa
and no leaven may be seen in all your boundaries. :EÞÓñŠëÐb-ñÖ×ÐaþÒ£êÐN §EÐñí'ÓêÖþÞÑ−-êGÐî 11. This is how you must eat it: ›B³Òêe¤ñÐ×êÒ Þz ‡íÖׇÖ×Ðî .ê−
8. You must tell your son [child] on that day saying, þ¢ ÒôêÑñêe£íÔíóB'iÔa flEÐòÌëÐñ ¤ÖzÐðÔbÌíÐî.ì
when I came out of Egypt.’ :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌnÌô−£Ì³êÑ®Ða
Its head with its knees. .åéÈòÈøÀk-ìÇò BLàÉø
with its head together with its legs î−Ö¼ÖþÐkó̼Ðî BLêÒþó̼
“When you come to the land, etc?” 17 ,’BèÐî±ÓþÖêÖíñÓêeêÒëÖ³−ÌkíÖ−ÖíÐî together with its inner parts ,BaÐþÌšó̼Ðî
why (then) did he go back and restate it? ?dÖêÖòÐLe þÔïÖìíÖnÖñÐî and he places its intestines inside B×B³ÐñöѳBò î−Ö¼Ñô−ÑòÐëe
Because of something new that is introduced. ,dÖaLÑcÔìгÌpÓLþÖëÖcñ−ÌëÐLÌa after having rinsed them. ;öÖ³ÖìÖðÎíþÔìÔê
In the previous chapter it is stated, ,þÔôÍêÓòíÖòBLêÌþíÖLÖþÖõÐa The word ñÔ¼ of BaÐþÌšñÔ¼Ðîî−Ö¼ÖþÐkñÔ¼ BaÐþÌšñÔ¼Ðîî−Ö¼ÖþÐkñÔ¼ öBLÐñe
“When your children will ask you, óÓ×−ÑòÐaóÓ×−ÑñÎêeþÐôêÒ−−ÌkíÖ−ÖíÐî is similar to [the ñÔ¼ of] óÖ³BêÐëÌ®ñÔ¼ (v. 51) ,óÖ³BêÐëÌ®ñÔ¼ öBLÐñÌk
‘What is this service of yours?’” óÓ×Öñ³êÒfÔííÖðÒëμÖííÖô which is the same as with their hosts— ZóÖ³BêÐëÌ®ÐaBôÐk
Scripture [there] is speaking of the evil son, þÑaÔðÐô ëe³ÖkÔí¼ÖLÖþöÑëÐaZ just as they are (i.e., everyone). ,öÑíÓL ³BôÐk
for he excluded himself from the community. 18 ,ñÖñÐkÔíöÌôBôЮԼ³Óêê−Ì®BíÓL Here, too, [it means] just as it is, Z êeíÓL ³BôÐkíÓï¹Ôê
But here [it states] “You must tell your son,” EÐòÌëÐñÖzÐðÔbÌíÐîöêÖ×Ðî [he roasts] all its flesh, whole. 64 :óÖñÐLeô BþÖNÐañÖk
referring to the son öÑëÐaZ
[10] Any of it left over until morning. .øÆ÷Éa-ãÇòepÆnÄîøÈúÉpÇäÀå [é]
who does not [even] know what to ask, ,ñBêÐ LÌñÔ¼ÑðB− Bò−ÑêÓL What does the Torah intend to teach þÔôBñ ðeôÐñÔzíÔô
whereby Scripture teaches you ,EÐðÓnÔñÐô ëe³ÖkÔíÐî by mentioning þÓšÒaðÔ¼ a second time? ?íÖiÌòÐLóÔ¼ÔtþÓšÒaðÔ¼
that you must initiate conversation with him íÖzÔêBñìÔzÐõÌzÓL This is to add an [earlier] morning þÓšÒaöÑz−Ìñ
with aggadic 19 explanations íÖðÖbÔê−ÑþÐëÌðÐa
to the [previous] “morning,” ,þÓšÒañÔ¼
which attract the heart (i.e., arouse his interest). 20 :ëÑlÔí³Óêö−Ì×ÐLBnÔí
because “morning” signifies the time of sunrise ,íÖnÔìÔí±ÑòÖí³Ô¼ÐMÌôB¼ÖôÐLÔôþÓšÒaÔíÓL
[8] Because of this. .äÆæ øeáÂòÞÇa [ç] and the Torah intends to move the time back— ó−ÌcКÔíÐñ ëe³ÖkÔíêÖëe
“Because I will fulfill his mitzvos, ,î−Ö³BЮÌôó−ÑiÔšÎêÓL þeëμÔa that it is prohibited to eat [the korbon Pesach] íÖñ−Ì×ÎêÔa þe½ÖêÓL
such as these: Pesach, Matzo, and Maror. :eñÖlÔí þBþÖôe íÖvÔôìÔ½Ót öBèÐk after daybreak. 65 That is the plain meaning. ,B¼ÖôÐLÔô−ÌõÐñeíÓï,þÔìÔMÔí ³BñμÑô
Adonoy did [this] for me. .éÄì'ääÈNÈò There is another [halachic] midrash: ,þÑìÔêLÖþÐðÌô ðB¼Ðî
This is an allusion 21 to a response to the evil son, ,¼ÖLÖþöÑëÐñíÖëeLÐzïÔôÖþ It teaches that it (the leftover Pesach) may not Bò−ÑêÓLðÑnÌñ
saying: “Adonoy did this for me” −Ìñ’ííÖNÖ¼þÔôBñ be burned on Yom Tov, but rather the next day, ³ÖþÏìÖnÌôêÖlÓê ëB¬ óB−Ða¹ÖþÐOÌò
—“ for me, but not for you, ,EÐñêGÐî−Ìñ and this is how you ought to explain it: :epÓLÐþÐðÌzCÖ×Ðî
for had you been there [in Egypt] óÖLÖ³−Ì−Öí el−ÌêÓL “And that which is left over epÓnÌôþÖ³BpÔíÐ î
you would not have been worthy −êÔðÐ×Ö³−Ì−ÖíêG on the first morning, ,öBLêÌþþÓšÒëÐa
wait until the following morning and [then] burn it. 66 :epÓõÐþÐN̳Ðî ðBôμÔz−ÌòÑLþÓšÒaðÔ¼
17 Above 12, 25–26, “you must preserve this service.” Why is it now repeated? 18 By saying “of yours,” inferring
that it is not his service. 19 Alluded to by EÐòÌëÐñÖzÐðÔbÌíÐî (L.S.R.). íÖðÖbÔê in Aramaic means to attract. (B.M.C.) 20 Mechilta.
21 It is the actual statement to the ignorant son, but only alludes to an answer to the evil son because the response 64 Ibid. 44a. 65 Summary: Had it said one þÓšÒa the Pesach would be permitted to be eaten till sunrise. The second
is not “God did for us” but, rather, “for me.” þÓšÒa moves the time limit of the eating of the Pesach back to þÔìÔMÔí ³Bñμ. 66 Mechilta, Pesachim 74b, Shabbos 24b.
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 5 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black #