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[229]  Shemos—Yisro 18:6–8 çYå:çé åøúéZúåîù  #  Shemos—Yisro 18:12 áé:çé åøúéZúåîù  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL

 “I, your father-in-law, Yisro, am coming to you E−¢ÓñÑêê¤ÖaB£þгÌ− 'EÐòÓ³Ò Þì−§ÌòÎê  12. [Then] Yisro, Moshe’s father-in-law, brought í§ÓLô ö'ѳÒìB·þгÌ−ì„ÔwÌiÔî .ë−
 along with your wife; her two sons are with her.” :dÞÖn̼Öí−£ÓòÖë−'ÑòÐLe flEÐzÐL·ÌêÐî  a burnt-offering and [peace]-offerings to God. ó−¢ÌíGêÞÑñó−£ÌìÖëÐïe í'ÖñÒ¼
 7. Moshe went out to greet his father-in-law. B†òÐ³Ò Þì³ê¤ÔþКÌñí •ÓLô ê·Ñ®ÑiÔî.ï  Aharon and all the elders of Yisrael came ñ †ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòКÌï|ñÒ¤×ÐîöÒ•þÎíÞÔêêÒ·ëÖiÔî
 He prostrated himself and [then] kissed him. B flñ-šÔMÌiÔî ·eì·ÔzÐLÌiÔî  to eat bread with [Yisro,] Moshe’s father-in-law, í£ÓLô ö'ѳÒì-ó̼óÓì§Óñ-ñÖ×ÍêÞÓñ
 They asked after each other’s well being, óB¢ñÖLÐñeí£Ñ¼ÑþÐñ-L−Ìêe'ñÎêÐLÌiÔî  before God. :ó−ÞÌíGÍêÞÖí−'ÑòÐõÌñ
 and went into the tent. :íÖñÍíÒ ÞêÖ íeêÒ£ëÖiÔî  Sheini (Second Aliyah)  éðù
 8. Moshe told his father-in-law BflòгҤìÐñ ·íÓLô þ¥ÑtÔ½Ð−Ôî.ì
 all that Adonoy had done to Pharaoh íÒ¤¼ÐþÔõÐñ ·íÒÖîíÐ−í¥ÖNÖ¼þ·ÓLÎê-ñÖk »³Ñê  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
 and to Egypt for the sake of Yisrael; ñ¢ÑêÖþÐNÌ−³Ò¤ðBê ñ£Ô¼óÌ− flÔþЮÌôÐñe
              and were themselves destroyed through water.  :óÌ−ÖnÔaeðÐëÓêÓòóÑíÐî
              Meaning: they acted with premeditated wickedness.  .e¼−ÌLÐþÌíþÓLÎê
 I, your father-in-law, Yisro, etc. 27  .'åâå BøÀúÄéEÀðÆúÉ ÞçéÄðÂà
               Our Sages explained it as being derived from:  öBLÐñ eíeLÖþÐð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
 [He meant:] “If you do not want to go out  êÑ®B− íÖzÔêö−ÑêóÌê  ð−ÌïÖòëҚμÔ−ðÓïÖiÔî—“Yaakov boiled broth,” 46  ,ð−ÌïÖòëҚμÔ−ðÓïÖiÔî
 on account of me,  ,−Ìò−ÌèÐë  i.e., in the pot in which they cooked,  íÖaeñÐMÌaþÓLÎêíÖþÑðÐwÔa
 go out on account of your wife,  ,EÐzÐLÌêö−ÌèÐëêÑ®  they [themselves] were cooked. 47  :eñÑMÔaгÌò
 and if you do not want to go out on account of your wife,  ,EÐzÐLÌêö−ÌèÐëêÑ®B− íÖzÔêö−ÑêóÌêÐî
                             [12] A burnt-offering.  .äÈìÉò [áé]
 go out on account of her two sons. 28  :Öí−ÓòÖë−ÑòÐLö−ÌèÐëêÑ®
                           íÖñB¼ is as its name implies—  ,dÖ¼ÖôÐLÔôÐk
 [7] Moshe went out.  .äÆLî àÅöÅiÇå [æ]  that it is totally consumed by fire. 48  :ñ−ÌñÖkdÖle× ê−ÌíÓL
 Yisro was greatly honored at that moment.  ,íÖ¼ÖLdÖ³BêÐëBþгÌ−ðÑaÔkгÌò ñBðÖè ðBëÖk
                                 [Peace-]offerings.  .íéÄçÈáÀæe
 Once Moshe went out,  ,íÓLô êÖ®ÖiÓLöÖî−Ñk
                    [ó−ÌìÖëÐï here refers to] peace-offerings. 49  :ó−ÌôÖñÐL
 Aharon, Nadav and Avihu went out [as well].  ,êeí−ÌëÎêÔîëÖðÖòöÒþÎíÔêêÖ®Ö−
                                 Aharon came, etc.  .'åâå ïÉøÂäÞÇààÉáÈiÇå
 And who would see these [great men] go out  ö−ÌêЮB− eñÑê³ÓêíÖêÖþÓ¾ êeí −Ìôe
                               Where did Moshe go?  ?CÔñÖíöÖ×−ÑííÓLôe
 and not go out [with them]. 29  ?êÖ®Ö−êGÐî
              Was he not the one that went out to meet him  B³êÖþКÌñêÖ®ÖiÓL êeí êGÎíÔî
 He prostrated himself and [then] kissed him.  .Bì-÷ÇMÄiÇåeçÇzÀLÄiÇå
                       and brought about all this honor?  ?ðBëÖkÔíñÖk³ÓêBñóÔþÖèÐî
 I cannot tell [from these words]  Ô ¼ÑðB− −Ìò−Ñê
                                 But [the answer is]  êÖlÓê
 who prostrated himself before whom.  ,−ÌôÐñíÖîÎìÔzÐLÌí−Ìô
               that he (Moshe) stood by and served them. 50  :óÓí−ÑòÐõÌñLÑnÔLÐôe ðÑôB¼ íÖ−ÖíÓL
 But, when [later in the verse] it states:  þÑôBê êeíÓLÐk
                                      Before God.  .íéÞÄäGÁàÞÈäéÅðÀôÄì
 eíѼÑþÐñL−Ìê—[lit.:] “A man to his friend”—  ,eíѼÑþÐñL−Ìê
         From here we learn that when one partakes of a meal  íÖðe¼ÐqÌôíÓòÍíÓpÔíÓLöêÖkÌô
 who is referred to as L−Ìê? That is Moshe, 30  ,íÓLô íÓï ?L−Ìê −eþÖwÔí−Ìô
                      at which Torah scholars are present  ,dÖaö−Ìae½Ðôó−ÌôÖ×Îì−Ñð−ÌôÐñÔzÓL
 as is written: íÓLô L−ÌêÖíÐî—“The man Moshe.” 31  :íÓLô L−ÌêÖíÐîþÔôÍêÓpÓL
                      it is considered as if he had pleasure  íÓòÍíÓòelÌêÐk
 [8] Moshe told his father-in-law— 32  .BðÀúÉçÀìäÆLî øÅtÇñÀéÇå [ç]
                   from the splendour of the Shechinah. 51  :íÖò−Ì×ÐMÔíî−ÌfÌô
 in order to draw his heart  BaÌñ³Óê CBLÐôÌñ
 to bring him closer to the Torah. 33  :íÖþBzÔñBëÐþÖšÐñ
       46 Bereishis 25, 29.  47 Sotah 11a.  48 íÖñB¼, lit. rising up, for the smoke and smell rise up from its burning. (B.Y.)
       Also, because the entire korbon is íÓñB¼—goes up onto the altar. (R.M.)  49 Though ó−ÌìÖëÐï is usually a general name
 27 1. Why did he need to mention his name? (M., G.A.). 2. Why did he say −ÌòÎê—I? (N.Y.)  28 Mechilta.  29 Ibid.,  for all animal korbonos, here it can only mean ó−ÌôÖñÐL for it is the only korbon, aside from íÖñB¼, that can be offered
 Tanchuma 6.  30 Thus eíѼÑþÐñL−Ìê tells us that Moshe prostrated himself to Yisro.  31 Mechilta.  32 But had Yisro  voluntarily.  50 Mechilta. The Mechilta adds that Moshe learned to do this from Avraham Avinu. See Bereishis 18,
 not already heard all this? See v. 1. (S.C.)  33 Ibid.  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B |

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