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Shemos—Yisro 18:13 âé:çé åøúéZúåîù
Shemos—Yisro 18:3–6 åYâ:çé åøúéZúåîù
13. It was on the following day ³ flÖþÏìÞÖnÌô ·−ÌíÐ−Ôî .è− 3. along with her two sons. Öí−¢ÓòÖë−¤ÑòÐL³£ÑêÐî.è
because he [Moshe] had said, þ flÔôÖê−¤Ìk
[13] It was on the following day. 52 .úÈøÃçÞÈnÄîéÄäÀéÇå [âé]
“I was a stranger in an alien land.” :íÞÖiÌþÐ×Öò±Óþ£ÓêÐa−̳−flÌ−Öíþ¤Ñb
It was the day following Yom Kippur. ,íÖ−Öíó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB− −ÑêÖ®Bô
4. The name of the [other] one was Eliezer, þÓï¢Ó¼−ÌñÍêð£ÖìÓêÞÖíó'ÑLÐî.ð
This we have learned in the Siphrei. 53 .−ÑþÐõ̽Ða eò−ÌòÖLCÖk
And to what does ³ÖþÏìÖnÌô refer? 54 ?³ÖþÏìÖnÌôeíÔôe because the God of my father was my help, − flÌþÐïÓ¼Ða ·−ÌëÖê−¥ÑíGÍê-−ÞÌk
The day following his (Moshe’s) descent BzÐðÌþ³ÖþÏìÖôÐñ and rescued me from the sword of Pharaoh. :íÒ Þ¼ÐþÔtëÓþ'ÓìÑô−Ìò£ÑñÌvÔiÔî
from the mountain. 55 ;þÖíÖíöÌô
5. Moshe’s father-in-law, Yisro, came, í§ÓLô ö'ѳÒìB·þгÌ−êÒ„ëÖiÔî.í
You cannot possibly suggest þÔôBñ þÖLÐõÓê−ÌêEÎìÐþÖkñÔ¼Ðî
along with his [Moshe’s] sons, and wife, to Moshe, í¢ÓLô-ñÓêB£zÐLÌêÐîî−'ÖòÖëe
anything other than êÖlÓê
to the desert where he was camped ó£ÖLí'ÓòÒìêe§í-þÓLÎêþ flÖaÐðÌnÔí-ñ·Óê
it was the day after Yom Kippur, 56 ,ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB− ³ÔþÏìÖnÌô
because before the giving of the Torah íÖþBz öÔzÔôóÓðBš −ÑþÎíÓL near the mountain of God. :ó−ÞÌíGÍêÞÖíþ'Ôí
it would not have been possible [for Moshe] to say: þÔôBñ þÖLÐõÓê−Ìê 6. He said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·þÓôêÒ·iÔî.î
“I (Moshe) impart to them [God’s] statutes, etc.” 57 ,’BèÐî−ÑwŠì³Óê−ÌzмÔðBíÐî
and from the time the Torah was given íÖþB³ íÖòÐzÌpÓMÌôe
until Yom Kippur ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB− ðÔ¼ [Whereupon] he (Moshe) said to her (Tziporah), ,dÖñþÔôÖê
Moshe did not sit to judge the people, 58 ,óÖ¼Öí³Óê ¬BtÐLÌñíÓLô ëÔLÖ−êG “Go to your father’s house.” .C−ÌëÖê³−ÑëÐñ−Ì×Ðñ
for it was on the seventeenth of Tammuz ïenԳРa ï"−Ðë−ÑþÎíÓL She then took her two sons and left. 19 :dÖñíÖ×ÐñÖíÐîÖí−ÓòÖë−ÑòÐLíÖñЬÖò
that he descended and broke the Tablets, ,³BìelÔí³ÓêþÑaÌLÐîðÔþÖ− [4] And rescued me éÄðÅìÄvÇiÇå [ã]
and early the next day he ascended [again] íÖôÖkÐLÔíÐëíÖñÖ¼þÖìÖôÐñe from the sword of Pharaoh. 20 .äÉ ÞòÀøÇtáÆøÆçÅî
and remained there eighty days ,óB− ó−ÌòBôÐLíÖíÖLÐî When Dosson and Avirom revealed óÖþ−ÌëÎêÔîöÖ³Öc el−ÌbÓLÐk
and descended [once more] on Yom Kippur. ,ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB−ÐaðÔþÖ−Ðî the matter of the Egyptian 21 [to Pharaoh] ,−ÌþЮÌnÔíþÔëÐcñÔ¼
[Consequently] this parsha is not recorded íÖëe³Ð×BïíÖLÖþÖtö−ÑêÐî and he (Pharaoh) attempted to kill Moshe [by the sword], ,íÓLô ³Óê èBþÎíÔñLÑwÌëe
in its [proper chronological] order ,þÓðѽÐ× his neck became as a pillar of marble. 22 :óLÌ−ÖLñÓL ðenÔ¼Ðk BþêÖeÔ®íÖNμÔò
for it [³ÖþÏìÖnÌô−ÌíÐ−Ôî] was not said until the second year. 59 .íÖiÌòÐLíÖòÖLðÔ¼³ÖþÏìÖnÌô−ÌíÐ−ÔîþÔôÍêÓòêHÓL [5] To the desert. .øÈaÀãÄnÇä-ìÆà [ä]
Even according to one who says þÑôBêÖí−ÑþÐëÌðÐñ¹Ôê We already know of our own account ó−̼ÐðB− eòÖê¹Ôê
that Yisro came before the giving of the Torah, 60 ,êÖëíÖþBz öÔzÔôóÓðBš BþгÌ− that he was in the desert! 23 ,íÖ−ÖíþÖaÐðÌnÔaÓL
he was not sent home until the second year, ,íÖiÌòÐLíÖòÖLðÔ¼êÖlÓêíÖ−ÖíêGB®ÐþÔêñÓê BìelÌL But it is in the praise of Yisro that Scripture speaks: ,ëe³ÖkÔíþÑaÌcBþгÌ−ñÓLBìÐëÌLÐëêÖlÓê
for it says here: öêÖkþÔ ôÍêÓò−ÑþÎíÓL for he was living amidst worldwide honor óÖñB¼ ñÓL BðBëÐ×ÌaëÑLB− íÖ−ÖíÓL
“Moshe sent his father-in-law away.” 61 ,BòгÒì³ÓêíÓLô ìÔlÔLÐ−Ôî and yet his heart inspired him BaÌñBëÖðÐòe
And we find at the journey under their banners: ó−ÌñÖèÐcÔí¼ÔqÔôÐë eò−Ì®Öôe to go out into the desert, a desolate place, ,eíÒz óBšÐô,þÖaÐðÌnÔíñÓê³êÑ®Öñ
for the purpose of hearing words of Torah. 24 :íÖþB³ −ÑþÐëÌcÔ¼BôÐLÌñ
52 The next day after what? It could not be the day following their partaking of the meal with Yisro (as Ibn Ezra
[6] He said to Moshe— 25 .äÆLî-ìÆàøÆîàÉiÇå [å]
suggests) for we are not told when that day was and therefore we have no point of reference for what follows.
(S.C.) 53 Mechilta Yisro 2. See also Targum Yonasan. 54 I.e., to what historic event does ³ÖþÏìÖnÌô relate? 55 I.e., through a messenger. 26 :Ôì−ÌñÖL−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
Mount Sinai. 56 When Moshe came down with the Second Tablets (below, 34, 29). 57 Below, v. 16. For before
the giving of the Torah he had no statutes to impart. 58 I.e., there was no opportunity for him to judge them. 19 Mechilta. 20 Why “from the sword of Pharaoh” and not just “from Pharaoh”? (M.L., B.Y.) 21 Above 2, 11–13.
59 And not before the giving of the Torah as might appear from the placement of this parsha. 60 And you might 22 Dev. Rab. 2, 27. See Rashi 2, 15. 23 As is extensively related in the previous parsha, and why are we told this
suggest that this parsha was said before íÖþBz öÔzÔô and that the imparting of the statutes (v. 16) refers to those that now? 24 Mechilta. 25 1. Yisro could not now have spoken directly to Moshe for Moshe first goes out to meet
were transmitted at Marah (see above, 15, 25 and Rashi ibid.) prior to Mount Sinai. You will still have to admit Yisro in verse 7! (S.C.) 2. If they had been standing face-to-face, Yisro would not have needed to identify himself
that the parsha followed íÖþBz öÔzÔô. 61 V. 27. by name. (Ramban) 26 Ibid.