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[237]  Shemos—Yisro 18:19–21 àëYèé:çé åøúéZúåîù  Shemos—Beshalach 17:14–16 æèYãé:æé çìùáZúåîù  [224]                                                                               #                                                               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EY

 and bring the[ir] problems to God. :ó−ÞÌíGÍêÞÖí-ñÓêó−£ÌþÖëÐcÔí-³Óêí§ÖzÔê 'Ö³êÑëÞÑíÐî  for I will totally obliterate the memory of Amaleik š flÑñÖôμþÓפÑï-³Óê ·íÓìÐôÓêíÒ¥ìÖô-−ÞÌk
 20. You shall enlighten them ó flÓíгÓêí¤ÖzÐþÔíÐïÌíÐî.×  from under the heavens. :óÌ−ÞÖôÖMÔí³Ôì£ÔzÌô
 as to the statutes and laws, ³¢ÒþBzÔí-³ÓêÐîó− £ÌwŠìÞÔí-³Óê  15. Moshe built an altar Ôì¢ÑaÐïÌôí£ÓLô öÓë'ÌiÔî .î¬
 and impart to them ó†ÓíÖñ ¤ÖzмÔðB ÞíÐî  and called it Adonoy nissi [Adonoy is my miracle]. :−ÞÌqÌò|íÒ'ÖîíÐ−B £ôÐLê'ÖþКÌiÔî
 the path in which they must walk, d flÖë e×Ðñ¤Ñ− ·CÓþ·ÓcÔí-³Óê  16. He said, “The hand is on God’s throne, dflÖ−½¤Ñk-ñÔ¼ ·ðÖ−-−ÌkþÓôêÒ†iÔî .ï¬
 and the deeds they must do. :öe ÞNμÞÔ−þ'ÓLÎêí£ÓNμÞÔnÔí-³ÓêÐî
 21. You must seek out from among all the people ó…Ö¼Öí…-ñÖkÌôí¤ÓïÍìÞÓ³í¤ÖzÔêÐî .ê×
 capable, God-fearing men, ó−§ÌíGÍê−«ÑêÐþÌ−ñÌ−•Ôì-−ÑLÐòÔê  that Yehoshua will bring Yisrael into the land. 34  :±ÓþÖêÖññÑêÖþÐNÌ−³Óê½−ÌòÐ×ÔôÔ¼ŠLBíÐiÓL
 men of truth, who despise gain. ¼Ô®¢Öë−ÑêÐò ¤N³£ÓôÍê−'ÑLÐòÔê  For I will totally obliterate. 35  .äÆçÀîÆàäÉçÈî-éÞÄk
 You must then appoint them over [the people] ó†ÓíÑñμ ¤ÖzÐôÔNÐî  It is for this reason that I admonish you about this,  ,öÑ×EÐþ−ÌíÐïÔô−ÌòÎêμÖ×Ðñ
                        because I want to obliterate him.  :B³BìÐôÌñ−ÌòÎê±ÑõÖì−Ìk
 as officers of thousands, officers of hundreds, ³B flêÑô−¤ÑþÖN ·ó−ÌõÖñÎê−¥ÑþÖN
                          [15]  And called its name.  .BîÀLàÈøÀ÷ÄiÇå [åè]
 Their problems.  .íéÄøÈáÀcÇä-úÆà  Adonoy is my miracle.  .éÞÄqÄð'ä
 [Meaning:] their disputes [with one another].  :óÖ³Bë−Ìþ−ÑþÐëÌc  [Meaning:] God performed a great miracle here for us.  .½ÑòöêÖ× eòÖñíÖNÖ¼í"ÖaÖwÔí
 [21] You must seek out.  .äÆæÁçÞÆúäÈzÇàÀå [àë]  It does not mean that the altar was called ’í  ,’í −eþÖšÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíÓLêG
        but rather whoever will mention the name of the altar  Ô ìÑaÐïÌôñÓLBôÐLþ−ÌkÐïÔnÔíêÖlÓê
 Through the Divine Spirit which is upon you.  81  :E−ÓñÖ¼ÓLLÓðÒwÔíÔìeþÐa
             will mention the miracle which God performed:  óBšÖnÔííÖNÖ¼ÓL½ÑpÔí³ÓêþÑ×Bï
 Capable.  .ìÄéÇç-éÅLÀðÇà
                                “God is our Miracle.”  :eòÖlÓL½Ñò êeí ’í
 Men of wealth who do not need to ingratiate themselves  ¹−ÌòÎìÔíÐñö−Ì×−ÌþЮö−ÑêÓL ,ó−Ìþ−ÌLμ
 nor to show favoritism. 82 83  :ó−ÌòÖtþ−ÌkÔíÐñe  [16 ] He said.  .øÆîàÉiÇå [æè]
                                    Moshe [said]. 36  :íÓLô
 Men of truth.  .úÆîÁàéÅLÀðÇà
                       “The hand is on God’s throne.  .dÈéñÅkìÇòãÈé-éÄk
 Men who command confidence  ,íÖìÖ¬ÐëÔí−ÑñμÔëelÑê
                            The hand of God is [raised]  í"ÖaÖwÔíñÓLBðÖ−
 who deserve that their words be relied on,  ,óÓí−ÑþÐëÌcñÔ¼ CBôнÌñ−êÔðÐkóÑíÓL
                               to swear by His Throne  BêнÌ×Ða¼ÔëÖM−ÌñíÖôÐþeí
 and therefore their words will be listened to.  84  :ö−̼ÖôÐLÌòóÓí−ÑþÐëÌðe−ÐíÌ−öÑ×−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼ÓL
           to have eternal war and animosity against Amaleik.  .³−ÌôÖñB¼ šÑñÖôμÔaíÖë−ÑêÐîíÖôÖìÐñÌô Bñ ³B−ÐíÌñ
 Who hate gain. 85  .òÇöÈáéÅàÀðN
                         Why is it written ½Ñk and not êÑqÌk  ?êÑqÌkþÔôÍêÓòêGÐî½ÑkeíÔôe
 [I.e.] they “despise” their own property  óÖòBôÖô³Óêö−ÌêÐòBOÓL
                    and also the Name is cut in half (í-−)?  ?B−ЮÓìÐñšÔñÍìÓòóÑMÔí¹ÔêÐî
 [when they can obtain it only] through litigation  ,ö−ÌcÔa
                God swore that His Name will not be whole,  óÑñÖLBôÐLö−ÑêÓL ,í"ÖaÖwÔí¼ÔaÐLÌò
 similar to the adage:  ,öÔò−ÌþÐôÖêÐðê−ÌíÔíÐk
                         nor will His Throne be whole 37  óÑñÖLBêнÌkö−ÑêÐî
 “Anyjudgefromwhompropertyistakenthroughlitigation  êÖò−ÌðÐad−Ñp−ÌôêÖòBôÖôö−ÌšÐtÔôÐcêÖò−ÖiÔcñÖk
             until the name of Amaleik is totally obliterated.  .Blek šÑñÖôμñÓLBôÐLíÓìÖnÌiÓLðÔ¼
 is not fit to be a judge.” 86  :êeí êÖò−ÖiÔc îêÖñ
                   And when his name will be obliterated  BôÐLíÓìÖnÌiÓLÐ×e
 Officers of thousands.  .íéÄôÈìÂàéÅøÈN
        the Name will be whole and the Throne will be whole,  ,óÑñÖLêÑqÌkÔ íÐîóÑñÖLóÑMÔííÓ−ÐíÌ−
 There were six hundred officers  ó−ÌþÖN ³BêÑôLÑLe−ÖíóÑí
                                       as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
 81 Either þÔìÐë̳íÖzÔêÐî—“ and you must select,” or íÓêÐþ̳íÖzÔêÐî—“ and you must see” would also be appropriate here. íÓïÍìÓ³
 conveys öBïÎì a term that conveys the vision of a prophet. (S.C.)  82 In other contexts ñÌ−Ôì−ÑLÐòÔê refers to physical  34 Tanchumah 28, Mechilta.  35 It should not be translated: “that I will totally obliterate,” thereby implying that
 strength or capable military men. Here these attributes would serve no purpose.  83 Mechilta.  84 Ibid.  85 ¼Ô®Öa  this is what should be written in the Book, for that is not what was to be written. Rashi therefore explains that
 does not refer to unjust gain for that would be included in ³ÓôÍê−ÑLÐòÔêó−ÌšGÍê−ÑêÐþÌ−—“ God fearing men, men of Truth.”  íÓìÐôÓêíÒìÖô−Ìk is a reason, i.e., “Write this (Amaleik’s attack on Yisrael) because I will totally obliterate, etc.” (R.M.)
 (S.C.)  86 Bava Basra 58b. I.e., a judge should be so sensitive to the remote possibility that he may be in possession  36 Not God, for God’s statement ends in verse 14.  37 I.e., He will not appear whole to us. As for God Himself, He
 of that to which he is not entitled, that the case should never even get to court.  always remains whole and perfect. (S.C.)  #                                                      26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- |
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