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[241] Shemos—Yisro 19:2–3 âYá:èé åøúéZúåîù Shemos—Beshalach 17:8–9 èYç:æé çìùáZúåîù [220]
Yisrael camped there opposite the mountain. :þÞÖíÖíðÓè'Óòñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−ó'ÖL-öÔìÞÌiÔî and fought with [B’nei] Yisrael in Rephidim. :óÞÌð−ÌõÐþÌañ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-ó̼óÓì'ÖlÌiÔî
3. Moshe went up to [the Presence of] God, ó−¢ÌíGÍêÞÖí-ñÓêí£ÖñÖ¼í'ÓLôe .è 9. Moshe said to Yehoshua, ·Ô¼·ŠLBíÐ−-ñÓêí¥ÓLô þÓôêÕ·iÔî.¬
and Adonoy called to him from the mountain, saying, þÒ flôêÑñþ¤ÖíÖí-öÌô ·íÒÖîíÐ−î−¥ÖñÑêê·ÖþКÌiÔî “Choose men for us ó− flÌLÖòÎêeò¤Öñ-þÔìÐa
“This is what you shall say to the House of Yaakov, ëÒ flšÎ¼ÞÔ−³−¤ÑëÐñ ·þÔôêÒ³íÒ¥k
[I swear] by your lives óÓ×−ÑiÔì
[was also marked] by repentance. 56 :íÖëeLгÌa that the dog (Amaleik) will come and bite you, ,óÓ×гÓêCÑLBòÐîêÖaëÓñÓkÔíÓL
Yisrael camped there. 7 .ìÅàÈøÀNÄéíÈL-ïÇçÞÄiÇå and you will cry out to Me −Ìñó−̚μB® óÓzÔêÐî
As one person with one heart (mind). ,ðÖìÓêëÑñÐaðÖìÓêL−ÌêÐk and then you will know where I am.” !−ÌòÎêöÖ×−Ñíe¼ÐðѳÐî
But all the other encampments ³B−ÖòÎìÔíñÖkþÖêÐLñÖëÎê A parable: [this may be compared] to a man óÖðÖêÐññÖLÖô
were with resentment and dissention. 8 :³ÓšBñÎìÔôÐëe ³BôB¼ÐþÔ³Ða who placed his son on his shoulders BõѳÐkñÔ¼BòÐaë−ÌkÐþÌíÓL
and went out on a journey. ,CÓþÓcÔñêÖ®Ö−Ðî
Opposite the mountain. .øÞÈäÈäãÆâÆð
Whenever the son saw a desirable object he would say: ,þÑôBêÐî±ÓõÑìíÓêBþ öÑaÔí B³Bê íÖ−Öí
On its eastern side. ,BìÖþÐïÌôÐñ
“Father, take that object and give it to me.” .−ÌñöѳÐîíÓï±ÓõÑì ñB¬ ,êÖaÔê
Wherever you find ðÓèÓò—“ opposite” ,ðÓèÓòêÑ®Bô íÖzÔêÓL óBšÖôñÖ×Ðî
And he (the father) would give it to him. ,Bñ öѳBò êeíÐî
it means facing to the east [of the place]. 910 :ìÖþÐïÌnÔñó−ÌòÖt
This happened a second and third time. .³−ÌL−ÌñÐLöÑ×Ðî ,í−ÖiÌòÐLöÑ×Ðî
[3] Moshe went up— .äÈìÈòäÆLîe [â]
They met a certain person ,ðÖìÓêóÖðÖêÐëe¼Ð èÖt
on the second day [of Sivan]. 11 12 ,−ÌòÑMÔí óBiÔa
whereupon the son 10 said to him (that person), ,öÑaÔí B³Bê Bñ þÔôÖê
All his ascents were early in the morning, 13 ,e−ÖííÖôÖkÐLÔíÐaî−Ö³BiÌñμñÖ×Ðî
“Have you seen my father?” ?êÖaÔê³ÓêÖ³−ÌêÖþ
as it is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓL
His father said to him, ,î−ÌëÖêBñþÔôÖê
“Moshe arose íÓLô óÑkÐLÔiÔî
“Do you not know where I am?!” ?−ÌòÎêöÖ×−ÑíÔ¼ÑðB− EÐò−Ñê
in the morning [and went up Mount Sinai].” 14 :þÓšÒaÔa
Whereupon he threw him off himself ,î−ÖñÖ¼Ñô B×−ÌñÐLÌí
That is what you shall say. .øÇîàÉúäÉk and the dog came and bit him. 11 :B×ÖLÐòe ëÓñÓkÔíêÖëe
[I.e.,] in this language (Hebrew) íÓfÔí öBLÖlÔa
[9] Choose for us— 12 .eðÈì-øÇçÀa [è]
and in this order. 15 16 :íÓfÔíþÓðÑqÔ×Ðî
“for me and for you.” ZEÐñe −Ìñ
To the house of Yaakov. 17 .áÉ÷ÂòÞÇé úéÅáÀì He (Moshe) equated him (Yehoshua) to himself. .Bñ eíÖîÐLÌí
This refers to the women. 18 ,ó−ÌLÖpÔíelÑê
From this they [the Sages] said: ,eþÐôÖêöêÖkÌô
Say it to them in a gentle voice. 19 :íÖkÔþ öBLÖñÐaöÓíÖñþÔôêÒz
“The honor of your disciple should be EÐð−ÌôÐñÔz ðBëÐ×−ÌíÐ−
And tell the B’nei Yisrael. .ìÞÅàÈøÀNÄééÅðÀáÄìãéÅbÇúÀå as dear to you as your own.” 13 ;EÐlÓLÐk E−ÓñÖ¼ë−ÌëÖì
The penalties and details [of the mitzvos] ó−ÌšecКÌðÐîö−ÌLÐòB¼ And [the statement of the Sages that follows:]” the honor ðBëÐ×e
of your colleague [should be] EÐþÑëÎì
5 Though at Rephidim they complained about the lack of water and were somewhat weakened in their commitment
equal to the reverence of your teacher” EÐaÔþêÖþBôÐ×
to Torah, nevertheless by the time they took leave they had repented. See Chapt. 17. (G.A., B.Y.) 6 Mechilta.
7 öÔìÌiÔî is singular—why? 8 Mechilta. See also Targum Yonasan. 9 Wherever ðÓèÓò denotes a direction it is to the —from where is that derived? ?öÌ−ÔpÌô
east. (M., B.Y., S.C.) 10 Mechilta. 11 And not on the first day when they arrived in the desert of Sinai because For it is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓL
“all his ascents were in the morning. ”(G.A.) 12 Ibid., Shabbos 88a. 13 Ibid. 86a. 14 Below 34, 4. 15 I.e., “Aharon said to Moshe, ‘I beg you, my master.’ ” ,−ÌòÒðÎê−ÌaíÓLô ñÓêöÒþÎíÔêþÓôêÒiÔî
to the woman before the men (S.C.). “Present the teachings in the same order that you receive them. (B.Y.)
16 Mechilta. 17 1. What is the distinction between ëҚμÔ−³−Ña and ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa? 2. What is the distinction between þÔôêÒ³
and ðÑbÔ³? 18 ³Ì−Ôa often refers to woman e.g. B³−ÑaðÔ¼Ðëe BðμÔaþÓtÌ×Ðî—“ He shall atone for himself and for (B³−Ña) his wife.” 9 I.e., öÌ−ÖêóÌêeòÑaÐþÌšÐa’ÔíLÑ−Îí—“ Is Adonoy among us or not”? 10 Who was still on his father’s shoulders. 11 Tanchuma
(Vayikra 16,17) 19 íÖþ−ÌôÎê conveys gentleness (see Rashi Bamidbar 12, 1). Yisro 3; Sh. Rab. 26, 2. 12 Should he not have said, “Choose for me?” 13 Avos 4, 10. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- |