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[223] Shemos—Beshalach 17:12–14 ãéYáé:æé çìùáZúåîù # Shemos—Yisro 18:21–23 âëYàë:çé åøúéZúåîù 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHM
[as he prayed] until sunset. :LÓôÞÖMÔíêÒ'a-ðÔ¼ officers of fifties and officers of tens. :³Ò ÞþÖNμ−'ÑþÖNÐîó−£ÌMÌôÎì−'ÑþÖN
13. Yehoshua weakened Amaleik š'ÑñÖôμ-³ÓêÔ¼§ŠLBíÐ−L«ñÎìÞÔiÔî .è− 22. Let them judge the people at all times. ›³Ñ¼-ñÖ×Ða ‡óÖ¼Öí-³Óêe¤¬ÐõÞÖLÐî .ë×
and his people with the edge of the sword. ô :ëÓþÞÖì-−ÌõÐñB £nÔ¼-³ÓêÐî Every major problem they will bring to you, E− flÓñÑê eê−¤ÌëÖ−·ñÒðÖbÔíþ¥ÖëÖcÔí-ñÖkí„Ö−ÖíÐî
Maftir øéèôî and every minor problem öÒ £¬ÖwÔíþ'ÖëÖcÔí-ñÖ×Ðî
14. Adonoy said to Moshe, í †ÓLô-ñÓêí•ÖîÒíÐ−þÓôêÕ·iÔî .ð− they shall judge by themselves. ó¢Ñí-e¬ÐtÐLÌ−
‘‘Write this as a remembrance in the Book, [the Torah] þÓõ flÑqÔa ·öBþÖkÌï³êÒ¥ïëÒ·³Ðk It will [thus] be easier for you E− flÓñÖ¼ÞÑô·ñÑšÖíÐî
and repeat it in Yehoshua’s ears, Ô¼¢ŠLBíÐ−−¤ÑòÐïÖêÐaó−£ÌNÐî since they will bear the burden with you. :CÞÖzÌêe£êÐNÞÖòÐî
and God commands you [to do so], ó− flÌíGÍê ¤EÐeÌ®Ðî
[wherein his] hands were with faithfulness íÖòeôÍêÓaî−ÖðÖ−
[meaning:] spread towards the heavens óÌ−ÔôÖMÔí ³NeþÐt you will be able to survive, ð¢Òôμ £ÖzÐñÖ×ÞÖ−Ðî
with faithful and well-intended prayer. :íÖòB×Ðòe íÖòÖôÍêÓòíÖlÌõгÌa
For the Amaleikites calculated the hours ³B¼ÖMÔí³Óêö−ÌëÐMÔìÐôó−ÌšÑñÖôμe−ÖíÓL
according to astrology ,íÖê−ÌèBñBþЬЮ−ÌêÐa
for the six hundred thousand [men of Yisrael]. 87 :¹ÓñÖê ³BêÑôLÑLÐñ
as to what hour is best for them to triumph. ,ó−ÌìЮBò óÑííÖ¼ÖL Bï−ÑêÐa
Officers of hundreds. .úBàÅîéÅøÈN
Moshe held the sun back against them íÖnÔìíÓLô óÓíÖñð−ÌôͼÓíÐî
There were six thousand. :e−Öí ó−ÌõÖñÎêíÖMÌL
thereby confusing the hours. 29 :³B¼ÖMÔí³ÓêëÑaÐþ̼Ðî
Officers of fifties. .íéÄMÄîÂçéÅøÈN
[13] Yehoshua weakened. 30 .ÇòËLBäÀéLìÂçÞÇiÇå [âé]
Twelve thousand. :¹ÓñÖê ë"−
He cut off the heads of his [Amaleik’s] mighty warriors ,î−ÖþBaÌè−ÑLêÖþCÔ³Öì
and left only the weak among them ,óÓíÖaÓLó−ÌLÖlÔìêÖlÓêþ−ÌêÐLÌíêGÐî Officers of tens. .úÉ ÞøÈNÂòéÅøÈN
and did not kill them all. 31 .óÖlek óÖèÖþÎíêGÐî Sixty thousand. 88 :¹ÓñÖêó−ÌMÌL
From this we may conclude ó−ÌðÑôÐñeòÖêöêÖkÌô [22] Let them judge. .eèÀôÞÈLÀå [áë]
that they acted according to −ÌtñÔ¼eNÖ¼ÓL [Onkelos translates e¬ÐõÖLÐî:] öeòeð−Ìî—“ Let them judge,” ,öeòeð−Ìî
a specific command of the shechinah. 32 :íÖò−Ì×ÐLñÓL þeaÌcÔí an expression of a command. :−eeÌ® öBLÐñ
[14] Write this as a remembrance— ïBøÈkÄæúàÉæáÉúÀk [ãé] It will be easier for you. .EéÆìÈòÞÅîìÅ÷ÈäÀå
that Amaleik came to attack Yisrael ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ÐñèîÑeÔcÐïÌíÐñšÑñÖôμêÖaÓL This thing [will serve] to make things easier for you, :E−ÓñÖ¼ÑôñÑšÖíÐñíÓïþÖëÖc
prior to any other nation. :³BneêÖíñÖ×ÐñóÓðBš (ñÑšÖíÐî)asin:“(ðÑaÐ×ÔíÐî) and to harden his heart” 89 ,BaÌñ³ÓêðÑaÐ×ÔíÐîBôÐkñÑšÖíÐî
And put it into the ears of Yehoshua 33 .ÇòËLBäÀééÅðÀæÈàÀaíéÄNÀå [or:] “(³BkÔíÐî) to strike Moav,” 90 ,ëÖêBô ³Óê ³BkÔíÐî
[all these examples] being in the present tense. :íÓîBí öBLÐñ
[Yehoshua being] the one that will bring Yisrael ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−³Óê½−ÌòÐ×ÔnÔí
into the land. ,±ÓþÖêÖñ [23] And God commands you. .ãÉîÂòÈzÀìÈëÞÈéÀåíéÄäGÁàEÀeÄöÀå [âë]
Let him command Yisrael ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−³ÓêíÓeÔ®ÐiÓL “Consult with the Almighty; ,íÖþeëÐbÔaCÑñÖnÌí
to pay him [Amaleik] his deserved reward [punishment]. .BñeôÐb³ÓêBñóÑlÔLÐñ if He will command you to do so, ,öÑk ³BNμÔñEгBê íÓeÔ®ÐôóÌê
This was an intimation to Moshe íÓLôÐñBñïÔôÐþÌòöêÖk you will be able to stand. ,ðBôμñÔ×ez
But, if He prevents you, ,EÐðÖ−ñÔ¼ëÑkÔ¼Ð−óÌêÐî
29 Tanchumah 28. 30 Did he not do more than weaken them?! He killed them! (S.C.) 31 Giving rise to two
you will not be able to stand. 91 :ðBôμÔññÔ×e³ êG
questions: 1. If he was able to kill the strong why did he not do so to the weak? 2. The mitzvah for later
generations is to wipe Amaleik out completely. Why did Yehoshua not do so? (G.A., B.Y.). Rashi therefore goes on.
32 Tanchumah 28. 33 Yehoshua obviously was not commanded here to wage war against Amaleik for they first
did so in the days of Shaul. (B.Y.) 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan #26015-E