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       [215]          Shemos—Beshalach 16:32–33 âìYáì:æè çìùáZúåîù                                            Shemos—Yisro 19:10–12 áéYé:èé åøúéZúåîù         [246]

                    to preserve it for your generations. ó¢Ó×−Ñ³Ò ÞþÒðÐñ³Óþ£ÓôÐLÌôÐñ                   and let them cleanse their clothing. :óÞÖ³GÐôÌNe£½ÐaÌ×Ðî
                         That they may see the bread óÓì †ÓlÔí-³Óêe¤êÐþÌ−|öÔ¼¤ÔôÐñ                  11. Let them be ready for the third day, −¢ÌL−ÌñÐMÔíóB¤iÔñó−£ÌòÒ×Ðòe'−ÖíÐî .ê−
                     with which I fed you in the desert þ flÖaÐðÌnÔa ·óÓ×гÓê−ÌzÐñ¥Ô×ÍêÞÓíþ·ÓLÎê   for on the third day, Adonoy will descend íÒ§ÖîíÐ−ð«ÑþÑ−− †ÌLÌñÐMÔíóB¤iÔa|−¤Ìk
           when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.” :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑôó£Ó×гÓê−'Ìê−Ì®B ÞíÐa  on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. :−ÞÖò−̽þ'Ôí-ñÔ¼ó£Ö¼Öí-ñÖ×−'Ñò−ѼÐñ
                          33. Moshe said to Aharon, öÕ†þÎíÞÔê-ñÓêí •ÓLô þÓôêÕ·iÔî .èñ      12. Set bounds for the people around [the mountain], ë−¤ÌëÖ½ ·óÖ¼Öí-³Óê¥ÖzÐñÔaÐèÌíÐî .ë−
                                       “Take a jar ³ flÔ ìÔê³Óò¤Ó®ÐòÌ®ìÔšƒ                                            saying [to them], þÒ flôêÑñ
                   and put an omer full of manna in it, ö¢ÖôþÓôÒ£¼Öí-ê ÞGÐôíÖn'ÖL-öÓ³Ðî  SHMOT      ‘Be careful not to go up the mountain, þ£ÖíÖa³B'ñÎ ¼ó§Ó×Öñe'þÐôÞÖMÌí
                          and place it before Adonoy íflÖîÒíÐ−−¤ÑòÐõÌñ ·B³Òêì¥ÔpÔíÐî

                                [32]  To preserve.  .úÆøÆîÀLÄîÀì [áì]                                      that they make themselves ready  óÖôЮԼ eò−Ì×ÖiÓL
                                       For storage.  :íÖï−ÌòÐèÌñ                                                  today and tomorrow. 49  :þÖìÖôe óBiÔí
                             For your generations. 64  .íÆëéÅúÉ ÞøÉãÀì                                         [11] Let them be ready.  .íéÄðÉëÀðeéÈäÀå [àé]
                                                                                                              Separated from their wives. 50  :íÖMÌêÑô ó−ÌñÖcÐëeô
                             In the days of Yirmiyahu:  ,eíÖ−ÐôÐþÌ−−Ñô−Ìa
                  When Yirmiyahu would admonish them:  ,óÖì−Ì×Bô eíÖ−ÐôÐþÌ−íÖ−ÖíÓLÐk                                For the third day.  .éÄLéÄìÀMÇä íBiÇì
           “Why are you not involved in the study of Torah?”  ?íÖþBzÔaó−̚нB¼ óÓzÔêö−ÑêíÖnÖñ    Which is the sixth day of the month [of Sivan].  ,LÓðÒìÔëíÖMÌL êeíÓL
                                they would respond:  ,ó−ÌþÐôBê óÑíÐî                                  On the fifth [of the month] Moshe built  íÓLô íÖòÖa−ÌL−ÌôÎìÔëe
           “Shall we abandon our work and study the Torah?!  ,íÖþBzÔa šB½Î¼ÔòÐîeòÑzÐ×êÔñÐôÔì−ÌpÔò             the altar under the mountain  þÖíÖí³ÔìÔzÔìÑaÐïÌôÔí³Óê
                  From where will we support ourselves?”  ?½ÑòÐþÔtгÌòöÖ×−ÑíÑô                                and the twelve monuments.  ZíÖëÑvÔôíÑþÐNÓ¼ó−ÑzÐLe
                      He would take out the jar of manna  öÖnÔí³ÓòÓ®ÐòÌ®óÓíÖñê−Ì®Bí  8                      The entire narrative is recorded  þeôÖêÖíöÖ−Ðò̼ÖíñÖk
                                   and say to them:  ,óÓíÖñþÔôÖêÐî                                        in the parsha of Mishpatim (24, 4)  ó−̬ÖtÐLÌnÔííÓlÑêÐî³ÔLÖþÖõÐa
                  “This generation! See this thing of God!”  ,’í þÔëÐceêÐþóÓzÔê þBcÔí         and “there is no ‘earlier’ or ‘later’ in the Torah.” 51 52  :íÖþBzÔaþÖìeêÐôe óÖcКeô ö−ÑêÐî
                               It does not say: “Hear!”  þÔôÍêÓòêGe¼ÐôÌL                                    In the sight of all the people.  .íÈòÈä-ìÈëéÅðéÅòÀì
                                   but rather: “See!  ,eêÐþêÖlÓê                            This teaches us that there were no blind among them,  ,êÖôe½ óÓíÖëíÖ−ÖíêHÓLðÑnÔñÐô
                 With this your forefathers were supported.  ,óÓ×−ѳBëÎêe½ÐòÐþÔtгÌòíÓïÖa             for they were all healed [of blindness]. 53  :óÖlŠ× eêÐtÔþÐ³Ì pÓL
                            God has many messengers  óBšÖnÔñBñLÑ−ö−ÌìeñÐLíÑaÐþÔí                                    [12] Set bounds.  .ÈzÀìÇaÀâÄäÀå [áé]
            to prepare sustenance for those who fear Him.” 65  :î−ÖêÑþ−Ìñ öBïÖôö−Ì×ÖíÐñ               Set boundary markers for them as a sign  ,öÖô−̽Ðñö−ÌôeìÐzóÓíÖñ¼ÔëК
                                      [33]  A jar.  .úÆðÆöÀðÄö [âì]                                so that they not come beyond the boundary.  :íÖêÐñÖíÖî ñeëÐbÔíöÌôeëÐþКÌ−êHÓL
                         A flask made of earthenware, 66  ,½ÓþÓìñÓL³−ÌìBñЮ                                                  Saying.  .øÉîàÅì
                       as Onkelos translates it (³−ÌìBñЮ). 67  :BôebÐþÔ³Ðk                                    The boundary says to them:  ,óÓíÖñþÑôBê ñeëÐbÔí
                             Place it before Adonoy.  .'ä éÅðÀôÄìBúÉàçÇpÇäÀå                     “Take heed from ascending beyond this point!”  .íÖêÐñÖíÐñe öêÖkÌô ³BñμÑôeþÐôÖMÌí
                                 In front of the Ark 68  .öBþÖêÖí−ÑòÐõÌñ                             —“ and you, too, warn them about this.” 54  :CÖkñÔ¼óÑþ−ÌíÐïÔííÖzÔêÐî
                               This verse was not said  íÓïêÖþКÌôþÔôÍêÓòêGÐî
                       until the “meeting-tent” was built  ,ðѼBô ñÓíÒêíÖòÐëÌpÓLðÔ¼
                                                                                          49 Ibid.  50 ó−ÌòÒ×Ðò, here, having the same meaning as in v. 15. (Mechilta)  51 I.e., though the narrative concerning
                                                                                          the altar and the monuments does not appear until the end of the parsha of Mishpatim, nevertheless it took
       64 What purpose would it serve for future generations?  65 Mechilta.  66 Ibid.  67 More likely that Rashi refers  place on the 5th of Sivan. The Torah is not necessarily written in chronological order.  52 Mechilta.  53 Ibid.
       to Targum Yonasan who translates it þÔìÔõÐc³−ÌìBñЮ—an earthenware flask.  68 But the mishkon was not yet built and  54 þÒôêÑñ—“ saying” refers to the boundary markers as well as to Moshe, i.e., both tell the B’nei Yisrael not to go
       there was no Ark!                                                                  beyond the boundary line. (M)

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 8 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:44 | SR:-- | Black   #
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