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[269] Shemos—Yisro 20:21–22 áëYàë:ë åøúéZúåîù Shemos—Yisro 20:1–2 áYà:ë åøúéZúåîù [256] # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EY
In every place ·óBšÖnÔí-ñÖ×Ða all these words, saying: ñ:þÒ ÞôêÑñíÓl£ÑêÖíó−'ÌþÖëÐcÔí-ñÖk³§Ñê
wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned, − flÌôÐL-³Óêþ−¤ÌkÐïÔêþ¤ÓLÎê 2. I am Adonoy, your God, E−¢ÓíGÍêíÒ¤ÖîíÐ−−£Ì×ÒòÞÖê.ë
I will come to you and bless you. :E−ÞÌzÐ×ÔþÞÑëe E−£ÓñÑêêB'ëÖê Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, óÌ−£ÔþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑôE−§Ì³êÑ®B Þíþ«ÓLÎê
22. When you build a stone altar for Me, − flÌl-íÓNμÞÔz ·ó−ÌòÖëÎêì¥ÔaÐïÌô-óÌêÐî .ë×
Saying. 6 .øÊîàÅì
Hence EÓþÖšÐë³ÓêÐîEÐòêÒ®³Óê is an explanation Leþ−Ñt.EÓþÖšÐa-³ÓêÐîEÐòêÒ Þ®³Óê This teaches us that they replied ö−ÌòB¼ e−ÖíÓLðÑnÔñÐô
of E−ÓôÖñÐL³ÓêÐîE−Ó³GÒ¼³Óê. :"E−ÓôÖñÐL³ÓêÐîE−Ó³GÒ¼³Óê,,Ðñ “Yes” to a positive command öÑíöÑíñÔ¼
Wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned. .éÄîÀL-úÆàøéÄkÀæÇàøÆLÂà íB÷ÈnÇä-ìÈëÀa and “no” to a negative command. 78 :îêÖñ îêÖññÔ¼Ðî
[Meaning:] wherever I will permit you ³eLÐþEÐñöÑzÓêþÓLÎê [2] Who brought you out of the land of Egypt. 9 íÄéÅøÀöÄîõÆøÆàÅnEéÄúàÅöBÀäøÆLÂà [á]
to mention My Explicit Name 117 ,−ÌlÓLLÖþBõÐôÔíóÑLþ−ÌkÐïÔíÐñ “The act of bringing you out is sufficient íÖêÖ®BíÔíê−Ìí−êÑðÐk
there I will come to you and bless you, .E−ÞÌzÐ×ÔþÞÑëe E−ÓñÑê êBëÖêóÖL to make you subservient to Me.” ;−Ìñó−ÌðÖaмeLÐôe−ÐíÌzÓL
[meaning:] I will rest My Shechinah upon you.” ;E−ÓñÖ¼−̳Öò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐLÔê An alternate explanation: þÑìÔêþÖëÖc
From here you learn ,ðÑôÖñíÖzÔêöêÖkÌô Since He revealed Himself at the [Reed] Sea óÖiÔëíÖñÐèÌpÓL−ÌõÐñ
that permission was not given ³eLÐþöÔz−ÌòêHÓL as One Who is powerful at war 10 íÖôÖìÐñÌô þBaÌèÐk
to pronounce the Explicit Name LÖþBõÐôÔíóÑLþ−ÌkÐïÔíÐñ and revealed Himself here öêÖ×íÖñÐèÌòÐî
except in a place to which the Shechinah comes, ,óÖLíÖêÖëíÖ ò−Ì×ÐMÔíÓL óBšÖnÔëêÖlÓê as an elderly being, full of compassion, ,ó−ÌôÎìÔþêÑñÖôöÑšÖïÐk
which is the Beis Hamikdosh (lit. His chosen house). ,íÖþ−ÌìÐaÔí³−ÑëeíÓïÐî as it is said: “They saw [a vision] of the God of Israel 11 ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑíGÍê³ÑêeêÐþÌiÔîþÔôÍêÓpÓL
There the kohanim were permitted ó−ÌòÎíÒkÔñ ³eLÐþöÔz−ÌòóÖL and under His feet [there was something] î−ÖñÐèÔþ³ÔìÔ³Ðî
to pronounce the Explicit Name LÖþBõÐôÔíóÑLþ−ÌkÐfÔíÐñ like a brickwork of sapphire.” 12 ,þ−ÌtÔqÔí³ÔòÐëÌñíÑNμÔôÐk
during nesias kappaim (raising the hands over the people) óÌ−ÔtÔk³Ôê−ÌNÐòÌa This was [the situation] before Him î−ÖòÖõÐñíÖ³Ð−ÖíBï
to bless the people. 118 :óÖ¼Öí³ÓêCÑþÖëÐñ at the time of the enslavement [in Egypt]. 13 ,ðeaмÌMÔí³Ô¼ÐLÌa
[22] When [you build] a stone altar. 119 .íéÄðÈáÂàçÇaÀæÄî-íÄàÀå [áë] “[It was] like the essence of the heavens”. . . 14 15 ,óÌ−Ô ôÖMÔíóÓ®Ó¼Ð×e
Rabbi Yishmael says: ,þÑôBê ñêѼÖôÐLÌ−−ÌaÔþ once they were redeemed. 16 ZeñÎêÐèÌpÓMÌô
Every óÌê and óÌêÐî in Scripture íÖþBzÔaÓL"óÌêÐîóÌê,, ñÖk [Therefore] “Since I change appearances ,³BêÐþÔôÐëíÓpÔzÐLÌô−ÌòÎêÔîñ−ÌêBí
is optional, except for three: ,’èÌô ±eì ³eLÐþ do not think that there are two dominions” 17 ,öÑí ³B−eLÐþ−ÑzÐLeþÐôêÒzñÔê
−ÌñíÓNμÔzó−ÌòÖëÎêìÔaÐïÌôóÌêÐî (here). ,−ÌlíÓNμÔzó−ÌòÖëÎêìÔaÐfÌôóÌêÐî [and therefore God says:]
You see that this óÌê is used LÑnÔLÐôíÓïóÌê−ÑþÎí “I am the [same] One Who has brought you out E−̳êÑ®Bí þÓLÎê êeí −Ì×ÒòÖê
in the sense of: “when,” ZþÓLÎêÔk öBLÐñÌa of the Land of Egypt óÌ−ÔþЮÌnÌô
i.e., “And when you make a stone altar ó−ÌòÖëÎêìÔaÐïÌô−ÌñíÓNμÔzþÓLÎêÔ×Ðî and [Who was with you] at the [Reed] Sea.” 18 ,óÖiÔíñÔ¼Ðî
do not build it out of hewn stone, ,³−ÌïÖböÓíгÓêíÓòÐë̳êG An alternate explanation: 19 þÑìÔêþÖëÖc
for it is your obligation (not optional) E−ÓñÖ¼íÖëBì −ÑþÎíÓL Because they had heard many sounds, ,íÑaÐþÔí ³BñBš ö−̼ÐôBL e−ÖíÓL−ÌõÐñ
to build a stone altar, ,ó−ÌòÖëÎêìÔaÐfÌô ³BòÐëÌñ
as it is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓL 6 Usually þÒôêÑñ means to transmit to others, e.g., þÒôêÑñíÓLô ñÓê’íþÑaÔðÐ−Ôî—“ God spoke to Moshe to tell [the B’nei Yisrael].”
Here, however, everyone heard the first two commandments directly from God. Then what does þÒôêÑñ indicate?
“You shall build [the altar] of whole stones.” 120 .íÓòÐëÌz ³BôÑñÐLó−ÌòÖëÎê
(D.T.) 7 þÒôêÑñ thus means “so that they reply.” 8 Mechilta. 9 Why does God not attribute His Godliness to His
creating the universe? (M., G.A., see Ibn Ezra) 10 Above, 15, 3. 11 As another indication of God’s varying roles.
117 I.e., the Name Yod-heh-vav-heh which is to be pronounced A-d-on-oy. 118 Mechilta; Sotah 38a; Sifrei Bamidbar 12 Below, 24, 10. 13 Where they worked with bricks. 14 Ibid. 15 Which are bright and joyful. 16 Thus God
6, 23. 119 Usually óÌê—“ if” is optional, i.e., it is up to the person whether or not to do it. Here this is not the case. appears in various roles according to the particular circumstance. 17 I.e., that there are, Heaven forbid, different
120 Devarim 27, 6. powers that control the universe. 18 Mechilta. 19 As to why God had to stress that He was only One. # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 9 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- |