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 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black
       [23]                Shemos—Shemos 3:3–7   æYâ:â úåîùZúåîù                                            Shemos—Shemos 5:21–6:1 à:åYàë:ä úåîùZúåîù          [54]

                     3. Moshe said, “I must turn aside ê¤Öp-íÖþÞŠ½Öêí flÓLô þÓôêÒ¤iÔî.è                 “Let Adonoy look at you and judge. ¬Ò¢tÐLÌ−Ðîó£Ó×−ÑñμíÒ§ÖîíÐ−êÓþ«Ñ−
                   and see [investigate] this great sight. í¢ÓfÔíñÒ£ðÖbÔíí'ÓêÐþÔnÔí-³Óêí flÓêÐþÓêÐî    You have made our aroma abhorrent eò†Ñì−Ñþ-³Óêó¤ÓzÐLÔêÐëÌíþ«ÓLÎê
                        Why doesn’t the bush burn?” :íÞÓòÐqÔíþ'Ô¼ÐëÌ−-ê ÞGÔ¼e£cÔô                                in the eyes of Pharaoh ·íÒ¼ÐþÔõ−¥Ñò−ѼÐa
       4. When Adonoy saw that [Moshe] turned aside to see, ³B¢êÐþÌñþ¤Ö½−¤ÌkíÒ£ÖîíÐ−êÐþ'ÔiÔî.ð            and in the eyes of his servants, î− flÖðÖëμ−¤Ñò−ѼÐëe
       Elohim called to him from the midst of the thorn-bush, í†ÓòÐqÔíCB¤zÌôó−•ÌíGÍêî− ·ÖñÑê »êÖþКÌiÔî  putting a sword in their hands to kill us.” :eòÞÑèÐþÖíÐñó£ÖðÖ−ÐaëÓþ'Óì-³Ó³ÞÖñ
                          and said, “Moshe, Moshe.”’ í£ÓLô í'ÓLô þÓôêÒ§iÔî                                                 Maftir     øéèôî
                        He [Moshe] said, “Here I am.” :−ÌòÞÑpÌíþÓôêÒ'iÔî             SHMOT         22. Moshe returned to Adonoy and said, þ¢ÔôêÒiÔîíÒ£ÖîíÐ−-ñÓêí§ÓLô ëÖL«ÖiÔî .ë×
              5. He [God] said, “Do not come any closer. ó¢GÎíë¤ÔþКÌz-ñÔêþÓôêÒ£iÔî.í                                    “My Master. −†ÖòÒðÎê
                        Take your shoes off your feet, E− flÓñÐèÔþñ¤Ô¼Ñô ·E−Ó·ñÖ¼Ðò-ñÔL          Why have You brought harm to this people? íflÓfÔíó¤Ö¼Öñ ·íÖ³Ò·¼ÑþÎíí¥ÖôÖñ
          because the place upon which you are standing î− flÖñÖ¼ð¤ÑôB¼ ·íÖzÔêþ¥ÓLÎêóB†šÖnÔí−¤Ìk                 Why did You send me? :−ÌòÞÖzÐìÔñÐLí£ÓfíÖn'Öñ
                                  is holy ground.” :êe ÞíLÓðÒ£š-³ÔôÐðÔê             2                    23. Ever since I came to Pharaoh ·íÒ¼ÐþÔt-ñÓê−̳ê¥Öaï„ÖêÑôe .è×
       6. He [God] then said, “I am the God of your father, E− flÌëÖê−¤ÑíGÍê ·−Ì×ÒòÞÖêþÓ ôêÕ†iÔî.î               to speak in Your Name, E flÓôÐLÌaþ¤ÑaÔðÐñ
              the God of Avraham, the God of Yitzchok, š£ÖìЮÌ−−'ÑíGÍêó§ÖíÖþÐëÔê−«ÑíGÍê                  he has done harm to this people; í¢ÓfÔíó¤Ö¼Öñ¼£ÔþÑí
                            and the God of Yaakov.” ëÒ¢šÎ¼ÞÔ−−¤ÑíGêÞÑî                             and You have not rescued Your people.” :EÞÓnÔ¼-³ÓêÖzÐñ£ÔvÌí-ê ÞGñ'ÑvÔíÐî
                                Moshe hid his face, î−flÖòÖt ·íÓLô þ¥ÑzнÔiÔî                                6 1. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓ Lô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî.ê å
                    for he was afraid to look at Elohim. :ó−ÞÌíGÍêÞÖí-ñÓê¬−£ÌaÔíÞÑôê flÑþÖ−−¤Ìk  “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh, íÒ¢¼ÐþÔõÐñí£ÓNͼÞÓêþ'ÓLÎêí flÓêÐþ̳í¤ÖzÔ¼
                                   7. Adonoy said, íflÖîÒíÐ−þÓôêÒ¤iÔî.ï
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
           “I have indeed seen the suffering of My people −£ÌnÔ¼−'Ìòϼ-³Óê−̳−§ÌêÖ þíÒ'êÖþ
                                 that are in Egypt. óÌ−¢ÖþЮÌôÐaþ¤ÓLÎê                                [22] “Why have You brought harm  äÈúÉòÅøÂääÈîÈì [áë]
                       I have heard how they cry out ·−Ìzм·ÔôÖLó¥Ö³ÖšÎ¼ÞÔ®-³ÓêÐî                                   to this people?” 42  .äÆfÇäíÈòÈì
         because [of the harshness] of their slave-masters, î− flÖNÐèÒÞò−¤ÑòÐtÌô                            [Moshe meant:] “Should You say,  þÔôêÒzóÌêÐî
                                                                                                           ‘what concern is this of yours?’ 43  ?EÐñ³ÔtÐ×ÌêíÖô
                      “that was (ìÔwŠñ) taken from there.” 11  :óÖMÌôìÔwŠñþÓLÎê                             [23] He has done harm [to]  òÇøÅä [âë]
                            [3] I must turn aside. 12  .àÈp-äÈøÞËñÈà [â]                                 ¼ÔþÑí is in the hiphil (causative) form,  Z êeí ñ−̼ÐõÌí öBLÐñ
                                                                                            [i.e.] “he has caused an increase of harm upon them.”  ,óÓí−ÑñμíÖ¼ÖþíÖaÐþÌí
                   [Meaning:] “I will turn away from here  öêÖkÌôíÖþe½Öê
                                                                                                Onkelos translates [¼ÔþÑí]: LÑêÐëÔê— he has mistreated.  :L−ÑêÐëÔê BôebÐþÔ³Ðî
                         so that I may approach there.”  :óÖLëÑþ֚гÌíÐñ
                                    [5] Take off.  .ìÇL [ä]                                                  [1] Now you will see, etc.  .'åâå äÆàÀøÄúäÈzÇò [à]
                                                                                                            “You have questioned My ways,  ,−Ô³BcÌôñÔ¼ÖzÐþÔíÐþÌí
                       [Meaning:] “Pull off and remove”  ,êÑ®BíÐî ¹BñÐL
                   as in: “And the iron (ñÔLÖòÐî) slipped off” 13  ,ñÓïÐþÔaÔíñÔLÖòÐîBôÐk                               not as Avraham,  óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐ×êG
                    [or:] “Your olives (ñÔMÌ−) shall fall off.” 14  :EÓ³−ÑïñÔMÌ−−Ìk                                    to whom I said,  ,Bñ −ÌzÐþÔôÖêÓL
                                                                                               ‘for through Yitzchok will you have descendants,’ 1  ,¼ÔþÖïEÐñêÑþÖwÌ−šÖìЮÌ−Ðë−Ìk
                                  Is holy ground. 15  .àe ÞäLÆãÉ÷-úÇîÀãÇà
                 [The word êeí refers to] (óBšÖnÔí) 16  the place.  :óBšÖnÔí
                                                                                          42 Why does Moshe follow this question with −ÌòÖzÐìÔñÐLíÓïíÖôÖñ—“Why did you send me?”?  43 I.e., “You have no right
       11 Bereishis 3, 23.  12 How will turning away help him see the vision better?  13 Devarim 19, 5.  14 Ibid. 28, 40.  to question Me if it does not directly concern you.” (G.A.)  44 “Therefore this concerns me directly and I may
       15 The noun íÖôÖðÎê is feminine whereas êeí is masculine! 16 óBšÖnÔí being masculine.  complain about the situation of the B’nei Yisrael.”  45 Sh. Rab. 5, 22.  1 Bereishis 21, 12.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:42 | SR:-- | Black   #
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