Page 35 - SHMOT
P. 35
[25] Shemos—Shemos 3:11–12 áéYàé:â úåîùZúåîù Shemos—Shemos 5:14–16 æèYãé:ä úåîùZúåîù [52]
Am I able to bring the B’nei Yisrael out of Egypt?” :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌnÌôñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ÑòÐa-³Óêê−§Ì®Bê −'Ì×Ðî of brick making ·öÒaÐñÌñ
12. He [God] said, “Because I will be with you. C flÖn̼í¤Ó−ÐíÞÓê-−Ìk ·þÓôêÒ·iÔî .ë− as you did yesterday and before óÒ flLÐñÌLñB¤ôгÌk
neither yesterday, nor today?” :óBÞiÔí-óÔbñB £ôÐz-óÔb
and cried out to Pharaoh, saying þÒ¢ôêÑñíÒ£¼ÐþÔt-ñÓêe'šÎ¼Ð®ÌiÔî
“What is my importance ëeLÖì−ÌòÎêíÖô
“Why are you doing this to your slaves? :E−ÞÓðÖëμÞÔñíÒ£×í“ÓNμÞÔ³íÖn«Öñ
that I might speak with kings?” ?ó−Ì×ÖñÐnÔíó̼þÑaÔðÐñ
16. Your slaves are not given straw, E− flÓðÖëμÞÔñ ·öÖzÌòö−¥ÑêöÓë †Óz .ï¬
Am I able to bring the Bnei Yisrael out. 20 .ìÅàÈøÀNÄééÅðÀa-úÆààéÄöBà éÄëÀå
“And even if I am important ,−ÌòÎê ëeLÖìóÌê¹ÔêÐî and yet we are told to make bricks. e ¢Nμeò£Öñó−'ÌþÐôÒ Þêó−§ÌòÑëÐñe
what did the Israelites do to merit ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−e×ÖfíÔô Your slaves are beaten, ó−£ÌkŠôE−§ÓðÖëμí«ÑpÌíÐî
that a miracle be performed for them ½ÑòóÓíÖñíÓNÖ¼ÑiÓL
and it is a sin for your people.” :EÞÓnÔ¼³ê'Ö¬ÖìÐî
that [will enable me] to bring them out of Egypt?” ?óÌ−ÖþЮÌnÌôóÑê−Ì®BêÐî
[12] He [God] said, “Because I will be with you. 21 .CÈnÄòäÆéÀäÞÆà-éÞÄkøÆîàÉiÇå [áé]
He (God) responded to his first question first öBLêÌþ öBLêÌþñÔ¼ Bë−ÌLÍí which is the day before yesterday .ñBôгÓê−ÑòÐõÌlÓL óB− êeíÓL
and to his last question last: .öBþÎìÔê öBþÎìÔêñÔ¼Ðî which was when the straw was given to them. :óÓíÖñöÖzÌòöÓëÓzÔí ³B−ÐíÌaíÖ−Öí êeíÐî
“Concerning that which you said, Ö zÐþÔôÖêÓL [The word] ekËiÇå— .ekËiÇå
Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh? ZíÒ¼ÐþÔtñÓêCÑñÑê−Ìk−Ì×ÒòÖê−Ìô grammatically means: they were recipients of an act, 32 ,eñμÐõŠiÔî öBLÐñ
[My response is:] It is not your [mission] ê−ÌíEÐlÓLêG [i.e.] they were beaten by others. ;ó−ÌþÑìÎêðÔiÌô ekeí
but, rather, Mine, for I will be with you, ZCÖn̼íÓ−ÐíÓê−Ìk ,−ÌlÓMÌôóÌê−Ìk The taskmasters beat them. :óekÌíó−ÌNÐèBpÔí
and the vision that you saw in the thornbush íÓòÐqÔaÖ³−ÌêÖþþÓLÎêíÓêÐþÔnÔí äÆæÀå [16] And yet we are told to make bricks. 33 .eNÂòeðÈìíéÄøÀîÉ ÞàíéÄðÅáÀìe [æè]
is a sign to you that it is I who sent you ,EéÄzÀçÇìÀLéÄëÉðÞÈàéÄk úBàÈäEÀl [I.e.] the taskmasters tell us, ,eòÖñó−ÌþÐôBê ó−ÌNÐèBpÔí
and that you will succeed in My mission ,−̳eì−ÌñÐLÌaÔì−ÌñЮԳÐî “Make bricks to equal the earlier amount.” 34 :öBLêÌþÖíöÖ−ÐòÌnÔkó−ÌòÑëÐñeNμ
and I am capable of saving, ,ñ−ÌvÔíÐñ−ÌòÎê−êÔðÐ×e
And it is a sin for your people. .EÞÆnÇòúàÈèÈçÀå
as you yourself saw the thornbush íÓòÐqÔíÖ³−ÌêÖþþÓ LÎêÔk
If ³ê¬ìî had been vocalized with a patach (³êÔ¬ìî ), ,ìÔzÔt ðešÖòíÖ−ÖíelÌê
carrying out My mission −̳eì−ÌñÐLíÓNB¼
I would have said that it is in the construct state ,šeëÖð êeíÓLþÑôBê −̳−Ì−Öí
without being consumed. ,ñÖkeê epÓò−ÑêÐî
[and it would have meant:] “And this thing íÓïþÖëÖðÐî
You, too, shall go on My mission −̳eì−ÌñÐLÌaCÑñÑzCÖk
is the sin of your people.” ,êeí EÐnÔ¼³êÔhÔì
and you will not be harmed. .šBf−ÌòEÐò−ÑêÐî
But now that it is a kametz (³êÖ¬ìî), ,±ÔôÖš êeíÓLî−ÖLÐ×Ô¼
As to that which you asked: Ö zÐñÔêÖMÓLÐî
it is an [independent] noun ,êeí þÖëÖcóÑL
what merit do the Israelites have ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ÐñLÑ− ³e×ÐfíÔô
and this is its meaning: :BLeþÑtCÖ×Ðî
that they should go out of Egypt? ?óÌ−ÔþЮÌnÌôeêЮÑiÓL
“and this thing brings sin to your people,” ,EÓnÔ¼ñÔ¼³êÖhÔìê−ÌëÑôíÓïþÖëÖðÐî
I have a great purpose in bringing them out: ,Bï íÖêÖ®Bí ñÔ¼−ÌñLÑ− ñBðÖbþÖëÖc
as if it were written: ëe³Ö×elÌêÐk
for they are destined to receive the Torah íÖþBzÔíñÑaÔšÐñó−Ìð−̳μ−ÑþÎíÓL 35
“EÓnÔ¼Ðñ³êÖhÔìÐî” “It will be a sin to your people” ,EÓnÔ¼Ðñ³êÖhÔìÐî
on this mountain íÓfÔíþÖíÖíñÔ¼ 36 37
as in óÓìÓñ³−ÑaíÖòÖêBëÐk—“when they came to Beis Lechem” ,óÓìÖñ³−ÑaíÖòÖêÒëÐkBôÐk
three months after they go out of Egypt. :óÌ−ÔþЮÌnÌôeêЮÑiÓLó−ÌLÖðÏìíÖLñÐL ¹B½Ðñ
which is the same as óÓìÓñ³−ÑëÐñ—to Beis Lechem, ,óÓìÖñ³−ÑëÐ ñBôÐk êeíÓL
and there are many such instances. :íÑaÐþÔíöÑ×Ðî
20 Moshe did not intend to say, “Who am I to bring them out of Egypt”—for then he would have said, −ÌòÎê−Ìô
ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐa³Óêê−Ì®BêÓL—“Who am I that should bring the Israelites out?” ê−Ì®Bê −Ì×Ðî implies a new question (G.A.) 21 32 I.e., the ñÔ¼Ðõeí conjugation, which is the recipient of the ñ−̼ÐõÌí conjugation. 33 If their complaint is regarding
Having established (see previous note) that Moshe asked two distinct questions, Rashi now explains that God gives the lack of straw, why did they not just produce less bricks? (S.C.) 34 See v. 8. 35 With the added ’ñ prefix.
corresponding answers. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan #26015-