Page 39 - SHMOT
P. 39
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[29] Shemos—Shemos 3:18–19 èéYçé:â úåîùZúåîù Shemos—Shemos 5:7–9 èYæ:ä úåîùZúåîù [48]
to the king of Egypt, and say to him, ·î−ÖñÑêó¥ÓzÐþÔôÎêÞÔîóÌ−†ÔþЮÌôCÓñ¤Óô-ñÓê Let them go gather [their own] straw, :öÓëÞÓzó£ÓíÖñe 'LÐL ÞšÐîe fl×ÐñÞÑ−óÑíƒ
‘Adonoy, God of the Hebrews ·ó−ÌiÌþÐë̼ÞÖí−¥ÑíGÍêí„ÖîÒíÐ− 8. [And] the quota of bricks ó−•ÌòÑëÐlÔí³ÓòÒ·kгÔô-³ÓêÐî.ì
happened to meet with us. eò− flÑñÖ¼í¤ÖþКÌò that they made before, ·óÒLÐñÌLñB¥ôÐzó−·ÌNÒ¼ »óÑíþ¤ÓLÎê
Now we request that you let us go ê„Öp-íÖ×ÐñÞÑòí †ÖzÔ¼Ðî you shall place upon them; do not reduce it, eò¢ÓnÌôe£¼ÐþÐè̳ê'Gó flÓí−Ññμ eô−¤ÌNÖz
into the wilderness for three days, þ flÖaÐðÌnÔa ·ó−ÌôÖ−³ÓL¥ñÐLCÓþ¤Óc for they are lazy ó flÑíó−¤ÌtÐþÌò-−ÞÌk
to bring an offering [sacrifice] to Adonoy, our God.’ :eò−ÞÑíGÍêíÒ'Öîí−ÞÔñí£ÖìÐaÐïÌòÐ î and therefore they cry out, saying, þÒ flôêÑñ ·ó−ÌšÎ¼Ò Þ®ó¥Ñíö†Ñk-ñÔ¼
19. I know −Ìzм flÔðÖ−−¤ÌòÎêÞÔî .¬− ‘We want to go sacrifice to our God.’ :eò−ÞÑíGêÞÑñí'ÖìÐaÐïÌòí£Ö×ÐñÞÑò
that the king of Egypt will not allow you óÌ−£ÔþЮÌôCÓñ'Óôó§Ó×гÓêö'ÑzÌ−-ê ÞG−Ìk… 9. Make the workload heavier on the men, ó−£ÌLÖòÎêÞÖí-ñÔ¼í§ÖðÒëμÞÖíð«ÔaÐ×Ìz.¬
Let them not talk about false ideas.” :þÓšÞÖL-−ÑþÐëÌðÐae£¼ÐLÌ−-ñÔêÐî
“Elokim will surely consider you.” 38 :óÓ×гÓêó−ÌíGÓêðÒšÐõÌ−ðÒšÖt
God of the Hebrews. ,íéÄiÄøÀáÄòÞÈäéÅäGÁà)
[ó−ÌiÌþÐë̼Öí is written with] an additional yud íÖþ−ѳÐ− ð"e−
as an allusion to the ten plagues. 39 .³BkÔôþÓNÓ¼ÐñïÓôÓþ Gather. .eLÀL Þ÷Àå
(From an old Rashi manuscript.) :(öÖLÖ−−"ÌMÔþÐa) [eLÐLšÐî is the same as:] e¬ÐwÌñÐî— gather. :e¬ÑwÌñÐî
Happened to meet with us. .eðéÅìÈòäÈøÀ÷Äð [8] The quota of bricks. .íéÄðÅáÀlÇäúÆðÉkÀúÇî-úÆàÀå [ç]
[íÖþКÌò is derived from] the term íÓþКÌô (happening). .íÓþКÌô öBLÐñ [ó−ÌòÑëÐlÔí³ÓòÒkгÔô means:] “the total number of bricks ó−ÌòÑëÐlÔí öBaÐLÓì óe×н
Similarly, “And God [þÖwÌiÔî] happened to meet,” 40 ,ó−ÌíGÍêþÖwÌiÔîöÑ×Ðî that each one made per day óB−ÐñíÓNB¼ ðÖìÓêñÖ×íÖ−ÖíÓL
[or:] íÒkíÓþÖwÌê−Ì×ÒòÖêÐî.” 41 íÒkíÓþÖwÌê−Ì×ÒòÖêÐî when the straw was distributed to them, ,óÓíÖñöÖzÌòöÓëÓzÔííÖ−ÖíÓLÐk
[Meaning:] I will be met (íÓþÖwÌê) by Him here.” :óBñÎíBzÌêÑôíÓþКÌòêÑdÓê that same quota is to be required of them, even now, ,íÖzÔ¼óÔbóÓí−Ññμ eô−ÌNÖz óe×н B³Bê
[19] The king of Egypt will not allow you íÄéÇøÀöÄîCÆìÆîíÆëÀúÆàïÅzÄé-à ÞG [èé] so that their work will become more difficult. :óÓí−ÑñμíÖðBëμÖíðÔaÐ×ÌzöÔ¼ÔôÐñ
to go— 42 .CGÂäÞÇì For [they are] lazy. íéÄtÀøÄð-éÄk
unless I show him My strong hand; ,íÖšÖïÎìÔí−ÌðÖ−BñíÓêÐþÔô−ÌòÎêö−ÑêóÌê [I.e., “They have become disengaged] from their work. ,óÑííÖðBëμÖíöÌô
meaning: “As long as I do not make him aware B¼−ÌðBô −ÌòÎêö−ÑêÓL ðB¼ ñÖkþÔôBñÐk Therefore, their attention has turned towards idleness íÖñÖ¬ÔaÔíñÓêíÓòBt óÖaÌñCÖ×Ðñ
[of] My strong hand ,íÖšÖïÎìÔí−ÌðÖ− and they cry out, saying: ‘Let us go, etc.’” :’îèî íÖ×ÐñÞÑòþÒôêÑñó−̚μB®Ðî
he will not allow you to leave. 43 :CGÎíÔñóÓ×гÓêöÑzÌ−êG [The word] úÆðÉkÀúÇî. .úÆðÉkÀúÇî
Will not allow. 44 .ïÅzÄé-à ÞG [The words:] “ó−ÌòÑëÐñöÓ×B³Ðî,” 11 ,ó−ÌòÑëÐñöÓ×Ò³Ðî
[As Onkelos translates it:] He will not permit, ,šBaÐLÌ−êÖñ “and by him (eòÐkгÌò) deeds are counted,” 12 ,³Bñ−ÌñμeòÐkÐ ³ÌòBñÐî
as in: “Therefore I did not (E−ÌzÔ³Ðò) allow you”— 45 ,C−ÌzÔ³ÐòêGöÑkñÔ¼BôÐk [and] “the money (öÖkŠ³ÐôÔí) that was counted” 13 ,öÖkŠ³ÐôÔí¹Ó½ÓkÔí³Óê
[or:] “God did not allow him to harm me.” 46 ,−ÌðÖn̼¼ÔþÖíÐñó−ÌíGÍêBòÖ³ÐòêGÐî are all terms denoting taking a count. :óÑí öBaÐLÓì öBLÐñóÖlek
These are all terms denoting giving. 47 .óÑííÖò−̳Ðò öBLÐñöÖlŠ×Ðî [The word] ó−ÌtÐþÌò [means:] .ó−ÌtÐþÌò
There are others who explain íÖšÖïÎìðÖ−ÐaêGÐî: í ÞÖšÖïÎìðÖ−ÐaêGÐîó−ÌLÐþÖõÐôLÑ−Ðî The work has become loose (íÖ−eõÐþ) in their hand, óÖðÖ−ÐëíÖ−eõÐþíÖ×êÖñÐnÔí
“And not because his hand is strong, 48 ,íÖšÖïÎìBðÖiÓLñ−Ì ëÐLÌaêGÐî and neglected by them ,óÓíÑôíÖëeïμÔî
and they have become loosened from it ,íÖpÓnÌô ó−ÌtÐþÌòóÑíÐî
38 Ibid. 25. 39 The letter yud having the numerical value of ten. 40 Bamidbar 23, 4. 41 Ibid. 15. 42 What is
the meaning of íÖšÖïÎìðÖ−ÐaêGÐî? Ramban explains it as: “Neither persuasion nor show-of-force will convince Pharaoh to retreit, in Old French—loosened. :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¬"−−þ¬þ
allow you to leave.” Rashi explains it differently. 43 Thus íÖšÖïÎìðÖ−ÐaêGÐî is explained as: “Without showing him My [9] Let them not talk about false ideas. .øÆ÷ÞÈL-éÅøÀáÄãÀaeòÀLÄé-ìÇàÀå [è]
strong hand.” 44 öÑzÌ−êG literally means: He will not give. 45 Bereishis 20, 6. 46 Ibid. 31, 8. 47 I.e., the giving
of permission. See Rashi Bereishis 20, 6 C−ÌzÔ³Ðò êG í"ð. 48 I.e., Pharaoh’s hand. Pharaoh’s refusal to let you go will
not be a result of his strength (S.C.). 11 Below, v. 18. 12 I Shmuel 2, 3. 13 II Melachim 12, 12.
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black #