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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black
 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 2 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black
       [33]                Shemos—Shemos 4:4–7   æYã:ã úåîùZúåîù                                            Shemos—Shemos 4:26–28 çëYåë:ã úåîùZúåîù            [44]
                           4. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî.ð                26. He then withdrew from him [Moshe]. ep¢ÓnÌô¹Óþ£ÌiÔî .î×
               “Reach out your hand and grasp its tail.” B¢ëÖòÐïÌaïÒ£ìÍêÞÓî flEÐðÞÖ− ·ìÔñÐL                             Then she said, í flÖþÐô¤ÖêïÖêƒ
             He reached out his hand and took hold of it, B flašÓïÎì¤ÔiÔî ·BðÖ−ì¥ÔñÐLÌiÔî          “[You are] a bridegroom of blood [to me] ó−£ÌôÖcö'Ô³Îì
                      and it became a rod in his hand. :B ÞtÔ×Ðaí£ÓhÔôÐñ−'ÌíÐ−Ôî                            because of the circumcision.” ô :³ ÞGenÔñ
                    5. “This is so that they will believe eò− flÌôÎêÞÔ−öÔ¼¤ÔôÐñ.í                             27. Adonoy said to Aharon, öÕ flþÎíÞÔê-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî .ï×
                        that Adonoy appeared to you; íÒ£ÖîíÐ−E−§ÓñÑêí'ÖêÐþÌò-−ÞÌk                         “Go meet Moshe in the desert.” íÖþ¢ÖaÐðÌnÔíí£ÓLô ³ê'ÔþКÌñC§Ññ
               the God of their fathers, God of Avraham, ó§ÖíÖþÐëÔê−«ÑíGÍêó¢Ö³ÒëÎê−¤ÑíGÍê                 He [Aharon] went and met him eí§ÑLÐbÐõÌiÔîCÓñ†ÑiÔî
                  God of Yitzchok and God of Yaakov.” :ëÒ ÞšÎ¼ÞÔ−−'ÑíGêÞÑÖìЮÌ−−'ÑíGÍê        at the mountain of God and he kissed him. :B Þñ-šÔMÌiÔîó−£ÌíGÍêÞÖíþ'Ô íÐa
            6. Adonoy said furthermore to him [Moshe], ðB †¼B•ñí·ÖîÒíÐ− »þÓôêÕ»iÔî.î                            28. Moshe told Aharon öÕ flþÎí¤ÔêÐñ ·íÓLô ð¥ÑbÔiÔî .ì×
                    “Put your hand into your bosom.” E flÓš−ÑìÐa ·EÐðÞÖ−ê¥Öò-êÑëÞÖí         all the words of Adonoy with which He had sent him; B¢ìÖñÐLþ¤ÓLÎêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−−'ÑþÐëÌc-ñÖk³§Ñê
                      He put his hand into his bosom, B¢š−ÑìÐaB£ðÖ−ê'ÑëÖiÔî                                and all the [miraculous] signs ³Ò£³ÒêÞÖí-ñÖk³'ÑêÐî
                           and when he withdrew it, d flÖêÌ®B¤iÔî
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
               his hand had become a snow-like tzora’as. :èÓ ñÞÖMÔk³Ô¼'ÔþÒ®ÐôB£ðÖ−í'ÑpÌíÐî
                               7. He [Adonoy] said, þÓôêÕ†iÔî.ï                                              I.e., “You were to have caused  óÑþBè Ö³−Ì−ÖííÖzÔê
                “Put your hand into your bosom again.” E flÓš−Ñì-ñÓê ·EÐðÞÖ−ë¥ÑLÖí                 my bridegroom to be slain on account of you;  ,E−ÓñÖ¼ìÖ®ÐþÌò−ÌlÓLöÖ³ÖìÓí ³B−ÐíÌñ
                                                                                                you would thus have been my husband’s killer.”  :−ÌñíÖzÔê−ÌL−ÌêèÑþBí
             [Moshe] put his hand into his bosom again, B¢š−Ñì-ñÓêB£ðÖ−ëÓL'ÖiÔî
                                                                                                                   [26] He withdrew.  .óÆøÄiÇå [åë]
                                                                                                                             Then—  æÈà
                           [4] And took hold of it.  .Ba ÷ÆæÂçÇiÇå [ã]
                                                                                                  she understood that on account of [delaying]  ñÔ¼ÓLíÖò−ÌëÑí
                       [šÓïÎìÔ−Ôî] has the meaning of grasping.  ,êeí íÖï−ÌìÎê öBLÐñ
                                                                                                                      the circumcision,  íÖñ−ÌnÔí
              There are a number of [such uses] in Scripture:  ,êÖþКÌnÔaLÑ−íÑaÐþÔíÐî
                                                                                                                he had come to kill him, 71  :BèÐþÖíÐñêÖa
                 “[eš−ÌïÎìÔiÔî] The men took hold of his hand,” 9  ,BðÖ−Ðaó−ÌLÖòÎêÖí eš−ÌïÎìÔiÔî
                                                                                                      [and] she said, “Bridegroom of blood  íéÄîÈcïÇúÂçäÈøÀîÈà
          [or:] “(íÖš−ÌïÍìÓíÐî) She took hold of his private parts,”  10  ,î−ÖLŠëÐôÌaíÖš−ÌïÍìÓíÐî
                                                                                                           because of the circumcision.”  .ú ÞGenÇì
                  [or:] “(−ÌzКÔïÍìÓíÐî) I took hold of his beard.” 11  ,BòÖšÐïÌë−ÌzКÔïÍìÓíÐî
                                                                                             [Meaning:] My bridegroom would have been killed 72  ìÖ®ÐþÌòíÖ−Öí−ÌòÖ³Îì
           Wherever the verb šeïÌì is followed by the prefix ’ë  ³"−ÑëÐñ šeëÖcÔí šefÌì öBLÐññÖk
                                                                                                    on account of [delaying] the circumcision.  :íÖñ−ÌnÔíþÔëÐcñÔ¼
                          it has the meaning of grasping.  :êeí íÖï−ÌìÎê öBLÐñ
                                                                                                            Because of the circumcision.  .ú ÞGenÇì
                           [6] A snow-like tzora’as.  .âÆìÞÈMÇkúÇòÇøÉöÀî [å]
                                                                                                 [³BñenÔñ means:] on account of the circumcision.  .³BñenÔíþÔëÐcñÔ¼
                        It is usual for tzora’as to be white  :íÖòÖëÐñ ³B−ÐíÌñ³Ô¼ÔþÖ®CÓþÓc
                                                                                                                      [³Bñeô] is a noun,  ,êeí þÖëÖcóÑL
                  [as we find:] “If it be a white blemish.” 12  .ê−ÌííÖòÖëÐñ³ÓþÓíÔaóÌêÐî
                                                                                                 and the letter lamed serves as a prefix meaning:  öBLÐñÌa³ÓLÓnÔLÐôð"ÓôÖlÔíÐî
                    With this sign, too, 13  He hinted to him  ïÔôÖþíÓï ³BêÐa¹Ôê
                                                                                                                       regarding, as in:  BôÐk,ñÔ¼
                  that he spoke slanderously when he said,  BþÐôÖêÐaþÑt̽¼ÖþÖí öBLÐlÓL
                                                                                            “And Pharaoh said (−ÑòÐëÌñ) regarding the B’nei Yisrael.” 73  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−ÑòÐëÌñíÒ¼ÐþÔtþÔôÖêÐî
                            “They will not believe me.”  ,−Ìñ eò−ÌôÎêÔ−êG
                                                                                                     However, Onkelos translates ó−ÌôÖc (blood)  ó−ÌôÖcóÑbÐþÌz ½eñКÐòeêÐ î
           It is for this reason that He struck him with tzora’as,  ,³Ô¼ÔþÖ®ÐëeíÖšÐñÌíCÖ×−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                                   as referring to the blood of the circumcision.  :íÖñ−ÌnÔíóÔcñÔ¼
         just as Miriam was struck for speaking slanderously. 14  :¼ÖþÖí öBLÐññÔ¼óÖ−ÐþÌôíֳКÖlÓLBôÐk
       9 Bereishis 19, 16.  10 Devarim 25, 11.  11 I Shmuel 17, 35.  12 Vayikra 13, 4.  13 See V. 3.  14 Sh. Rab. 3, 13;  71 Though Zipporah had already surmised this before (see Rashi v. 24 ¾šëî í"ð), nevertheless, she was not absolutely
       Yalkut Shimoni 172.                                                                certain until now. (B.Y.)  72 Accordingly ó−ÌôÖð (blood) refers to the slaying of Moshe. (S.C.)  73 Below 14, 3.
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