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[313]  Shemos—Mishpatim 22:2–3 âYá:áë íéèôùîZúåîù  Shemos—Mishpatim 23:7–8 çYæ:âë íéèôùîZúåîù  [340]

 He must make full restitution. ó flÑlÔLÐ−ó¤ÑlÔL  for I will not acquit a wicked person. :¼ÞÖLÖþš−£ÌcЮÔê-ê ÞG−'Ìk
 If he does not have [the means to do so], B flñö−¤Ñê-óÌê  8. Do not accept bribery, ì¢Öw̳ê¤GðÔìÒ £LÐî.ì
 he shall be sold [as a slave to pay] for his theft. :B Þ³ÖëÞÑòÐèÌaþ£ÔkÐôÌòÐî  for bribery blinds the clear-sighted, ó− flÌìКÌtþ¤ÑeÔ¼Ð− ·ðÔìÒ·MÔí−¥Ìk
 3. If the stolen article is found in his hand [possession], í†ÖëÑòÐbÔíB•ðÖ−Ðëê·Ñ®Ön̳ »êÑ®ÖnÌí-óÌê.è  and perverts the words of justice. :ó− ÞÌš−ÌcÔ®−'ÑþÐëÌc¹£ÑlÔ½−ÞÌî
 whether it is an ox, donkey or sheep, í£ÓN-ðÔ¼þB§ôÎì-ðÔ¼þB «MÌô
                 for he has been acquitted by the court— 22  :ö−Ìc³−ÑëÐašÑcԬЮÌpÓL
 were the owner of the house to kill him.  :³Ì−ÖaÔíñÔ¼ÔaepÓèÐþÔíÔ−óÌê
                  for I will not acquit a wicked person.  .òÞÈLÈø÷éÄcÀöÇà-à ÞGéÄk
 He must make full restitution.  .íÅlÇLÀéíÅlÇL
                There is no need for you to bring him back 23  ,Bþ−ÌïÎìÔíÐñ E−ÓñÖ¼ö−Ñê
 The thief [shall pay back] the money that he stole,  ëÔòÖbÓL öBôÖôëÖpÔbÔí
              for I will not vindicate him when I judge him,”  ,−Ìò−ÌðÐëepÓš−ÌcЮÔêêG−ÌòÎê−Ìk
 but he is not liable to the death penalty.  ;íÖ³−Ìôë−ÖiÔì Bò−ÑêÐî
           [because even] if he has left your hands acquitted,  ,−êÖkÔfEÐðÖiÌôêÖ®Ö−óÌê
 Onkelos, who translates (î−ÖñÖ¼LÓôÓLÔííÖìÐþÖïóÌê):  óÑbÐþÌzÓL ½eñКÐòeêÐî
                   I have many agents to put him to death,  B³−ÌôÎíÔñíÑaÐþÔíó−ÌìeñÐL−ÌñLÑ−
 “If witnesses saw him [break in],”  ,−ÌíBñμ³ÔñÖõÐòêÖiÔðÎíÔ½ÐðêÖò−ѼóÌê
               with that death to which he is actually liable.  :dÖaë−ÑiÔìгÌpÓLíÖ³−ÌnÔë
 chose for himself an alternate explanation:  ,³ÓþÓìÔêíÖh−ÌLBñìÔšÖñ
                          [8] Do not accept bribery.  .çÈwÄúàGãÇçÉLÀå [ç]
 it tells us that if witnesses discovered him  ó−ÌðѼ eíeêÖ®ÐôóÌêÓLþÔôBñ
                   Even if you intend to judge truthfully. 24  ,³ÓôÍê ¬BtÐLÌñ el−ÌõÎê
 before the owner of the house arrived  ,³Ì−ÔaÔíñÔ¼ÔaêÖaÓLóÓðBš
                         And it is certainly [prohibited]  öÑkÓLñÖ×Ðî
 and when the owner of the house comes to attack him  îcÐèÓò³Ì−ÔaÔíñÔ¼ÔaêÖaÓLÐ×e
                [when you take the bribe] to pervert justice.  ,ö−ÌcÔí ³BhÔíÐñ−ÑðÐk
 they warned him (the owner) not to kill him  ,eíÑbÐþÔíÔ−êHÓLBëeþгÌí
                    For regarding the perversion of justice  ö−ÌcÔí³Óê ³BhÔíÐñ−ÑþÎíÓL
 then he is responsible for his blood—  -Bñó−ÌôÖc
                             it has already been stated:  ,þÖëÐkþÔôÍêÓò
 [i.e.] he will be liable [to the death penalty]  î−ÖñÖ¼ë−ÖiÔì
                           “Do not distort justice!” 25 26  :¬ÖtÐLÌôíÓhÔ³êG
 if he will kill him.  ,BèÖþÎíóÌê
                           Blinds the clear-sighted. 27  .íéÄçÀ÷ÄtøÅeÇòÀé
 For since there are people watching him,  ,Bñ ó−ÌêBþ LÑiÓLþÔìÔêÑnÓL
             Even if he is wise in the Torah and takes a bribe,  ,ðÔìBL ñѬBòÐîíÖþBzÔaóÖ×Öì el−ÌõÎê
 then this thief has not come  êÖëíÓfÔíëÖòÔbÔíö−Ñê
                  his mind will ultimately become muddled  î−ÖñÖ¼BzмÔc¹ÑþÖhÌzÓL ¹B½
 with the intention of taking anyone’s life  ,³BLÖõÐò−њн̼ñÔ¼
                          and he will forget his learning  BðeôÐñÔzìÔkÔzÐLÌ−Ðî
 and will not kill the property owner.  :öBôÖnÔíñÔ¼Ôa³Óê èBþÎíÔ−êGÐî
                      and the light of his eyes will dim. 28  :î−Öò−Ѽ þBêÐôíÓíÐ×Ì−Ðî
 [3] If the stolen article was found in his hand.  .àÅöÈnÄúàÅöÈnÄä-íÄà [â]
                                    And perverts.  .óÅlÇñéÞÄå
 [Meaning:] in his possession,  ,B³eLÐþÌa
                        As Onkelos translates it: “ruins.”  :ñÑšÐñÔšÐôe BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
 for he had not slaughtered it nor sold it.  :þÔ×ÖôêGÐîìÔëÖ¬êHÓL
                             The words of justice. 29  .íéÞÄ÷éÄcÇ öéÅøÀáÄc
 Whether it is an ox or donkey.  .øBîÂç-ãÇò øBMÄî
                   [ó−Ìš−ÌðÔ®−ÑþÐëÌð means:] words that are just,  ,ó−ÌšÖce®ÐôÔíó−ÌþÖëÐc
 Any item [that is stolen] is included in  ñÔñÐ×ÌaþÖëÖcñÖk
                i.e., the judgments of truth (viz., the Torah).  ,³ÓôÍê−ѬÐtÐLÌô
 the liability to pay twofold restitution,  ,ñÓõÓ×−ÑôeñÐLÔz
                       So, too, does Onkelos translate it:  BôîbÐþÔzöÑ×Ðî
 whether it is an animate object  ,ó−ÌiÔìÔìeþ Ba LÑiÓLö−Ña
                       “words that are ö−Ì®−ÌþÐz—righteous.”  :ó−ÌþÖLÐ− Z ö−Ì®−ÌþÐzö−ÌôÖbгÌt
 or whether it is an inanimate object,  ,ó−ÌiÔìÔìeþ Ba ö−ÑêÓLö−Ña
 for elsewhere it is stated: 2  ,þÑìÔêêÖþКÌôÐaþÔôÍêÓò−ÑþÎíÓL
       22 Mechilta; Sanhedrin 33b.  23 Even if in truth he may be guilty.  24 For there is no way that accepting a bribe will
 “for a sheep, a garment, 3  íÖôÐñÔNñÔ¼íÓNñÔ¼
       not affect the judge’s impartiality. (Kesubos 105a)  25 Devarim 16, 19.  26 Kesubos 105a.  27 Rashi understands
       this in the literal and the figurative sense.  28 Mechilta; Kesubos 105a.  29 Rashi, however, understands ó−Ìš−ÌðÔ®
       here as defining −ÑþÐëÌð, i.e., “words that are just,” because the plain meaning: “words of the just” obviously cannot
 2 Below, v. 8.  3 The former being an animate object and the latter, an inanimate.  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 11 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta   #26015

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