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[367]  Shemos—Terumah 25:10–11 àéYé:äë äîåøúZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07
                        Shemos—Mishpatim 23:27 æë:âë íéèôùîZúåîù

 10. They shall make an ark of acacia wood, ó−¢ÌhÌL−¤Ñ®Î¼öB£þÎêe 'NÖ¼Ðî.−  27. I will send My dread ahead of you, E−flÓòÖõÐñì¤ÔlÔLÎê ·−̳Öô−ÞÑê-³Óê .ï×
 two and one-half amohs long, B†kÐþÖê−Ì®•ÑìÖîóÌ−·Ô³ÖnÔê  and I will bring panic to all the people ó flÖ¼Öí-ñÖk-³Óê ·−̳ÒnÔíÐî
 one and one-half amohs wide, B flaÐìÖþ ·−Ì®·ÑìÖîí¥ÖnÔêÐî
 and one and one-half amohs high. :B Þ³ÖôÒ Þš−Ì®£ÑìÖîí'ÖnÔêÐî
 11. Cover it with pure gold— þB flíÖ¬ë¤ÖíÖï ·B³Òê¥Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî .ê−  [27] I will bring panic.  .éÄúÉnÇäÀå [æë]
 you shall cover it inside and out. ep¢ÓtÔ®Ðz±e£ìÌôe ³Ì−'ÔaÌô  −̳ÒnÔíÐî is the same as −ÌzÐôÔôÖíÐî. 80  ,−ÌzÐôÔôÖíÐîBôÐk
               Onkelos translates it LÑbÔLÍêÓî—“ I will confuse.”  .LÑbÔLÍêÓî BôebÐþÔ³Ðî                                                                                          SHMOT
                         has its last root-letter doubled,  ,íÖòBþÎìÔê ³Bê ñÓõÓ×Ða
 then it would not have said  ëBzÐ×ÌñíÖ−ÖíêG  81
                  when it is conjugated in the −ÌzÐñÔ¼Öt  form.  ,−ÌzÐñÔ¼Ðt öBLÐñÌaþÑaÔðÐñCÑõÖíÑzÓLÐk
 eNμÔzöÑ×Ðî but, rather, eNμÔzöÑk (without the ’î)  ,"eNμÔzöÑk,, êÖlÓê "eNμÔzöÑ×Ðî,,
          There are instances where the doubled letter is taken  íÖñeõÐkÔí ³Bê ñѬBpÓL ³BôBšÐôLÑ−
 and it would have referred  þÑaÔðÐôíÖ−ÖíÐî  and given a dagesh  ³BêÖí³ÓêL−ÌbÐðÔôe
 to the making of the Tent of Meeting (i.e., the Mishkon)  ðѼBô ñÓíÒê³−ÔiÌNμñÔ¼  and vocalized with a melopum (cholam),  ,óeõêÖñÐôÌëBðКBòÐî
 and its vessels [and not to future generations].  :î−ÖñÑ×Ðî  for example: −̳ÒnÔíÐî from the root:  ³ÔþÐïÌbÌô−̳ÒnÔíÐî öBèÐk
 [10] They shall make an ark—  .ïBøÂàeNÈòÀå [é]  “(óÔôÖíÐî) A confused sound was made by the wheel  ñÔbÐñÌbóÔôÖíÐî
 similar to boxes which are made without legs—  ,óÌ−ÔñÐèÔþêGÐaó−ÌNB¼ÓL ³BòBþÎêö−ѼÐk  of his cart,” 82  ;B³ÖñÐèÓ¼
 made like a chest called escrin [in Old French]  ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ö"−þš¾−ê ö−ÌþBwÓLïÖbÐþÔêö−ÌôÐkóÌ−eNμ  [or:] −̳BaÔ½Ðî—“ I circled” 83  from the same root as:  ³ÔþÐïÌbÌô,−̳BaÔ½Ðî
 which rests on its bottom.  :î−ÖñeL ñÔ¼ëÑLB−  “(ëÔëÖ½Ðî) He circled Beth El,” 84  ,ñÑê³−ÑaëÔëֽРî
 [11] You shall cover it inside and out.  .epÆtÇöÀz õeçÄîe úÄéÇaÄî [àé]  [or:] −̳BlÔc—“ I was brought low” 85  ,−̳BlÔc
 Bezalel made three arks,  ,ñÑêÐñÔ®ÐaíÖNÖ¼ ³BòBþÎêíÖLñÐL  from the root: “(eñÐñÖc) They became low and dried up,” 86  ;eëÐþÖìÐî eñÐñÖc³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 two of gold and one of wood.  ,±Ñ¼ñÓLðÖìÓêÐîëÖíÖïñÓLóÌ−ÔòÐL  [or:] “(C−̳ÒwÔì) I have engraved you on the hands,” 87  ,C−̳ÒwÎìóÌ−ÔtÔkñÔ¼
 Each one had four walls and a bottom  ðÖìÓêñÖ×ÐñóÌ−ÔñeLÐî ó−ÌñÖ³Ðk¼ÔaÐþÔêÐî  from the same root as: “(−њКÌì) engraved in the heart,” 88  ;ëÑñ−њКÌì³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 and were open at the top.  ,íÖñмÔôÐñÌôó−Ììe³Ðõe  [or:] “whom have (−̳BvÔþ) I crushed,” 89  ,−̳BvÔþ−Ìô³Óê
 He placed the wooden one into the [large] golden one B  ëÖíÖïñÓL CB³Ða±Ñ¼ñÓLöÔ³Öò  from the same root as: “(±ÔvÌþ) He has crushed  ±ÔvÌþ³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 and the [small] golden one into the wooden one.  ,±Ñ¼ñÓL CB³ÐaëÖíÖïñÓLÐî  and abandoned the poor.” 90  .ó−ÌlÔcëÔïÖ¼
 He then covered the upper rim with gold. D  ,ëÖíÖïÐëíÖòB−ÐñÓ¼Öí B³ÖõÐNíÖtÌìÐî  Whoever translates −̳BnÔíÐî as: “I will kill” 91  ñԬКÓêÐî−̳ÒnÔíÐîóÑbÐþÔ³ÐôÔíÐî
 Consequently, it was covered [with gold]  íÓte®ÐôêÖ®ÐôÌò  is in error, for if it were from the root íÖ³−Ìô  ,íÖ−ÖííÖ³−Ìô³ÔþÐïÌbÌô el−ÌêÓL ,êeí íÓ¼B¬
                     then its ’í would not receive a patach  ìÖzÔõÐëBlÓLê"Ñíö−Ñê
                           nor would its ’ô get a dagesh,  ³ÓLÓbÐðeô BlÓLó"ÑôêGÐî
              and its vowel would not be a melopum (cholam),  ,óeõêÖñÐôíÖðešÐòêGÐî
                       but [would take the form:] −ÌzÔôÑíÐî, 92  −ÌzÔôÑíÐîêÖlÓ ê
                  as in “(íÖzÔôÑíÐî) You shall kill this nation.” 93  ,íÓfÔíóÖ¼Öí³ÓêíÖzÔôÑíÐî öBèÐk
         And [the reason that] the ’³ [of íÖzÔôÑíÐî] is with a dagesh  ³ÓLÓbÐðeô î−ÖzÔíÐî
                  is because it is in place of two letters ’³, 94  ,ö"−ÌîÖ³−ÑzÐL óBšÐôÌëêÒëÖzÓL−ÌõÐñ
       80 I.e., the root of −̳ÒnÔíÐî is óôí with the letter ’ô appearing twice.  81 I.e., the first-person singular in the past tense.
       82 Yesihayahu 28, 28. óÖôÖíÐî has the letter ’ô repeated in the root. In the −ÌzÐñÔ¼Öt form one ’ô is dropped while the
       remaining ’ô receives a cholom and a dagesh. Hence, −̳ÒnÔíÐî.  83 Koheles 2, 20.  84 I Shmuel 7, 16.  85 Tehillim 116,
       6.  86 Yeshaiyah 19, 6.  87 Ibid. 49, 16.  88 Shoftim 5, 15.  89 I Shmuel 12, 3.  90 Iyov 20, 19.  91 −̳BnÔíÐî from
       íÖ³−Ìô—“ death.”  92 With a patach under the ’ô and no dagesh.  93 Bamidbar 14, 15.  94 For it should have said
       Ö zÐzÔôÑíÐî.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:45 | SR:-- | Black   #
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