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[369] Shemos—Terumah 25:13–16 æèYâé:äë äîåøúZúåîù Shemos—Mishpatim 23:20–21 àëYë:âë íéèôùîZúåîù [348]
13. Make [two] poles of acacia wood, ó−¢ÌhÌL−¤Ñ®Î¼−£ÑcÔëÖ³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî .è− to guard you on the way, CÓþ¢ÖcÔa £EÐþÖôÐLÌñ
and cover them with gold. :ëÞÖíÖïó£Ö³Òê 'Ö³−ÌtÌ®Ðî and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. :−̳ÒÞòÌ×Îíþ'ÓLÎêóB £šÖnÔí-ñÓê flEÎê−¤ÌëÎíÞÔñÐî
14. Place the poles in the rings ³Ò fl¼ÖaÔhÔa ·ó−ÌcÔaÔí-³Óê¥Ö³êÑëÞÑíÐî .ð− 21. Be careful in his presence and heed [obey] his voice. B£ñÒšÐa¼'ÔôÐLe î−§ÖòÖtÌôþÓô«ÖMÌí .ê×
on the sides of the ark, ö¢ÒþÖêÞÖí³Ò¤¼ÐñÔ®ñ£Ô¼ Do not rebel against him; B¢aþ¤ÑnÔz-ñÔê
so that the ark can be carried with them. :óÞÓíÖaöÒ£þÖêÞÖí-³Óê³ê'ÑNÖñ for he cannot bear [pardon] your transgression, ó flÓ×μÐLÌõÐñ ·êÖOÌ−êÕ¥ñ−¤Ìk
15. In the rings of the ark, must the poles remain. ó−¢ÌcÔaÔíe£−ÐíÞÌ−öÕ fl þÖêÞÖí ·³Ò¼ÐaÔ¬Ða .î¬ as My Name is in him. :B ÞaÐþÌšÐa−£ÌôÐL−'Ìk
They must not be removed from them. :epÞÓnÌôeþ£Š½Ö−ê'G
16. You shall then place in the ark, ö¢ÒþÖêÞÖí-ñÓê £ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐî .ï¬
the Testimony that I will give you. :E−ÞÓñÑêö£ÑzÓêþ'ÓLÎê³ flŠðѼÞÖí³Ñêƒ That I have prepared. .éÄúÉÞðÄëÂäøÆLÂà
That I have prepared to give to you (i.e., Eretz Yisrael). ,óÓ×Öñ³Ñ³Öñ−ÌzÐòÔnÌïþÓLÎê
But its midrashic explanation is: ,BLÖþÐðÌôe
“to the place that I have established [for the Temple] ,−̳ÒÞòÌ×ÎíþÓLÎê óBšÖnÔí-ñÓê
that are [mentioned] at the beginning of the verse, ,êÖþКÌnÔí³ÔlÌìгÌaÓL
[for] My Place (i.e., the Temple of Heaven) has already −ÌôBšÐôþÖëÐk
and now it explains to you where they were [placed]. 38 ;e−ÖíöÖ×−ÑíEÐñLÔþ−Ñõe
been set up in line with it. ,BcÐèÓòÐkþÔk−Ìò
This [prefix-letter] ’î [of −ÑzÐLe] is superfluous ,ê−ÌííÖþ−ѳÐ− Bï î"−ÖeÔíÐî
This is one of the verses [in Scripture] ³BêÖþКÌnÔíöÌôðÖìÓêíÓïÐî
and should be interpreted as if it had said: BôÐk BòBþгÌõe
which indicate that the Beis Hamikdosh of Heaven íÖñмÔôñÓLLÖðКÌnÔí³−ÑëÓLó−ÌþÐôBêÓL
³B¼ÖaÔ¬−ÑzÐL (without the ’î). ,³B¼ÖaÔ¬−ÑzÐL
is directly in line with the Beis Hamikdosh below. :íÖhÖôñÓLðÓèÓòÐköÖee×Ðô
However, you can fit it (the ’î) as follows: ,öÑkdÖëÐLÔ−ÐñEÐñLÑ−Ðî
“And two of these [above-mentioned] rings elÑêÖí ³B¼ÖaÔhÔíöÌôóÌ−ÔzÐLe [21] Do not rebel against him. .Ba øÅnÇz-ìÇà [àë]
[you shall put] on one side.” 39 :³ÖìÓêÖí B¼ÐñÔ®ñÔ¼ þÑnÔz is from the same root as íÖêÖþÐôÔí—“ robbing,” ,íÖêÖþÐôÔí öBLÐñ
as in: “Whoever (íÓþÐôÔ−) will rebel against your order.” 76 :E−Ìt³ÓêíÓþÐôÔ−þÓLÎêBôÐk
Its side. .BòÀìÇö
[Means:] the side of it. :BcÌ® For he cannot bear your transgression. .íÆëÂòÀLÄôÀìàÈOÄéàGéÄk
[13] Poles. .éÅcÇá [âé] He is not accustomed to this (the act of sinning) ,CÖ×ÐaðÖneñÐô Bò−Ñê
for he is of the group [of beings] who do not sin. ,ö−ÌêЬBì ö−ÑêÓL³ÔkÔíöÌô êeíÓL
[Means:] poles. :³B¬Bô
An alternate explanation: [He has no power to forgive] ðB¼Ðî
[15] They must not be removed from them— 40 .epÞÆnÄîeøËñÈéàG [åè]
for he is only a messenger Ô ì−ÌñÖL êeíÓL
forever. :óÖñB¼Ðñ
and can only to do his mission. 77 :B³eì−ÌñÐLêÖlÓêíÓNB¼ Bò−ÑêÐî
[16] You shall then place in the ark. .ïÉøÈàÞÈä-ìÆàÈzÇúÞÈðÀå [æè]
As My Name is in him. 78 .B ÞaÀøÄ÷ÀaéÄîÀLéÄk
öBþÖêÖíñÓê has the same meaning here as öBþÖêÖa. :öBþÖêÖaBôÐk
This follows the beginning of the verse: ZêÖþКÌnÔíLêÒþÐñþÖaeìÐô
The Testimony. .úËãÅòÞÈä
“Be careful in his presence... î−ÖòÖtÌôþÓôÖMÌí
The Torah, 41 which is testimony ³eðѼÐñê−ÌíÓL,íÖþBzÔí
for My Name is linked with him.” .Ba ¹ÖzeLÐô−ÌôÐL−Ìk
Our Sages said that this angel is Metatron öBþЬԬÐôíÓï ,eþÐôÖê eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
38 But if these rings are the same as the ones mentioned earlier why does it say ³B¼ÖaÔ¬−ÑzÐLe—“and, two rings,” making
whose name is the same as his Master’s (God) ,BaÔþóÑLÐkBôÐMÓL
it seem that they were additional rings? 39 Hence the ’î does not denote additional rings, but, rather, refers to the
for öBþЬԬÐô has the same numerical value as −ÔcÔL (314). 79 :−ÔcÔLêÖiÌþЬÔô−ÌèÐa öBþЬԬÐô
rings already mentioned at the start of the verse. 40 Having said ó−ÌcÔaÔíe−ÐíÌ− öBþÖêÖí ³B¼ÐaÔ¬Ðë—“In the rings of the ark,
must the poles remain,” why the repetitive: epÓnÌôeþŠ½Ö−êG—“They must not be removed from them”? (S.C.) 41 In
parsha Pikkudei, where the Torah records the actual carrying out of God’s instructions regarding the mishkon and its 75 But then it should have said: “that I have prepared for you” (S.C.). Moreover, the promise that the angel will bring
vessels, Rashi explains (40, 20) that ³ŠðѼ refers to the Tablets which were placed in the ark. Consequently, a number the B’nei Yisroel to Eretz Yisroel is explicitely related below in v. 23. (L.S.R.) 76 Yehoshua 1, 18. 77 Tanchuma 18.
of commentators suggest that here, too, Rashi, though using the word íÖþBz, means the Tablets. íÖþBz sometimes is used 78 This is obviously not a reason for the preceding words: óÓ×μÐLÌõÐñêÖOÌ−êG−Ìk—“ for he cannot bear your transgression,”
in reference to the Tablets because all 613 mitzvos are included in the Ten Commandments, as Rashi mentioned for why would God’s Name make him unable to bear sin?! 79 Sanhedrin 38b. −-ð-¾ = the Almighty. # # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 12 -