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[429] Shemos—Tezaveh 28:3–4 ãYâ:çë äåöúZúåîù Shemos—Terumah 27:4–5 äYã:æë äîåøúZúåîù [416] # 26015
and have them make Aharon’s garments, öÒ§þÎíÞÔê−«ÑðÐèÌa-³Óêe„NÖ¼Ðî On the grate you shall make ³ÓL†ÓþÖí-ñÔ¼Ö³−¤ÌNÖ¼Ðî
to sanctify him to serve Me [as kohein]. :−ÞÌñ-BòÎíÞÔ×ÐñB £LÐcÔšÐñ four copper rings on its four corners. :î−ÞÖ³B®Ðš¼'ÔaÐþÔêñ£Ô¼³ÓL flìÐò³Ò¤¼ÐaÔ¬ ·¼ÔaÐþÔê
4. These are the garments that they shall make: e †NμÞÔ−þ¤ÓLÎêó−Ì•ðÖèÐaÔííÓl·ÑêÐî.ð 5. Place it under the rim of the altar, Ôì£ÑaÐïÌnÔíëÒ'kÐþÔk³Ôì§Ôzd †Ö³Òêí¤ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐî.í
a breastplate, an eiphod, a robe, ñ− fl̼Ðôe ·ðBõÑêÐîöÓL¥ì
called crible [in Old French]. ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa êñë"−þš ö−ÌþBwÓL
[3] To sanctify him to serve Me. 2 .éÞÄì-BðÂäÞÇëÀìBLÀcÇ÷Àì [â] It served as a kind of garment for the altar ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔñ Bñ −eNÖ¼ LeëÐñö−ÌôÐk
BLÐcÔšÐñ means: to bring him into the priesthood íÖpeíÐkÔë B½−ÌòÐ×ÔíÐñBLÐcÔšÐñ made with intermittent holes like a net. A ;³ÓLÓþö−ÌôÐkö−ÌþBì ö−ÌþBì −eNÖ¼
by means of the garments ó−ÌðÖèÐaÔí−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼ This verse has its words transposed ½ÖþB½ÐôíÓïêÖþКÌôe
[−ÌñBòÎíÔ×Ðñ means:] so that he shall be a öÑíÒk unto Me, ,−ÌñöÑíÒ×êÑíÐiÓL and should be interpreted [as if it were written]: ,BòBþгÌõíÒ×Ðî
the term íÖòeíÐk denoting “service,” 3 ,êeí ³eþ−ÑLíÖpeíÐk öBLÐñe “Make for it a copper grate in the form of a net.” :³ÓLÓþíÑNμÔô³ÓLÒìÐòþÔaÐ×ÌôBñ Ö³−ÌNÖ¼Ðî
serjentrie in Old French. :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa íê"−þ¬ò¾
[5] The rim of the altar. .ÇçÅaÀæÄnÇäáÉkÀøÇk [ä]
[4] A breastplate. .ïÆLç [ã] ëÒkÐþÔk has the meaning of ëÑëB½—“ that which surrounds.” ;ëÑëB½
An ornament worn against the heart. :ëÑlÔíðÓèÓòÐk¬−ÌLÐ×Ôz Anything that surrounds completely ñeb̼Ðaë−ÌëÖ½¹−ÌwÔnÔíþÖëÖcñÖk
An eiphod. .ãBôÅàÀå is called ëÒkÐþÔk, ,ëÒkÐþÔk −eþÖš
I have not heard, nor have I found −̳êÖ®ÖôêGÐî−ÌzмÔôÖLêG as we learned in Chapt. Hakol Shochtin: 25 ,"ö−̬ÎìBL ñÒkÔí,,Ða eò−ÌòÖMÓLBôÐk
in the Beraisa, any explanation of its form. ,B³−ÌòÐëÔz Leþ−ÑõêÖ³−Ð−ÔþÖëÐë “The following are unfinished wooden vessels: ,±Ñ¼−ÑñÐ×−ÑôÐñBb öÑíelÑê
But my heart tells me −ÌñþÑôBê −ÌaÌñÐî any [vessel] that will still be smoothed ¹eLÖñð−ּ̳ÓLñÒk
that it was something tied behind him, ,î−ÖþBìÎêÑô Bñ þeèÖì êeíÓL (ëÑkÐþÔ×Ðñe) and be rounded off.” ,ëÑkÐþÔ×Ðñe
its width BaÐìÖþ This is similar to the practice of making grooves ö−Ìleèμö−Ì®−ÌþÎìó−ÌNB¼ÓLBôÐ× êeíÐî
being the same as the width of the back of a man, 4 ,L−ÌêëÔbëÔìBþÐk in the planks of the walls of chests ³Bë−ÑzÔí−ÑòÐõÖð−ÑLÐþÔšÐa
like a sort of apron, called porceint in Old French, ,ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ¬ò"−®þîõ ö−ÌþBwÓLþÖp−̽ö−ÌôÐk and wooden benches. ,±Ñ¼Öí−ÑñнÐõÔ½Ðî
which the ladies of the nobility tie on ³BþÖOÔí ³BþÐèBìÓL The altar, too, was engraved all around. B ,Bë−Ìëн±−ÌþÖìíÖNÖ¼ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔñ¹Ôê
when riding horses. .ó−̽eqÔíñÔ¼ ³BëÐ×BþÓLÐk Its (the engraving’s) width was one amoh íÖnÔêBaÐìÖþíÖ−ÖíÐî
It is thus made for the lower [part of the body]. 5 ,íÖhÔôÐlÌôeíÑNμÔôCÖk in its (the altar’s) wall for ornamentation. 26 ,−BòÐñ BòÐõÖðÐë
[An indication that the eiphod was tied around is that]
which is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓL
“Dovid was tied around with a linen eiphod” 6 ,ðÖa ðBõÑê þeèÖìðÌîÖðÐî
We learn from this that the eiphod ðBõÑêÖíÓLeòÐðÔôÖñ
is a kind of belt. ;ê−ÌííÖþBèÎì
It cannot be said that it consisted êÖlÓêBaö−ÑêÓLþÔôBñ þÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÐî
of a belt alone, ,dÖcÔëÐñíÖþBèÎìÔí
for it says: “And he put the eiphod on him” ðÒõÑêÖí³Óê î−ÖñÖ¼öÑzÌiÔîþÔôÍêÓò−ÑþÎíÓL
and afterwards: “And he tied it on him B³Bê þÒbÐìÔiÔîCÖkþÔìÔêÐî
2 The sanctity of the kohein is the fact that he is a kohein. BòÎíÔ×ÐñBLÐcÔšÐñ would then seem redundant. (G.A.) 3 Thus
−ÌñBòÎíÔ×Ðñ means that once he has been sanctified by means of the garments he will be fit to perform the service of the
mishkon. (G.A.; see also S.C.; B.M.C.) 4 Later (in v. 6) Rashi says that it was somewhat wider (S.C.). See also v. 25 Chullin 25a. 26 Unlike the altar of the Beis Hamikdosh (the Temple), which had a soveiv as a protrusion from the
26 î³õ¾ ñ¼ í"ð. 5 Unlike the opinions cited by Chizkuni that it was made for the upper part of the body. 6 II side on which the kohanim would walk, the ëÒkÐþÔk of the altar in the mishkon was only for ornamentation, while its
Shmuel 6, 14. soveiv was at the top, as Rashi explains soon. # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-