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[485]  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:13–15 åèYâé:ì àùú éëZúåîù  #  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:16 æè:ì àùú éëZúåîù  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black

 as a terumah-offering to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñí£ÖôeþÐz  before Adonoy to atone for your souls.” ô :óÞÓ×−Ñ³Ò ÞLÐõÔò-ñÔ¼þ£ÑtÔ×ÐñíflÖîÒíÐ−−¤ÑòÐõÌñ
 14. Everyone passing by to be counted, ó− flÌðŠšÐtÔí-ñÔ¼ ·þÑëÒ¼ÞÖíñÕ†k .ð−
 from [age] twenty years and older, íÖñм¢ÖôÖîí£ÖòÖLó−'ÌþÐNÓ¼ö§ÓaÌô
 must give a terumah-offering to Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîíÐ−³'ÔôeþÐzö£ÑzÌ−  viz., 603,550?!  ?ó−ÌMÌôÎìÔî ³BêÑôLÑôÎìÔî ó−ÌõÖñÎê³ÓLñÐLe ¹ÓñÓê ³BêÑôLÑL
 15. The rich shall not give more, í†ÓaÐþÔ−-ê ÞGþ−¤ÌLÖ¼ÞÓí .î¬  For in relating the use of the silver [which was collected]  ¹Ó½Ó×Ðë−ÑþÎíÓL
                     at the counting of the congregation 31  íÖðѼÖí−ÑðešÐt
 and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, ñÓš¢ÖMÔí³−£Ì®ÎìÞÔnÌô¬− fl̼ÐôÔ−êÕ¤ñ·ñÔcÔíÐî
               it is so stated (i.e., it gives the above number).  ,öÑkþÔôÍêÓò
 when giving this terumah-offering to Adonoy íflÖîÒíÐ−³¤ÔôeþÐz-³Óê ·³Ñ³Öñ
               And in the Book of Numbers (i.e., Bamidbar)  ó−ÌðešÐtÔíLÔneìÐëe
 to atone for your souls. :óÞÓ×−Ñ³Ò ÞLÐõÔò-ñÔ¼þ£ÑtÔ×Ðñ  there, too, it states:  ,öÑkþÔôÍêÓòBa¹Ôê
                “And the total of all who were counted was  ó−ÌðešÐtÔíñÖke−ÐíÌiÔî
           Were not [these countings] in two [different] years  ,e−Öíó−ÌòÖL−ÑzÐLÌëêGÎíÔî
 [14] From [age] twenty years and older.  .äÈìÀòÈîÈåäÈðÈLíéÄøÀNÆòïÆaÄî [ãé]
                      and it would have been impossible  þÖLÐõÓê−ÌêÐî
 Here it teaches you  öêÖ×EÐðÓnÌñ
          that there would not have been at the first counting  öBLêÌþÖíöÖ−ÐòÌô³Ô¼ÐLÌëe−ÖíêHÓL
 that no one below twenty years of age  ó−ÌþÐNÓ¼öÓaÌô ³BìÖtö−ÑêÓL
            some nineteen year olds who were not counted 33  ,eòÐ ôÌòêHÓLíÖòÖL ¬"− −ÑòÐa
 goes into the army  êÖëÖvÔñêÑ®B−
                  and turned twenty by the second year. 34  !’× −ÑòÐëeNμÔòíÖiÌòÐMÔëe
 nor is he counted among the men.  :ó−ÌLÖòÎêñÔñÐ×ÌëíÓòÐôÌòÐî
 [15] To atone for your souls. 13  .íÞÆëéÅúÉ ÞLÀôÇð-ìÇòøÅtÇëÀì [åè]
                         The solution to this problem is:  :þÖëÖcÔñíÖëeLÐz
 [Meaning:] so that you not be struck by a plague  eõÐèÖp̳êHÓL
           As regards to the age of the people [it is considered  ó−ÌLÖòÎêÖí ³BòÐLñÓ®Ñê
 as a result of being counted. 14  .öÖ−ÐòÌô−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
                 that] they were counted in the same year,  ,eòÐôÌò³ÔìÔêíÖòÖLÐa
 An alternate explanation of óÓ×−ѳBLÐõÔòñÔ¼þÑtÔ×Ðñ:  ,óÓ×−ѳÒLÐõÔòñÔ¼þÑtÔ×ÐñþÑìÔêþÖëÖc
             whereas as pertaining to the exodus from Egypt  óÌ−ÔþЮÌô³Ôê−Ì®Ð−öÔ−ÐòÌôÐññÖëÎê
 Because it alludes here to three terumah-offerings,  Z ³BôeþÐz’èöêÖkóÓíÖñïÔôÖþÓL−ÌõÐñ
                      they are [considered] as two years.  ,ó−ÌòÖL−ÑzÐLe−Öí
 for ’í ³ÔôeþÐz is written three times here.  15  ,ó−ÌôÖ¼ÐtLñÖL’í³ÔôeþÐzöêÖkëÔzÐ×ÌpÓL
                    This is because the exodus from Egypt  óÌ−ÔþЮÌô³Ôê−Ì®−ÌlÓL−ÌõÐñ
 The first represents the terumah-offering for the sockets 16  ó−ÌòÖðÎê³ÔôeþÐz³ÔìÔê
                             is calculated from Nissan,  ,öÖ½−ÌpÌôö−ÌòBô
 for he (Moshe) counted them  öÖêÖòÐnÓL
             as we have learned in Tractate Rosh Hashanah 35  ,íÖòÖMÔíLêÒþ³Ó×ÓqÔôÐë eò−ÌòÖMÓLBôÐk
 when they began contributing to the mishkon  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí³ÔëÐðÌòÐë eñ−ÌìгÌíÓLÐk
           [and we therefore speak of] the mishkon being built  öÖkÐLÌnÔííÖòÐëÌòÐî
 and each person gave half a shekel,  ,ñÓšÓMÔí³−Ì®ÎìÔôðÖìÓêÐîðÖìÓêñÖ×eòгÖpÓL
                 in the first year and erected in the second,  ,íÖ−ÌòÐMÔaóÔ šeíÐîíÖòBLêÌþÖa
 and it totalled 100 kikar,  ,þÖkÌkÔí³ÔêÐôÌñíÖñÖ¼Ðî
               for the new year begins on the first of Nissan,  ,öÖ½−ÌòÐaðÖìÓêÐëíÖòÖLíÖLÐcÔìгÌpÓL
 as it states:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
               whereas the ages of the people are calculated  ö−Ì−eòÐôó−ÌLÖòÎêÖí ³BòÐLñÖëÎê
 “And the silver of the counted of the congregation  íÖðѼÖí−ÑðešÐt¹Ó½Ó×Ðî
        according to the years [since the creation] of the world  ,óÖñB¼ ³BòÐLöÔ−ÐòÌôÐñ
 totalled one hundred kikar,” 17  ,þÖkÌk³ÔêÐô
                  which begin with [the month of] Tishri. 36  .−ÑþÐLÌzÌô ö−Ìñ−ÌìгÔnÔí
 and from these the sockets were made  ,ó−ÌòÖðÎêÖíeNμÔòöÓíÑôe
          Consequently both countings [took place, in effect,]  ó−ÌòÖ−ÐòÌnÔí−ÑòÐLeêЮÐôÌò
 as it states:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL
                                   in the same year.  Z³ÔìÔêíÖòÖLÐa
 “The one hundred kikar of silver, etc.” 18  ;’BèÐî¹Ó½ÓkÔíþÔkÌk³ÔêÐô−ÌíÐ−Ôî
                         The first counting was in Tishri,  −ÑþÐL̳ÐëíÖ−Öí öBLêÌþÖíöÖ−ÐòÌnÔí
 The second [’í ³ÔôeþÐz], it, too, [was contributed]  ê−Ìí¹Ôê³−ÌòÑMÔíÐî  31 Below, 38, 27.  32 Bamidbar 1, 46.  33 Since the minimum age to be counted was 20.  34 When the second
       counting took place and those newly turned twenty would now be added.  35 2b.  36 I.e., the age of every
 13 But is being counted something that requires atonement?!  14 I.e., þÑtÔ×Ðñ here should not be understood as  individual changes on the first day of Tishri. Hence both a person born in, say, Cheshvan and another born 10
 atonement, but only as a preventative of a plague.  15 In vv. 13, 14 and 15. In v. 13 it is in the form of ’íñ íÖôeþÐz.  months later, in Ellul will enter their second year on the first day of the following Tishri, i.e., Rosh Hashanah. Those
 See Rashi above, 25, 2 îìš³ í"ð.  16 The sockets were placed on the ground and into them were fitted the planks  that were 19 years old after Yom Kippur when the first counting was taken, were not yet regarded as twenty in
 of the mishkon.  17 Below, 38, 25.  18 . . . were cast as the holy sockets.” Ibid. 27.  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   #2601
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