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[489] #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black #26
Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:13 âé:ì àùú éëZúåîù
Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:17–18 çéYæé:ì àùú éëZúåîù
17. Adonoy spoke to Moshe, saying: :þÒ ÞôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî .ï− halfashekelbasedontheshekeloftheHoly[Sanctuary,] LÓð¢ÒwÔíñÓš¤ÓLÐañÓš£ÓMÔí³−'Ì®ÎìÞÔô
18. “Make a copper wash basin ³ÓL§ìÐòþB'iÌkÖ³− •ÌNÖ¼Ðî .ì− where a shekel is twenty geirah. ñÓš flÓMÔí ·íÖþÑbó−¥ÌþÐNÓ¼
and its copper base for washing; and place it B †³Òê ¤ÖzÔ³ÞÖòÐîí¢Ö®ÐìÖþÐñ³ÓL£ìÐòB'pÔ×Ðî Half of such a shekel must be given ñÓš flÓMÔí³−¤Ì®ÎìÞÔô
between the Tent of Meeting and the Altar, Ôì flÑaÐïÌnÔíö−¤Ñëe ·ðѼBô ñÓíÒ¥ê-ö−Ña
one after the other. ,íÓïþÔìÔêíÓï
Similarly: “Whoever passes under the rod” 6 ,¬ÓëÖMÔí³ÔìÔzþÒëμÔ−þÓLÎêñÖköÑ×Ðî
after Yom Kippur, ,ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB− þÔìÔêÐñ
and similarly: “the sheep shall pass by the counter.” 7 :íÓòBô −ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼öêÒvÔííÖòÐþÒëμÔzöÑ×Ðî
when God became reconciled with the Israelites ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−Ðñ óBšÖnÔííÖvÔþгÌpÓL
Half a shekel ìÆ÷ÆMÇäúéÄöÂçÞÇî
to forgive them [for the sin of the golden calf], ,óÓíÖñÔìBñнÌñ
based on the shekel of the holy [Sanctuary]. .LÆãÉwÇäìÆ÷ÆLÀa
and they were given the command eeԬЮÌòÐî
I.e., based on the weight of the shekel ñÓšÓMÔíñÔšÐLÌôÐa
regarding [the construction] of the mishkon ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíñÔ¼
which I (God) set aside for you with which to weigh Ba ñBšÐLÌñEÐñ−ÌzÐëÔ®ÖwÓL
while the second [counting] −ÌòÑMÔíÐî
the shekels to be used for sacred things. ,LÓðÒwÔí−ÑñКÌL
took place on the first of Iyar. 37 :þ−ÖiÌêÐaðÖìÓêÐë
For example, the shekels mentioned ö−ÌþeôÎêÖí ó−ÌñÖšÐL öBèÐk
For the work of the Tent of Meeting. .ãÅòBî ìÆäÉàúÇãÉáÂò-ìÇò
in the section [dealing with] ³ÔLÖþÖõÐa
This refers to the sockets which were made of it. 38 :Bë eNμÔpÓLó−ÌòÖðÎêÖíöÑí
evaluating things vowed to the Sanctuary ö−Ì×Öþμ
[18] A wash basin— .øBiÄk [çé]
and possessed fields [vowed to the Sanctuary]. 8 :íÖïeìÎêíÑðÐNe
like a large pot íÖñBðÐb ðec ö−ÌôÐk
Where a shekel is twenty geirah. .ìÆ÷ÆMÇääÈøÅbíéÄ øÀNÆò
which had spigots ó−ÌcÔcdÖñÐî
It now clarifies for you how much it is. :êeí íÖnÔkEÐñLÔþ−Ñtî−ÖLÐ×Ô¼
which poured out water through their openings. :óÌ−ÖôóÓí−ÌõÐaó−Ìš−ÌþÐnÔí
Geirah. .äÈøÅb
And its base. .BpÇëÀå
[Geirah in Hebrew is] the word for íÖ¼Öô [in Aramaic]. ;íÖ¼Öô öBLÐñ
As Onkelos translates it: “and its base,” ,d−Ñq−̽Ða BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
The same applies to: ,ñÑêeôÐLÌaöÑ×Ðî
a stand set up [to hold] the wash basin. :þBiÌkÔñöÖwe³ÐôëÖLBô
“. . . will come to bow down for an íÖþBèÎê of silver ¹Ó½Ók³ÔþBèÎêÔñBñ³BÎìÔzÐLÌíÐñ êBëÖ−
For washing. 39 .äÈöÀçÈøÀì 9
and a piece of bread.” :óÓìÖñþÔkÌ×Ðî
This refers back to the wash basin. :þBiÌkÔíñÔ¼ëÖ½eô
Where a shekel is twenty geirah. .ìÆ÷ÆMÇääÈøÅbíéÄøÀNÆò
And the altar— .ÇçÅaÀæÄnÇä ïéÅáe
I.e., a whole shekel. For a shekel is four zuz ,ó−Ìïeï íÖ¼ÖaÐþÔêñÓšÓMÔíÓL ,óÑñÖMÔíñÓšÓMÔí
the altar of the burnt-offering, ,íÖñB¼ÖíìÔaÐfÌô
and a zuz at first was five íÖ¼Öô. 10 ,³B¼ÖôLÑôÖì B³ÖlÌìÐzÌô ïefÔíÐî
about which it is written Ba ëe³ÖkÓL
But then one sixth 11 was added ³e³ÐL î−ÖñÖ¼ eõ−̽BíÐîeêÖëêÖlÓê
that it is “in front of the entrance way ìÔ³Óõ−ÑòÐõÌñ êeíÓL
and its value was raised to six silver íÖ¼Öô. 12 ,¹Ó½Ó×íÖ¼ÖôLÑLÐñ eíeñͼÓíÐî
of the mishkon of the Tent of Meeting.” 40 ,ðѼBô ñÓíÒêöÔkÐLÌô
“It is half of this [original] shekel, íÓfÔíñÓšÓ MÔí³−Ì®ÎìÔôe
The wash basin was slightly pulled to the side 41 ,êÖ¼ÐôÌš CeLÖô þB−ÌkÔííÖ−ÖíÐî
which I described to you, EÐñ−ÌzÐþÔôÖêÓL
and stood in the space þ−ÌîÎêðÓèÓòÐkðÑôB¼Ðî
that they shall give as a terumah-offering to God.” ’íÞÔñíÖôeþÐzeòÐzÌ−
between the altar and the mishkon ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíÐîÔìÑ aÐïÌnÔíö−ÑaÓL
6 Vayikra 27, 32. When tithing animals, they are made to pass, one at a time, under a rod with every tenth one
37 Ramban asks: First, it is inconceivable that there were none who died during these months among such a large designated as holy. 7 Yirmiyahu 33, 13. 8 Vayikra 27. 9 I Shmuel 2, 36. An íÖþBèÎê is a form of íÖþÑè and it, too, is
group of people. Secondly, nowhere do we find that all people’s ages change on Rosh Hashanah. Many of the Rashi a íÖ¼Öô. (S.C.) 10 Hence a shekel had 20 íÖ¼Öô (or geirah). 11 It is one sixth only if the calculation is based on the
commentaries offer answers in defense of Rashi. See M., G.A. 38 I.e., the silver that was collected. 39 This seems zuz after the íÖ¼Öô has been added. This method of calculating is referred by the Gemara as þÔëÐlÌô ³ezÐL—“a sixth from
to refer to the “base.” Obviously it is not the “base” that is used for washing. 40 Below, 40, 6. This is not the without” as opposed to a îÔèÐlÌô ³ezÐL—“a sixth from the inside” i.e., a sixth of what exists before the addition is made.
golden altar which is inside the mishkon. 41 And not directly in front of the entrance or even the wall. 12 The new value of the shekel thereby becomes 24 geirah.