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 [479]  Shemos—Tezaveh 30:3–5 äYâ:ì äåöúZúåîù  #  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:26–29  èëYåë:ì àùú éëZúåîù  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan

 and make a gold crown-like rim all around it. :ë−ÞÌëÖ½ë£ÖíÖïþ'ÑïB§lÖ³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî  26. Anoint with it the Tent of Meeting, ð¢Ñ¼Bô ñÓíÒ¤ê-³ÓêB£ë 'ÖzÐìÔLÞÖôe .î×
 4. Make two gold rings for it B¤l-íÓNμÞÔzë•ÖíÖï³Ò·¼ÐaÔ¬ »−ÑzÐLe .ð  and the Ark of the Testimony, :³ÞŠðѼÞÖíöB'þÎê³£ÑêÐî
 under its crown-like rim, on two of its corners. î− flÖ³Ò¼ÐñÔ®−¤ÑzÐLñÔ¼ƒB†þÑïÐñ³Ôì¤ÔzÌô|  27. And the Table and all its vessels, î−Öñ flÑk-ñÖk-³ÓêÐî ·öÖìÐñŠMÔí-³ÓêÐî .ï×
 Make them on its two opposite sides. î−¢ÖcÌ®−¤ÑòÐL-ñÔ¼í£ÓNμÞÔz  and the Menorah and its vessels, Öí−¢ÓñÑk-³ÓêÐîí£ÖþÒòÐnÔí-³ÓêÐî
 They will house the poles ó− flÌcÔëÐñó−¤ÌzÖëÐñ ·íÖ−ÖíÐî  and the Incense Altar, :³ÓþÒ Þ¬ÐwÔíì'ÔaÐïÌô³£ÑêÐî
 with which it is carried. :íÖnÞÑ íÖaB£³Òê³ê'ÑNÖñ  28. And the Burnt-offering Altar and all its vessels, î−¢ÖñÑk-ñÖk-³ÓêÐîí£ÖñÒ¼ÞÖíì'ÔaÐïÌô-³ÓêÐî .ì×
 5. Make the poles out of acacia wood ó−¢ÌhÌL−¤Ñ®Î¼ó−£ÌcÔaÔí-³ÓêÖ³−'ÌNÖ¼Ðî.í  and the wash basin and its base. :BÞpÔk-³ÓêÐîþÒ£iÌkÔí-³ÓêÐî
       29. Sanctify them and they will become holy of holies. ó−¢ÌLÖð ÞÖšLÓðÒ¤še£−ÖíÐîó flÖ³Òê ¤ÖzÐLÔcÌšÐî .¬×
 This is symbolic of the crown of priesthood. 3  :íÖpeíÐkþÓ³Ó×ÐñöÖô−̽
                              [26] Anoint with it.  .Bá ÈzÀçÇLÞÈîe [åë]
 [4] åéÈúÉòÀìÇö. 4  .åéÈúÉòÀìÇö [ã]
        All anointings were done in the form of the Greek chi 62  ,³−ÌòîÖîÐ−¹"Ô×−Ì×ö−ÌôÐk ³Bì−ÌLÐnÔíñÖk
 Here it has the meaning of “corners”  ³BiÌîÖï öBLÐñ êeí öêÖk  except those of kings  ó−Ì×ÖñÐôñÓMÌô ±eì
 as Onkelos [also] translates it [í−ѳÖ−ÐîÌï],  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk  which are done in the form of a crown. 63  :þÓïÑòö−ÌôÐköÑíÓL
 since the verse [goes on to] state:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL−ÌõÐñ
                             [29] Sanctify them. 64  .íÈúÉàÈzÀLÇcÄ÷Àå [èë]
 “on its sides.”  Zî−ÖcÌ®−ÑòÐLñÔ¼
                  It is this anointing which sanctifies them  óÖzÐLÔcÔšÐôBïíÖì−ÌLÐô
 [The phrase therefore means:]
                             to become holy of holies.  ,ó−ÌLÖðÏšLÓðÒš ³B−ÐíÌñ
 “on its two corners which are on its two sides.” A  :î−ÖcÌ®−ÑòÐLÌaÓL ³BiÌîÖï−ÑzÐL
             And what is the manifestation of their holiness?  ?óÖ³ÖMeðКê−ÌííÔôe
 They (it) will be. 5  .äÈéÈäÀå  It is: “Anything that touches them, etc.”  ,’îèî Ô¼ÑèÒpÔí-ñÖk
 [“It” refers to] the making of these rings.  íÓlÑêÖí ³B¼ÖaÔhÔííÑNμÔô  [This means:] anything that is fit for a sacred vessel, 65  ,³ÑþÖL−ÌñÐ×Ìñ −eêÖþÖíñÖk
 To house the poles.  .íéÄcÇáÀìíéÄzÈáÀì  once it comes into it (i.e., the vessel)  ,B×B³Ðñ½ÔòÐ×ÌpÓMÌô
 The ring itself will be “the house.” 6  :ðÖaÔñ³Ô¼ÔaÔhÔííÓ−ÐíÌz³Ì−Ôa  it becomes intrinsically holy, 66  Z ¹ebÔí³ÔMeðК LBðÖš
                   so that it will become unfit though êÑ®B−,  êÑ®B−ÐañѽÖt−Ìñ
            [i.e., if taken out of the courtyard of the mishkon]
               or íÖò−Ìñ, [i.e., being left overnight off the altar],  íÖò−ÌñÐëe
                  or [by coming in contact with] a óB− ñeëЬ 67  ,óB− ñeëЬÌëe
            and cannot be redeemed so as to become secular.  ,ö−ÌleìÐñ³êÑ®ÖñíÓcÐõÌò Bò−ÑêÐî
                However, anything that is not fit for them 68  óÓíÖñ −eêÖþ Bò−ÑêÓLþÖëÖcñÖëÎê
                                 they do not sanctify.  .ö−ÌLÐcÔšÐôö−Ñê
        This is stated as an undisputed Mishnah (i.e., a beraisa)  íÖôÑñÐLíÖòÐLÌôê−ÌííÖ−eòÐLe

       62 See Rashi above, 29, 7.  63 Kerisos 5b, 12a.  64 óÖ³Bê ÖzÐLÔcÌšÐî should not be construed as something in addition
       to, and separate from, Bë ÖzÐìÔLÖôe of v. 26. (M., G.A.)  65 E.g. blood, wine, oil or water into a vessel that is made to
       hold liquids, or flour into a vessel made for that purpose.  66 There are two kinds of íÖLeðК—“sanctity”: 1. ³ÔLeðК
       ó−ÌôÖð—“sanctity of value,” i.e., where LÑðКÓí—the Sanctuary owns the value of an object. It may be redeemed for
       non-LÑðКÓí use, the íÖLeðК reverting to the money. 2. ¹ebÔí³ÔLeðК—“intrinsic sanctity.” This íÖLeðК cannot be redeemed,
       e.g. korbonos or ³ÑþÖL−ÑñÐk. Now, for example, flour that has been designated for use in a minchah—“a meal offering”
 3 Yoma 72b.  4 î−Ö³Ò¼ÐñÔ® is usually translated as “sides” (Rashi 25, 12). Here, however, this is not the case.  5 íÖ−ÖíÐî  is only holy as ó−ÌôÖc³ÔLeðК. However, once it is put into a ³ÑþÖL−ÑñÐk it assumes ¹ebÔí³ÔLeðК and all the laws pertaining
 literally means “it will be” in the singular! (S.C.)  6 And it does not mean that the rings will be for the “house” and  thereto.  67 I.e., an unclean person who has immersed himself in a mikveh, but must wait till sunset before he can
 the “houses” for the poles, but, rather, the rings themselves will house the poles.  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   #26015-E

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