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[473]  Shemos—Tezaveh 29:36–37 æìYåì:èë äåöúZúåîù  Shemos—Ki Sisa 30:36–31:3 â:àìYåì:ì àùú éëZúåîù  [500]

 and by sprinkling [its blood] on the altar Ôì flÑaÐïÌnÔí-ñÔ¼ ·Ö³êÑhÌìÐî  It shall be holy of holies to you. :óÞÓ×Öñí'Ó−ÐíÌzó−£ÌLÖð ÞÖšLÓðÒ'š
 you will purify it [the altar.] î−¢ÖñÖ¼ £EÐþÓtÔ×Ða  37. The incense you are making, í flÓNμÞÔzþ¤ÓLÎê ·³ÓþÒ·¬ÐwÔíÐî .ïñ
 You shall then anoint it to sanctify it. :B ÞLÐcÔšÐñB£³Òê 'ÖzÐìÔLÞÖôe  its formula must not be duplicated for you[r use]. ó¢Ó×Öñe £NμÞÔ³ê'Gd flÖzÐòŠkг·ÔôÐa
 37. For seven days you shall make atonement ·þÑtÔ×Ðzó− †ÌôÖ−³¤Ô¼ÐëÌL .ïñ  It shall be sacred to you for Adonoy. :íÒÞÖîí−ÞÔñ £EÐñí'Ó−ÐíÌzLÓðÒ§š
 for the altar Ôì flÑaÐïÌnÔí-ñÔ¼  38. A person who duplicates this formula ÖíB £ôÖ×í'ÓNμÞÔ−-þÓLÎêL−§Ìê .ìñ
 and sanctify it and thus the altar will be Holy of Holies. ó− flÌLÖð ÞÖšLÓðÒ¤š ·Ôì·ÑaÐïÌnÔíí¥Ö−ÖíÐîB¢³Òê £ÖzÐLÔcÌšÐî  to enjoy its fragrance, d¢ÖaÔì−¤ÌþÖíÐñ
                                  from his people.” ñ :î−ÞÖnÔ¼ÞÑô
 but that which is offered for the sake of the altar,  ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíñ−ÌëÐLÌëêÖaÔíñÖëÎê
                31 1. Adonoy spoke to Moshe, saying, :þÒ ÞôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî.ê àì
 for example, the young bull  þÔt öBèÐk
                 2. “I have called by name [designated] ó¢ÑLÐë−̳ê¤ÖþÖší£ÑêÐþ.ë
 which is for the atonement of the altar,  ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí −ehÌìÐñ êeíÓL
 we may not infer [that it is critical].  ,eòмÔôÖLêG  Betzalel, son of Uri son of Chur, þe£ì-öÓë−'Ìþeê-öÓañ§ÑêÐñÔ®Ða
 Therefore this verse becomes necessary.  ;íÓïêÖþКÌôCÔþЮeí CÖ×Ðñ  of the tribe of Yehudah. :íÞÖðeíÐ−í'ÑhÔôÐñ
 A Midrash in Toras Kohanim states:  ,þÑôBê ó−ÌòÎíÒk³ÔþBz LÔþÐðÌôe  3. I have filled him with Divine spirit, ó−¢ÌíGÍêÔìe¤þB£³Òêê'ÑlÔôÎêÞÖî.è
 an atonement for the altar was necessary  íÖ×ÐþЮeí ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí³ÔþÖtÔk
       with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge, ³Ô¼£ÔðÐëe í'ÖòeëгÌëe í§ÖôÐ×ÖìÐa
 lest a person donated a stolen item  ñÑïÖbþÔëÐcL−ÌêëÑcÔòгÌíêÖnÓL
 for the work of the mishkon and the altar. 68  :ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíÐîöÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôÌa  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
 Purify. 69  .ÈúàÅhÄçÀå
 [As Onkelos translates it:] −ÑkÔðгe—“purify it.”  ,−ÑkÔðгe  [37] Its formula.  .dÈzÀðËkÀúÇîÀa [æì]
 The term for the placing of blood with the finger  ¼ÔaЮÓêÖaó−Ìòe³Ð pÔíó−ÌôÖc³ÔòÐzÔô öBLÐñ  [Meaning:] according to the quantity of its spices.  :Öí−ÓòÖôÐôÔ½öÔ−ÐòÌôÐa
 is called −ehÌì. 70  :−ehÌì −eþÖš  It shall be sacred to you for Adonoy. 93  .'äÞÇìEÀìäÆéÀäÞÄzLÆãÉ÷
 You shall then anoint it—  .BúÉàÈzÀçÇLÞÈîe  [Meaning:] that you shall do it only for My Name. 94  :−ÌôÐLÌñêÖlÓêíÖpÓNμԳêHÓL
 With the anointing oil.  ,íÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓôÓLÐa  [38] To enjoy its fragrance.  .dÈaÇçéÄøÈäÀì [çì]
 All anointings are in the form of the Greek letter chi. 71  :−Ì×ö−ÌôÐk ³Bì−ÌLÐnÔíñÖ×Ðî  But,  ñÖëÎê
 [37] The altar shall be holy [of holies].  .LÆãÉ÷ÇçÅaÀæÄnÇääÈéÈäÀå [æì]  you may make it on your own in its proper proportions  ,EÐlÓMÌôdÖzÐòŠkгÔôÐëíÖzÔêíÓNB¼
 In what way does its holiness manifest itself?  ?B³ÖMeðКê−ÌííÔôe  for the purpose of selling it to the community. 95 96  :þeaÌvÔñdÖþÐ×ÖôÐñ−ÑðÐk
 Anything that touches the altar shall become holy.  .LÞÈcÀ÷ÄéÇçÅaÀæÄnÇaÇòÅâÉpÇä-ìÈk  [2] I have called by name— 1  .íÅLÀáéÄúàÈøÈ÷ [á]
 Even if an invalid korbon is placed on it  ,î−ÖñÖ¼íÖñÖ¼ÓL ñe½ÖtöÖaÐþÖš el−ÌõÎê  to do my work—Betzalel.  :ñÑêÐñÔ®Ða³Óê,−ÌzÐ×êÔñÐô ³BNμÔñ
 the altar sanctifies it to validate it  Bþ−ÌLÐ×ÔíÐñÔìÑaÐïÌnÔíBLÐcÌš  [3] With wisdom.  .äÈîÀëÈç [â]
 [to the degree] that it is not removed. 72  .ðÞÑþÑ−êHÓL  [“Wisdom” refers to] that which a person  óÖðÖêÓMíÔô
 Since it is said, “Anything that touches the altar  Ô ìÑaÐïÌnÔaÔ¼ÑèÒpÔíñÖkþÔôÍêÓpÓL CBzÌô  hears from others, and learns. 2  :ðÑôÖñÐîó−ÌþÑìÎêÑôÔ¼ÑôBL
 shall become holy,”  ,LÖcКÌ−  With understanding.  .äÈðeáÀú
 This might lead me to think  −ÌòÎêÔ¼ÑôBL  [íÖòeëÐz is what] he understands on his own  ,BaÌlÌôþÖëÖcö−ÌëÑô
 [that this applies] whether it is fit or unfit,  Z −eêÖþ Bò−ÑêÓLö−Ña −eêÖþö−Ña  from things that he has learned [from others]. 3  :ðÔôÖlÓLó−ÌþÖëÐc CBzÌô
 for example,  öBèÐk
       93 Obviously, this is not meant literally: “for God,” for He certainly has no need for it.  94 I.e., “because I commanded
 68 Sifra Vayikra 8, 14.  69 Ö³êÑhÌìÐî here is not connected with sin, as is indicated by Onkelos.  70 Because the placing  you to do so.”  95 So that they will burn it on the −Ìô−ÌòÐtÔíÔìÑaÐïÌô—“ the inner altar.”  96 Kerisos 5a.  1 This does not
 of the blood purifies the altar.  71 See Rashi above, v. 2.  72 It should not have been placed there, but, having  mean that God named him Betzalel. (G.A., see S.C.)  2 I.e., and incorporates it as part of his own knowledge.
 done so, it is not removed and it is offered as a valid korbon.  #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 16 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT

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