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       [503]             Shemos—Ki Sisa 31:10–12 áéYé:àì àùú éëZúåîù                                        Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:14–16 æèYãé:âì àùú éëZúåîù      [534]

       as well as the sacred garments for Aharon, the kohein, ö flÑíÒkÔíöÒ¤þÎíÞÔêÐñ ·LÓðÒ·wÔí−¥ÑðÐèÌa-³ÓêÐî  14. He [God] said, “My Presence will go [with you] e×£ÑñÑ−−'ÔòÖtþ¢ÔôêÒiÔî .ð−
       and the garments for his sons to serve [as kohanim,] :öÞÑíÔ×Ðñî−£ÖòÖë−'ÑðÐèÌa-³ÓêÐî            and I will accede to you[r request].” :CÞÖñ−̳Ò'ìÌòÎíÞÔî
                         11. [Also] the anointing oil, í§ÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓô«ÓL³·ÑêÐî .ê−                        15. And he [Moshe] said to Him, î−¢ÖñÑêþÓôêÒ£iÔî .î¬
        and the incense of spices for the Holy [Sanctuary,] LÓð¢ÒwÔñó−£ÌnÔqÔí³ÓþÒ '¬Ðš-³ÓêÐî        “If Your Presence does not go [with us] ó− flÌ×ÐñÒ Þí ·E−·ÓòÖtö−¥Ñê-óÌê
            according to all that I have commanded you, E£Ì³−ÌeÌ®-þÓLÎêñÒ'×Ðk                       do not make us leave from this [place]. :íÞÓfÌôeò£ÑñμÞÔz-ñÔê
                                 they shall make.” ô :e ÞNμÞÔ−                                            16. And how will it be known êB†õÑ꼤ÔðÖeÌ−|í¤ÓnÔëe .ï¬

                                                                                                                   I could not be certain  CÑôB½ −Ìò−Ñê
                      It seems that my opinion is correct,  ,−ÔþÖëÐcö−ÌêÐþÌòÐî                   that those who descend from me will endure. 49  ,eô−ÐiԚгÌiÓL−Ô®ÖñÎìÑôó−ÌêЮBiÔíñÔ¼
                                      for it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL                                         [I would rather] have as my reward  −ÌlÓLþÖ×ÖOÔí óeñÐLÔz³ÓêÐî
                      “And from the greenish-blue wool,  ³ÓñÑ×ÐzÔíöÌôe                        that You make known to me through this people. 50  .−ÌòѼ−ÌðBz íÓfÔíóÖ¼Öa
                                  the dark red wool,  öÖôÖbÐþÔêÖíÐî                        Our Sages, however, give midrashic interpretations of it  eLÐþÖð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
                                and the crimson wool  −ÌòÖMÔí³Ô¼ÔñB³Ðî                                            in Tractate Berachos, 51  ,³B×ÖþÐa³Ó×ÓqÔôÐë
             they made ðÖþÐN−ÑðÐèÌa to serve in the Sanctuary,” 16  ,LÓðÒwÔa³ÑþÖLÐñðÖþÐN−ÑðÐèÌëeNÖ¼    but my purpose is to explain the verses  ³BêÖþКÌnÔíëÑM−Ô−Ðñ−ÌòÎêÔî
                  and linen is not mentioned among them.  ,óÓíÖn̼LÑLþÔkÐïeí êGÐî                               in their context and order.  :−̳êÖaóÖþÐð̽ñÔ¼ÐîóÓí−ÑòÐõBê ñÔ¼
                             Now, if [it were speaking]  óÌêÐî                                                    [14] He [God] said,  øÇîàÉiÇå [ãé]
                           of the priestly garments— 17  ,þÑaÔðÐôíÖpeíÐ×−ÑðÐèÌëÐa                       “My Presence will go [with you].  .eëÅìÅééÇðÈt
                    we do not find in a single one of them  óÓíÑôðÖìÓêÐë eò−Ì®ÖôêG                             It is as Onkelos translates it:  ,BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
                            [mention of] dark red wool  öÖôÖbÐþÔê                                [CÔíг−ÌzÐòÌ×ÐL—“ My Shechinah will go,” meaning:]
                  or crimson wool without linen [as well].  :LÑLêGÐa−ÌòÖL³Ô¼ÔñB³ Bê                         “I will no longer send an angel,  ,CÖêÐñÔô ðB¼ ìÔñÐLÓêêG
                          Garments of crochet-work.  .ãÈøÀOÇäéÅãÀâÄa                                                I, Myself, will go,” 52  ,CÑñÑê−ÌôЮԼÐë−ÌòÎê
             Some explain it as garments of work and service  ,³eþÑLÐîíÖðBëμ öBLÐñó−ÌLÐ þÖõÐôLÑ−                             as in:  BôÐk
              as Onkelos translates it: “garments of service.”  ,êÖLenÌL−ÑLeëÐñ BôebÐþÔ³Ðk          “(E−ÓòÖõe) You, yourself, will go into battle.” 53  :ëÖþÐwÔaó−Ì×ÐñÒíE−ÓòÖõe
                    Nothing like ðÖþÐN appears in Scripture.  .êÖþКÌnÔa öB−ÐôÌðBñö−ÑêÐî                  [15] He (Moshe) said to him—  .åéÈìÅàøÆîàÉiÇå [åè]
                   It is my opinion that it is from Aramaic  ,−ÌôÖþÎê öBLÖñ êeíÓLþÑôBê −ÌòÎêÔî                 “that is exactly what I wish  ,±ÑõÖì−ÌòÎêBïÐa
                  similar to the Targum of the word  18 ó−̼ÖñК  ó−̼ÖñКñÓL óebÐþÔ³Ðk    that You not bring us up from here through an angel.” 54  :íÓfÌô eòÑñμÔzñÔêCÖêÐñÔô−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼−Ìk
                             and the Targum of þÖaÐ×Ìô, 19  ,þÖaÐ×ÌôñÓL óebÐþÔ³Ðî                       [16] And how will it be known.  .àBôÅàòÇãÈeÄéäÆnÇáe [æè]
            both of which were woven by needle (crocheted)  ¬ÔìÔôÐaó−ÌèeþÎêe−ÖíÓL                         The finding of favor will be known  ,öÑìÔí³Ôê−Ì®Ðô¼ÔðÖeÌ−
                            forming intermittent holes  ,ó−ÌëÖšÐòó−ÌëÖšÐòó−Ì−eNμ
                                                                                                            only by Your Self going with us.  .eòÖn̼EÐzÐ×ÓñÐa êBñÎí
                        lacediz (net-work) in Old French.  :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ±ð"−®ñ
                                                                                                            But I ask one more thing of You  ,EÐnÌôñÑêBL −ÌòÎêþÑìÔêþÖëÖc ðB¼Ðî
            [11] And the incense of spices for the Holy.  .LÆãÉwÇìíéÄnÇqÇäúÆøÉèÀ÷-úÆàÀå [àé]
           For the purpose 20  of bringing up smoke in the ñÖ×−Ñí  ñÖ×−ÑíÔí³Ôþ֬КÔíCÓþÒ®Ðñ  49 Moshe said in effect: “If the reward for my öÑì³Ôê−Ì®Ðô is that you will exchange Your people for my descendants, I
                     which is [the] LÓðÒš [referred to here].  :LÓðBš êeíÓL               do not consider that a worthy reward, for what assurance have I that ultimately my descendants will not provoke
                                                                                          You to abandon them? (M.)  50 I.e., by accepting my prayer to spare them You make it known to me how much
                                                                                          You value my öÑì³Ôê−Ì®Ðô, and thereby I can imagine the reward that awaits me. (G.A.).  51 7a.  52 −ÔòÖt having the
       16 Below, 35, 1.  17 Then linen could not have been left out, for . . .  18 Above, 27, 9, where Onkelos translates  meaning “I, Myself.”  53 II Shmuel 17, 11.  54 Though God had already reassured him of this, nevertheless Moshe
       ó−̼ÖñК as ö−ÌðÖþн—“ curtains.”  19 Ibid., v. 4 which Onkelos translates êÖðÖþн. Both ö−ÌðÖþн and êÖðÖþн having the root ðÖþÐN.  expressed how much this meant to him and the people—to the point that, otherwise, they would have preferred
       20 See note 8.                                                                     not going up. (M.)

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