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P. 517
[507] Shemos—Ki Sisa 31:18 çé:àì àùú éëZúåîù Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:10–11 àéYé:âì àùú éëZúåîù [530]
when He finished speaking to him on Mount Sinai— −flÔò−̽þ¤ÔíÐa ·BzÌêþ¥ÑaÔðÐñ ·B³HÔ×Ðk 10. When all the people saw the Pillar of Cloud, öflÖòÖ¼ÞÓíðe¤nÔ¼-³Óê ·óÖ¼Öí-ñÖ×í¥ÖêÖþÐî.−
two Tablets of the Testimony. ³¢ŠðѼÞÖí³Ò¤ìŠñ−£ÑòÐL standing at the entrance of the tent; ñÓí¢ÒêÖíìÔ³¤Ótð£ÑôÒ¼
each man at the entrance of his tent. :B ÞñÏíÞÖêìÔ³'ÓtL−£Ìê
[Here, too], the event of the Calf ñÓèѼÖííÑNμÔô
11. Adonoy spoke to Moshe face to face, ó−flÌòÖt-ñÓêó−¤ÌòÖt ·íÓLô-ñÓêíÒ¥ÖîíÐ−þ·ÓaÌðÐî .ê−
preceded the command −eeÌ®ÐñóÓðBš
regarding the work of the mishkon by many days. ZíÖ−Öíó−ÌaÔþó−ÌôÖ−öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐô just as a man speaks to his friend. eí¢Ñ¼Ñþ-ñÓêL−£Ìêþ'ÑaÔðÐ−þ§ÓLÎêÞÔk
For on the seventeenth of Tammuz ïenÔ³Ða ï"−Ðë−ÑþÎíÓL and [Moshe then] would return to the camp, íflÓòÎìÞÔnÔí-ñÓê ·ëÖLÐî
the tablets were broken 40 ,³BìelÔíeþÐaÔzÐLÌò
God was reconciled to the Israelites. 41 ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−Ðñí"ÖaÖwÔííÖvÔþгÌò
On the following day ³ÖþÏìÖôÐñe and it does not read î−ÖñÑêþÑaÔðÐô. .î−ÖñÑêþÑaÔðÐôêÑþBš Bò−ÑêÐî
they began contributing towards the mishkon öÖkÐLÌnÔí³ÔëÐðÌòÐë eñ−ÌìгÌí Because when it reads þÑaÔcÌô its interpretation is: BòBþгÌt,þÑaÔcÌôêÑþBš êeíÓLÐk
which was erected on the first of Nissan. 42 :öÖ½−ÌòÐaðÖìÓêÐaóÔšeíÐî the Voice speaking to itself ,BôЮԼö−ÑëÐñ Bò−ÑaþÑaÔðÐô ñBwÔí
which the ordinary person happens to overhear, ,î−ÖñÑêÑôÔ¼ÑôBL ¬B−ÐðÓíÔíÐî
When He finished. .BúHÇëÀk
but when it reads þÑaÔðÐô it implies ¼ÖôÐLÔôþÑaÔðÐôêÑþBš êeíÓLÐ×e
It is written B³ÖlÔ×Ðk (with no ’î after the ’ñ) ZþѽÖì Z ë−̳Ð× B³ÖlÔ×Ðk
that the king is speaking with the ordinary person. 29 :¬B−ÐðÓíÔíó̼þÑaÔðÐôCÓñÓnÔíÓL
[suggesting] that the Torah was given to him íÖþB³ Bñ íÖþнÐôÌpÓL
as a gift, as a bride [is given] to a groom 43 ,öÖ ³ÖìÐñíÖlÔ×ÐkíÖòÖzÔôÐë [10] Prostrated themselves— .eåÂçÞÇÇzÀLÄäÀå [é]
because [otherwise] he could not have learned it all dÖlek ðBôÐñÌñ ñB×Ö−íÖ−ÖíêHÓL to the Shechinah. 30 :íÖò−Ì×ÐMÔñ
in such a short time. 44 .íÓïÖk¬Ö¼eô öÔôÐïÌa [11] Adonoy spoke to Moshe face to face. .íéÄðÈt-ìÆàíéÄðÈtäÆLî-ìÆà'äøÆaÄãÀå [àé]
An alternate explanation [of B³ÖñÔ×Ðk]: ,þÑìÔêþÖëÖc The correct reading of Onkelos is íÓLô ó̼ñÑlÔôгÌôe. 31 :íÓLô ó̼ñÑlÔôгÌôe
just as a bride adorns herself with 24 adornments— Zö−̬eMÌš ð"×Ða³Ó¬ÓMԚгÌôíÖlÔkíÔô He returned to the camp— .äÆðÂçÞÇnÇä-ìÆàáÈLÀå
those enumerated in the book of Yeshaiyahu— 45 ZíÖ−мÔLÐ−þÓõѽÐaó−ÌþeôÎêÖíöÑí after [God’s] conversing with him ,Bn̼þÔaÐðÌpÓLþÔìÔêÐñ
so, too, must a Torah scholar C−ÌþÖ®óÖ×Öìð−ÌôÐñÔz¹Ôê Moshe would return to the encampment íÓòÎìÔnÔíñÓêëÖLíÓLô íÖ−Öí
be knowledgeable in the twenty-four books. 46 47 :ó−ÌþÖõн ð"×Ðë−ÌšÖa ³B−ÐíÌñ and teach the elders what he had learned. ;ðÔôÖlÓMíÔôó−ÌòÑšÐfÔñðÑnÔñÐôe
Speaking to him. .BzÄàøÅaÇãÀì Moshe acted in this way íÓLô èÔíÖòíÓfÔíþÖëÖcÔíÐî
The statutes and laws in (parshas) Mishpatim. :"ó−̬ÖtÐLÌnÔííÓlÑêÐî,,ÌaÓLó−̬ÖtÐLÌnÔíÐîó−ÌwŠìÔí from Yom Kippur until the mishkon was erected 32 ,öÖkÐLÌnÔíóÔšeíÓLðÔ¼ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óBiÌô
Speaking to him. 48 .BzÄàøÅaÇãÀ ì but not longer. ,þѳB− êGÐî
For on the 17th of Tammuz the tablets were broken ,³BìelÔíeþÐaÔzÐLÌò ïenÔ³ÐaþÖNÖ¼íÖ¼ÐëÌLÐë−ÑþÎíÓL
This teaches that Moshe would hear from God ,íÖþeëÐbÔí−ÌtÌôÔ¼ÑôBL íÓLô íÖ−ÖíÓLðÑnÔñÐô
and on the 18th he burned the Calf ñÓèѼÖí³Óê¹ÔþÖN ì"−Ðëe
then they both reviewed ö−ÌþÐïBìÐî
and studied the halachah together. 49 :ðÔìÖ−óÓí−ÑòÐLíÖ×ÖñÎíÔí³Óêö−ÌòBLÐî and judged the sinners ,ó−ÌêЬBìÔ í³ÓêöÖðÐî
and on the nineteenth he went up [the mountain], ,íÖñÖ¼ ¬"−Ðëe
Tablets. .úÉçËì
as it says: “The next day ³ÖþÏìÖnÌô−ÌíÐ−ÔîþÔôÍêÓpÓL
It is written ³ÔìŠñ (without a ’î after the ’ì) 50 ,ë−̳Ðk³ÔìŠñ
Moshe said to the people, etc.” 33 ,’BèÐîóÖ¼ÖíñÓêíÓLô þÓôêÒiÔî
to indicate that they were both of equal [dimensions]. 51 :³BîÖLöÓí−ÑzÐLe−ÖíÓL
and spent forty days there óB− ó−̼ÖaÐþÔêóÖLíÖNÖ¼
40 The day that Moshe came down with the tablets and found the B’nei Yisrael worshipping the calf. 41 And it and asked for mercy [for the B’nei Yisrael], ,ó−ÌôÎìÔþLÑwÌëe
was after this that God commanded them regarding the mishkon. 42 Tanchuma 31. 43 Accordingly íÓLô ñÓêöÑzÌiÔî
B³ÖlÔ×Ðk—“ He gave it (the Torah) to Moshe as a bride [is given].” 44 Tanchuma 18. 45 3, 18–22. 46 I.e., the 24
books of Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim. 47 Tanchuma 16. 48 BzÌê literally means “with him.” Would it not have 29 And it would be disrespectful to say that God speaks with man. 30 And not as the construction of the sentence
been more correct here to use î−ÖñÑê—“ to him”?! 49 Sh. Rab. 41, 5. 50 I.e., in the singular. Consequently, it is read implies—“to the entrance of his tent.” (S.C.) 31 See Rashi previous verse. 32 I.e., until the first of Nissan. 33 You
in the plural, but it is written in the singular. 51 Sh. Rab. 41, 6. # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta #260