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[527]  Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:5–7 æYä:âì àùú éëZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-1
                           Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:2–4 ãYá:âé àùú éëZúåîù

 Were I to go up among you for one moment, £EÐaÐþÌšÐëí'ÓñͼÞÓêð§ÖìÓê¼Ôè«Óþ  and bring them to me.” :−ÞÖñÑê eê−£ÌëÖíÐî
 I would destroy you. E−¢Ì³−ÌlÌ×Ðî  3. All the people removed the golden rings ë£ÖíÖfÔí−'ÑôÐïÌò-³Óêó flÖ¼Öí-ñÖk ·ešÐþÞÖtгÌiÔî.è
 And now remove your ornaments E− flÓñÖ¼ÞÑô ·EÐ−ÐðÓ¼ð¥ÑþBí í †ÖzÔ¼Ðî  which were on their ears and brought them to Aharon. :öÒ ÞþÎíÞÔê-ñÓê eê−£ÌëÖiÔîó¢Óí−ÑòÐïÖêÐaþ¤ÓLÎê
 and I know what to do with you.’” :CÞÖl-íÓNͼÞÓêí'Öôí£Ö¼ÐðÞÑêÐî  4. He took them from their hands, ó†ÖðÖiÌôì¤ÔwÌiÔî.ð
 6. The B’nei Yisrael took off their ornaments ó£Ö−ÐðÓ¼-³Óêñ§ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐëe«ñÐvÔòгÌiÔî.î  and formed it with [a goldsmith’s] engraving tool, ¬Óþ flÓìÔa ·B³ÒêþÔ®¥ÖiÔî
 that they had [worn] at Mount Chorev. :ëÞÑþBì þ'ÔíÑô
 7. Moshe would take the tent ñÓíÒ•êÖí-³Óêì·ÔwÌ− »íÓLôe .ï                                                                                                                        SHMOT
          But they did not wait [for the women and children]  eò−ÌzÐôÌíêGóÑíÐî
 [5] Were I to go up among you for one moment.  EÀaÀøÄ÷ÀáäÆìÁòÞÆàãÈçÆàòÇâÆø [ä]  Remove.  .e÷ÀøÞÈt
                   ešÐþÖt is a plural imperative (a command)  ,−eeÌ® öBLÐñ
 I would destroy you.  .EéÄúéÄlÄëÀå
                         derived from šÑþÖt in the singular  ,ð−ÌìÖ−ÐñšÑþÖt³ÔþÐïÌbÌô
 “Were I to go up among you,  EÐaÐþÌšÐëíÓñͼÓêóÌê
 and you would be rebellious against me—  −Ìaó−ÌþÐôÔôóÓzÔêÐî  as in e×ÐþÖa derived from CÑþÖa.  :CÑþÖa³ÔþÐïÌbÌôe×ÐþÖaBôÐk
 in your stubbornness,  ,óÓ×ÐtÐþÖ¼ ³e−ÐLÔšÐë  [3] They removed.  .e÷ÀøÞÈtÀúÄiÇå
 I would be angry with you for [only] one moment  ZðÖìÓê¼ÔèÓþóÓí−Ññμ óB¼ÐïÓê  [ešÐþÖtгÌ−Ôî] has the meaning of unloading a burden,  ,êÖOÔô³Ôš−ÌþÐt öBLÐñ
 which is the length of time that my anger lasts,  ,BôμÔï þe¼−ÌL êeíÓL  for when they removed them from their ears  óÓí−ÑòÐïÖêÑô óeñÖ¬ÐpÓLÐk
 as it is said:  þÔôÍêÓpÓL  they became “unloaded” of their rings,  ,óÓí−ÑôÐïÌpÌôó−ÌšÖþBõÐôóÑíeêЮÐôÌò
 “Hide for almost a moment, until the anger passes,” 11  ZóÔ¼ÖïþÖëμÔ−ðÔ¼¼ÔèÓþ¬Ô¼ÐôÌ×−ÌëÎì  descharjier in Old French.  :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa þ"−−þš¾−ð
 and I would destroy you.  ,óÓ×гÓêíÓlÔ×ÎêÔî  éÅîÀæÄðúÆà.  .éÅîÀæÄð-úÆà
 It is therefore better for you that I send an angel. 12  :CÖêÐñÔôìÔñÐLÓêÓLóÓ×Öñ ëB¬ CÖ×−ÌõÐñ  As if it were: −ÑôÐïÌpÌô—“ of the rings,”  ,−ÑôÐïÌpÌôBôÐk
 And now—  .äÈzÇòÀå  as in: “As soon as I go out (þ−̼Öí³Óê)” 23  Zþ−̼Öí³Óê−̳êѮРkBôÐ×
 this is the punishment that you will receive immediately,  ,ðÖiÌô ešÐñÌz Bï ³eòÖ¼Ðþet  [meaning:] (from) of the city.  :þ−̼ÖíöÌô
 that you will remove your ornaments from yourselves.  13  :óÓ×−ÑñμÑôóÓ ×Ð−ÐðÓ¼ eð−ÌþBzÓL  [4] And formed it with an engraving tool. 24  .èÆøÆçÇaBúÉàøÇöÈiÇå [ã]
 And I know what to do with you.  .CÞÈl-äÆNÁòÞÆàäÈîäÈòÀãÞÅàÀå  This can be translated two ways:  ,ó−ÌòÖõ−ÑòÐLÌëBôÐbÐþÔ³ÐñLÑ−
 Insofar as the accounting for the rest of the sin  öBÖ¼ÓíþÖêÐL³ÔcešÐõÌa  The first: þÔ®ÖiÔî as a term for tying  ,íÖþ−ÌLК öBLÐñZþÔ®ÖiÔîðÖìÓêÖí
 I know what I have in My heart to do to you. 14  :CÖñ ³BNμÔñ−ÌaÌñÐaÓLíÔôÔ¼ÑðB− −ÌòÎê  and ¬ÓþÓìÔa as a term for a cloth, 25  ,þÖðe½ öBLÐñZ¬ÓþÓìÔa
 [6] Their ornaments from Mount Chorev.  .áÞÅøBç øÇäÅîíÈéÀãÆò-úÆà [å]  as in: “the shawls (ó−̬−ÌþÎìÔíÐî) and the cloths,” 26  ,ó−̬−ÌþÎìÔíÐî ³BìÖtЬÌnÔíÐîBôÐk
 Their ornaments which they possessed from Mount Chorev.  :ëÑþBì þÔíÑôóÖðÖ−ÐëíÖ−ÖíÓL−ÌðμÖí³Óê  [or:] “He tied two kikar of silver in two (ó−̬−ÌþÎì) cloths.” 27  ;ó−̬−ÌþÎì−ÑòÐLÌa¹Ó½ÓkóÌ−ÔþÐkÌkþÔ®ÖiÔî
               The second: þÔ®ÖiÔî as a term for forming images;  ,íÖþe® öBLÐñZþÔ®ÖiÔî−ÌòÑMÔíÐî
 [7] And Moshe—  .äÆLîe [æ]
                         ¬ÓþÓìÔa, a tool used by goldsmiths  ö−ÌõÐþBvÔí ³eòÖneê −ÌñÐkZ¬ÓþÓìÔa
 from the time of the sin and on—  ,íÖêÐñÖíÖîöBÖ¼ B³BêÑô
         with which they scrape and engrave images into gold,  ,ëÖíÖïÐa ³Bþe® Ba ö−̳ÐþBìÐîö−Ì®ÐþBìÓL
 would take the tent. 15  .ìÆäÉàÈä-úÆàçÇwÄé
                              like the stylus of a scribe  þÑõB½ ¬Ñ¼Ðk
 [ìÔwÌ−] is an ongoing action (present tense):  ,êeí íÓîîÒí öBLÐñ
               who engraves letters onto tablets and ledgers,  ,ö−֚̽ÐòÌõe ³BìeñÐa ³Bi̳Bê ³ÑþBìÔí
 he would take his tent  BñÏíÖêÔìÑšBñ
          as in: “And write on it with a man’s (¬ÓþÓìÔa) stylus.” 28  ;LBòÍê¬Ó þÓìÐa î−ÖñÖ¼ëÒ³Ð×e BôÐk                                                                          17
              This was Onkelos’ intent when he translated it:  ½eñКÐòeê óÑbÐþÌzÓLeíÓïÐî
 11 Yeshaiyahu 26, 20.  12 Berachos 7a. And this should ease their mourning.  13 Many ask: if no one put on his
 ornaments, as is stated in v. 4, then why are they told here to remove their ornaments? See Ibn Ezra, Rabbeinu
 Bachya, Chizkuni, B’chor Shor, Sifsei Cohen, others.  14 I.e., CÖñíÓNͼÓêíÔôíÖ¼ÐðÑêÐî is not a result of E−ÓñÖ¼ÑôEÐ−ÐðÓ¼ðÑþBí íÖzÔ¼Ðî,  22 Tanchuma 21.  23 Above, 9, 29.  24 The root of þÔ®ÖiÔî can be either: 1. þþ®—to tie up, or 2. íÖþe®—an image or
 but a statement in its own right. Accordingly íÖ¼ÐðÑêÐî is not “I will know”—future tense, but rather, “I know.” (S.C.;  form.  25 Hence ¬ÓþÓìÔa B³Bê þÔ®ÖiÔî means: “He placed the gold in a cloth and tied it up.”  26 Yeshaiyahu 3, 22.  27 II
 B.Y)  15 ìÔwÌ− is usually future, but here . . .  Melachim 5, 23.  28 Yeshaiyahu 8, 1.

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #
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