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 [521]  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-EYAL
                         Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:12–13 âéYáé:áì àùú éëZúåîù
 Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:24–27 æëYãë:áì àùú éëZúåîù
 24. I said to them, ‘Who has gold’? ë flÖíÖï−¤ÌôÐñ ·óÓíÖñþ¥ÔôÒêÞÖî .ð×  Turn from [withdraw] Your blazing wrath, E flÓtÔêöB¤þÎìÞÑô ëeLƒ
 They removed [their gold] and gave it to me. −¢Ìñ-eòÐzÌiÔîeš£ÖþÖtгÌí  and reconsider the [intent of doing] evil to Your people. :EÞÓnÔ¼Ðñí£Ö¼ÖþÞÖí-ñÔ¼ó'ÑìÖpÌíÐî
 I threw it into the fire, and this calf emerged.” :íÞÓfÔíñÓè'ѼÖíê£Ñ®ÑiÔîL flÑêÖëeí¤Ñ×ÌñÐLÔêÞÖî  13. Remember Avraham, »óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐñþÒ”×Ðï .è−
 25. Moshe saw [the bad traits of] the people ó flÖ¼Öí-³Óê ·íÓLô êÐþ¥ÔiÔî .í×  Yitzchok and Yisrael, Your servants, E−†ÓðÖëμñ•ÑêÖþÐNÌ−Ðñe š·ÖìЮÌ−Ðñ
 for they were [now] exposed; êe¢íÔ¼£ŠþÖõ−'Ìk
 for Aharon had allowed them to be exposed, öÕ flþÎíÞÔêíÒ¤¼ÖþÐõ-−ÞÌk
 and now they would be disgraced í£Ö®ÐôÌLÐñ  [12] And reconsider.  .íÅçÈpÄäÀå [áé]
 among their adversaries. :óÞÓí−Ñô ÞÖšÐa  I.e., formulate another plan  Z³ÓþÓìÔêíÖëÖLÎìÔôóÓíÖñ³ÑMԼгÌí
                                 to do good to them.  :óÓíÖñë−̬ÑíÐñ
 26. Moshe stood at the entrance of the camp íflÓòÎìÞÔnÔíþÔ¼¤ÔLÐa ·íÓLô ðÒ¥ôμÞÔiÔî .î×
                                       The evil—  .äÈòÈøÞÈä-ìÇò
 and said, “Whoever is for Adonoy, [come] to me.” −¢ÖñÑêíÒ£Öîí−ÞÔñ−'ÌôþÓôêÕ–iÔî
                         that You had planned for them.  :óÓíÖñÖzÐëÔLÖìþÓLÎê
 All the sons of Leivi gathered around him. :−ÞÌîÑñ−'ÑòÐa-ñÖkî−£ÖñÑêe'õнÞÖêÑiÔî
                        [13] Remember Avraham. 63  .íÈäÈøÀáÇàÀìøÉëÀæ [âé]
 27. He said to them, ó†ÓíÖñþÓôêÒ¤iÔî .ï×
               If they transgressed the Ten Commandments,  ,³BþÐaÌcÔí³ÓþÓNμñÔ¼eþÐëÖ¼óÌê
                        their father Avraham was tested  óÓí−ÌëÎêóÖíÖþÐëÔê
                     and has not yet received his reward,  ,BþÖ×ÐNñÑaÌšêGö−Ì−ÔðμÔî
 [24] I said to them.  .íÆäÈìøÇîÉàÞÈå [ãë]  give it to him [now]  Bñ eíÑòÐz
 I said one thing to them—  ZðÖìÓêþÖëÖcóÓíÖñ−ÌzÐþÔôÖê  and let the “ten” offset the “ten.”  :íÖþÖNμÔëíÖþÖNμeêЮÑ−Ðî
 only: “Who has gold”? 14  ,ðÔëÐñ"ëÖíÖï−ÌôÐñ,,  Avraham, Yitzchok and Yisrael.  .ìÅàÈøÀNÄéÀìe ÷ÈçÀöÄéÀìíÈäÈøÀáÇàÀì
 and they hurriedly removed it and gave it to me.  :−ÌñeòÐzÌiÔîešÐþÖtгÌíÐîeþÎíÌôóÑíÐî  If [their punishment is to be] by burning  ,óÑííÖõÑþÐNÌñóÌê
 I threw it into the fire—  .LÅàÈáeäÅëÄìÀLÇàÞÈå  then remember Avraham  óÖíÖþÐëÔêÐñ þB×Ðï
 and I did not know that this calf would come out  ,íÓfÔíñÓèѼÖíêÑ®ÑiÓL−ÌzмÔðÖ−êGÐî  who offered himself to be burnt  ¹ÑþÖO−ÌñBôЮԼþÔ½ÖnÓL
 and it did come out.  :êÖ®Ö−Ðî  for Your sake in Ur Kasdim.  ;ó−ÌðÐNÔk þeêÐaÖí−ÓñÖ¼
                            If [it is to be] by the sword,  ,íÖè−Ì þÎíÔñóÌê
 [25] Exposed.  .ÇòËøÈô [äë]
                             then remember Yitzchok  šÖìЮÌ−Ðñ þB×Ðï
 [Meaning:] exposed—  ;íÓleèÐô
               who stretched forth his neck at the “binding.”  ;íÖð−њμÖñ BþêÖeÔ®¬ÔLÖtÓL
 its shame and disgrace were exposed,  ,BòBñКe B®ÐôÌLíÖlÔbгÌò
                           If [it is to be] through exile,  ,³eñÖèÐñóÌê
 as in: “(¼ÔþÖõe) He shall expose the head of the woman.” 15  :íÖMÌêÖíLêÒþ³Óê¼ÔþÖõe BôÐk
                              then remember Yaakov  ë՚μÔ−Ðñ þB×Ðï
 Disgraced among their adversaries.  .íÞÆäéÅî ÞÈ÷ÀaäÈöÀîÄLÀì
                      who went into exile to Charan. 64 65  .öÖþÖìÐñíÖñÖbÓL
 [Meaning:] that this matter shall be a disgrace for them  ³eòÐèÌñíÓfÔíþÖëÖcÔíóÓíÖñ ³B−ÐíÌñ
       And if they cannot be saved by their [forefathers’] merit,  ,öÖ³e×ÐïÌa ö−ÌñevÌòöÖò−ÑêóÌêÐî
 before all who rise up against them.  :óÓí−Ññμó−ÌôÖwÔíñÖ×−ÌõÐa
                       then what is this that You tell me:  ,−ÌñþÑôBê íÖzÔêíÖô
 [26] “Whoever is for Adonoy, to me”!  .éÈìÅà'äÞÇìéÄî [åë]  66
                   “I will make you into a great nation”?  ?ñBðÖb −BèÐñEгBê íÓNͼÓêÐî
 I.e., “Come to me.”  :−ÖñÑêêÒëÖ−
           If a chair with three legs 67  cannot stand before You  E−ÓòÖõÐñðÑôB¼ Bò−ÑêóÌ−ÔñÐèÔþ’èñÓLêÑqÌkóÌêÐî
 All the sons of Leivi.  .éÞÄåÅìéÅðÀa-ìÈk  at the time of Your anger  ,EнԼÔk³Ô¼ÐLÌa
 From here it is derived  öêÖkÌô
 that the entire Tribe was righteous. 16  :þÑLÖk¬ÓëÑMÔíñÖkÓL
       63 The Midrash (Tanchuma 24) relates that when Moshe asked God to forgive the Israelites, God replied, “How can
       I accept their repentance when just yesterday I gave to them the Ten Commandments and already they have been
       contemptuous of them”? Moshe responded . . .  64 When he was sent away from home by his father. (Bereishis
 14 I.e., “Never did I ask that they remove it.”  15 Bamidbar 5, 18.  16 Yoma 66b.  28, 5)  65 Sh. Rab. 42, 9.  66 V. 10.  67 I.e., the three Patriarchs.
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