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peredaran  zaman  yang  serba  berteknologi  ini  dan  juga  dengan  wujudnya  alat
          penyiram  pokok  bunga  automatik  ini,  kerja  pertanian  dapat  dilakukan  dengan
          mudah. Apabila cuaca hujan, alat ini tidak akan beroperasi, maka pembaziran air
          tidak akan berlaku dan tanaman tidak akan mengalami masalah terlebih air. Kerja
          penyiraman  dapat  dilakukan  dalam  satu  masa  yang  konsisten  dimana  ini  akan
          menjimatkan  lagi  masa  serta kos  upah kepada pekerja.  Projek  ini menggunakan
          Arduino  UNO  sebagai  papan  pintar  utama  yang  akan digabungkan  bersama soil
          moisture sensor  yang berfungsi  untuk  mengarahkan  pam air  menyalurkan  air  ke
          tumbuhan.  Penggunaan  alat penyiram  automatik ini juga dapat menjimatkan kos
          penggunaan air. Selain itu, penyiraman automatik juga dapat menolong orang yang
          berkerja,  orang  tua  dan  pekebun  untuk  menyiram  pokok  pada  waktu  yang
          ditetapkan  supaya  tanaman  yang  terdapat  di  rumah  atau  di  kebun  akan  lebih
          terurus  dan  segar  dengan  sistem  penyiram  yang  teratur.  Selain  daripada  itu,
          dengan  penggunaan  alat  penyiram  automatik  ini,pekebun-pekebun  ataupun
          pengusaha tanaman dapat mengurangkan tenaga kerja.


                        FOSFAL - FOOD SENSORY FAST LEARNING

                               IDA ROHAYU MOHD ROMLI
                             Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin
              Jabatan Pelancongan Dan Hospitaliti, Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin,
                               Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau, Perlis

          Learning a basic theory of food before entering a practical class will be the most
          unfavorable among certain students in polytechnic. Without a good basic about the
          food  theory,  it  may  bring  difficulties  to  the  student  during  the  practical  class.
          Moreover, it will impact the lecturer which causes the time-consuming in order to re-
          teach the student. Ensuring the student is well prepared for the practical class will
          provide  smooth  practical  work  among  the  students.  FOSFAL  is  designed  and
          address for students who have a difficulty in recognizing food items such as spices
          &  herbs  due  to  the  similar  characteristic  among  the  food  items.  Theoretically
          learning process is unable to allow students to get close and well-known the food
          items. FOSFAL is comprised of few sections that will introduce the food item to the
          student with the application of sensory skills stage by stage. It is also equipped with
          technological information to assist students to learn the characteristic of each food
          item. The skill of hearing is the first part to be tested among the player during the
          playing  session  followed  by  the  smell,  touch,  sight  and  taste.  FOSFAL  can  be
          played in a group or individually as it was designed compatible and user-friendly.
          The  study  has  shown  that  the  student  understanding  improves  up  to  43%  when
          getting  involved  with  the  FOSFAL  and  it  is  able  to  turn  the  class  to  be  more
          interesting  with  a  mean  value  of  4.54.  Fun  and  interesting  learning  modes  while
          playing  the  FOSFAL  responsible  for  transforming  conventional  teaching  and
          learning methods that rely on reference books or slideshows. In addition, it is also
          able  to  enhance  student  readiness,  fostering  teamwork  and  engaging  student
          participation, as it is needed in order to accelerate student’s learning process.
          Keywords: Basic theory, practical, sensory, innovative learning.

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