Page 155 - BUKU PROGRAM eSEDIP2021
P. 155


          ARDA  :  Augmented  Reality  (AR)  for  learning  Dentition  of  Animal  is  purposively
          designed as AR technology integrated learning tool for subtopic dentition of animal
          in year three science textbook. The main objective of ARDA is to support science
          teaching and learning using AR apps that focused on integrating three-dimensional
          (3D) interface through images in science textbook. ARDA comprises of 3D animal
          characters that represent animal group of carnivore, herbivore and omnivore with
          specific  details  on  dentition  structures,  animal  body  gestures  and  sound  effects.
          Each phase of design and development process has been thoroughly defined using
          ADDIE  model  and  CTML  theory  in  order  to  create  AR  integrated  educational
          material  that  well  suited  with  learning  objectives  and  parallel  with  Curriculum
          Specification  for  Science  Education.  In  term  of  novelty,  ARDA  is  the  only  AR
          integrated  elements  developed  for  a  content  in  primary  school  science  textbook
          provided  by  Malaysia  Ministry  of  Education  (MOE).  Although  there  are  other  AR
          resources for science learning being commercialized, little resources available were
          specifically  presented  the  curriculum  requirement.  ARDA  is  aimed  to  bring  an
          insight for Malaysia Ministry of Education (MOE), Educational Technology Division
          (BSTP) and Textbook Division (BBT) to support the design and development of AR
          integration in primary school textbooks in the future for the sake of better learning
          enhancement in science education.
          Keywords:  Augmented  Reality  (AR),  3D  models,  Dentition  of  Animal,  Science
                    textbook, Primary Education


                          THE EYE: IT’S HUMAN SAFETY DEVICE

                                   ANN A/P DANIEES 3
                             Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin
                               Pauh Putra, 02600 Arau, Perlis

          Now days, there are many criminal cases occurring in our country. There are many
          applications developed for the security but main drawback of this application is it
          required initial interaction of users and this situation it is not possible. Our “Human
          Safety  Device”  smartwatch  embedded  with  Global  Position  System  (GPS)  and
          Internet of Things (IoT) was developed with multi-functions to rescue people from
          fiendish in the society. The objective of this project is to display the current location
          of smartwatch user using Blynk apps. If the user presses button 1, it will send the
          current GPS coordinates via SMS to notify the family members. If the user presses
          the  button  2,  it  will  send  call  notification  to  family  member’s  registered  phone
          number.  The  current  GPS  coordinate  also  will  be  sent  to  Data  Center  when  the
          user press both buttons. The GPS coordinates will be sent to the IPK server via
          telegram so that mobile patrol can take immediate action when the user press the
          trigger  button.  The  admin  in  the  Data  Center  also  can  verify  the  latest  GPS
          coordinates by showing the current location of the users in Google Maps. It won’t
          trigger  false  alarm  to  the  police  authorities  because  the  information  is  directly
          notified from the Data Center. This product can help to reduce the risk of criminal
          and  criminal  offences  in  our  society.  Our  Human  Safety  Device  is  having  big
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