Page 16 - E-Modul_Descriptive Text_2012021135_Ida Ayu Kadek Shevany Natasya Dewi
P. 16

e.  Will

                          3.  Which of the following describes the Cat in the story?

                              a.  He is really playful
                              b.  I have a stray cat as my pet
                              c.  I also like to hold him in my hand
                              d.  I hold him like that


                                                                 My Dog

                              My dad bought me a dog on my birthday. It is a male golden retriever dog. I
                       really love him as my pet. His name is Jiji.
                              He has brown fur. His fur is really soft and he likes to be rubbed on his belly.
                       He has a long tail and big body. I always take him for walk around because he really
                       like it. Jiji is already as the part of our family.

                          4.  In the story, which paragraph is included in Identification? Give the reason.
                          5.  Relating verbs are liaison words that are widely used in descriptive stories. How
                              many relating verbs are used in the story?



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