P. 14
2.4.1 Specific objectives per school year (2nd & 3rd Bachillerato)
To show articulation and progression, the specific objectives for listening and
speaking have been formulated by taking into consideration four main domains of
interest for the target group (i.e. personal, educational, public, and vocational ) (Trim,
2009); also, objectives and assessment indicators for spoken production and spoken
interaction have been set up.
B1.2: In addition to what was
COMMUNICATIVE learned in 2nd year
COMPETENCE B1.1: By the end of the 2nd year
by the end of the 3rd year
Bachillerato, students will be able to:
Bachillerato, students will be
able to:
• Have enough language to get • Have a repertoire of
by with sufficient vocabulary to language which enables
express themselves with some them to explain the
hesitation and circumlocutions34 main points in an idea or
on topics such as family, hobbies problem with reasonable
and interests, work, travel and precision.
current events.
• Have a sufficient range
• Handle more unfamiliar topics and of language to describe
situations with lexical limitations unpredictable situations
that cause repetition and even and express thoughts on
difficulties at times (especially) abstract or cultural topics
Linguistic Component when formulating more complex such as films, books, and
thoughts. music.
• Use a repertoire of
• Communicate with reasonable frequently used routines
accuracy in familiar contexts and and patterns associated
generally have good control of with more predictable
routines and patterns although situations and some
there may be evident L1 influence. unpredictable situations
quite accurately; though
errors may occur, they
do not interfere with the
conveyance of meaning.