Page 357 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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myelinated axons (6) that were myelinated in the CNS by oligodendrocytes (not


               FIGURE 9.16 ■ Ultrastructure of a capillary in the CNS and the perivascular

               endfeet of astrocytes. Transmission electron micrograph. Courtesy of Dr. Mark
               DeSantis, Professor Emeritus, WWAMI. Medical Program, University of Idaho,
               Moscow, ID. ×20,000.

               FIGURE 9.17 | Oligodendrocytes of Brain

               This  brain  section  was  also  prepared  with  the  Cajal  method  to  show  the
               supportive neuroglial cells called oligodendrocytes (1, 4, 7). In comparison to a

               fibrous astrocyte (3), the oligodendrocytes (1, 4, 7) are smaller and exhibit few,
               thin, short processes without excessive branching.

                   The oligodendrocytes (1, 4, 7) are found in both the gray and white matter of
               the CNS. In the white matter, the oligodendrocytes form myelin sheaths around

               numerous  axons  and  are  analogous  to  the  Schwann  cells  that  myelinate
               individual axons in the PNS.

                   Two neurons (2, 6) are also illustrated to contrast their size with those of a
               fibrous astrocyte (3) and the oligodendrocytes (1, 4, 7). A capillary (5) passes
               between the different cells.

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