Page 18 - draft 1
P. 18
(ii) Service scheme;
(iii) Promotion;
(iv) Transfer;
(v) Appointment;
(vi) Termination of Service;
(vii) Dismissal or redeployment;
(viii) Granting or assigning duties to an Employee in Company’s services;
(ix) Assessment and recognition of entitlement;
(x) Performance assessment of an employee.
will be review by Mr Ajay
All Employees have a role to play in assisting in the Company to provide a working
environment free of harassment and intimidation.
All Supervisors and Managers have a duty to eliminate any sexual harassment of
which they become aware. Failure to do so may be treated as a disciplinary matter.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that a reasonable
person would find offensive, humiliating or intimidating, or which creates a sexual
hostile or intimidating work environment. This can include physical, verbal or
non-verbal conduct.
The Company will treat any act of victimization or retaliation against an Employee
for bringing a complaint of sexual harassment or for assisting in the investigation of
such a complaint as a serious disciplinary matter.
It is an obligation of all Employees to comply with this policy. Failure to do so may
lead to appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal for a serious matter.
If the Employee has been the subject of harassment, he/she shall ask the person
causing the harassment to stop the harassing behavior. If the harassment
continues, or if the problem cannot be resolved informally; or if they are not the
victim of the harassment but have witnessed it, they should contact the Human
Resources Department immediately.