Page 30 - FSH_MKT_4000_01_WI_25_AWolfe_1.22.25
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                                             Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Associate Professor

              «FACILITATOR, CASE, CONCEPTS, QUESTIONS                                COURSE WEIGHT 24%«

                             TIME DURATION (MAX /MIN) GOAL:  70 minutes / 60 minutes

              The case “team” facilitators/consultants will use and apply the reading material/concepts for this case assignment.
              Facilitators are required to complete, present, lead, facilitate, and review the chapter’s assigned questions, e.g.,
              PowerPoint®.  The facilitators should be prepared to present live and if required virtually.

              1.  The student team will analyze one case and submit a written analysis report and responses to the case questions.
              2.  Students organized into the consulting agency “teams” will present their case and questions to the instructor.
              3.  One electronic version of the case analysis report and PowerPoint® presentation will be submitted to the instructor.
                  Electronic version: The drop-off box on CANVAS® is entitled “MKT4000 CASE REPORT”.  One member from
                  your team will upload the “one report” and misc. documents to CANVAS®® for the team.
              4.  The written case analysis report is approximately eight-page (pages) -report for your four-member team. Furthermore,
                  your additional pages in your Appendix of your report will be your case questions, PowerPoint® and other misc.
                  items you deem appropriate.
              5.  Symbol in the course syllabus: «”«

              þ  Professional smart business attire is expected.

              þ  If you have an eight-member case team, you will present 40 minutes + 20 minutes (case questions) = 60
                 minutes.   Each member will present for 5 minutes.

              þ  Set-up: The student facilitators must be ready to present prior to the start of class.  Please upload your
                 PowerPoint® to and Case Word® Report to CANVAS® prior to the class session.

              þ  One electronic copy (Word®) case report (case section ownership per student, and if applicable, handout and
                 information team deem pertinent to the project, plus detailed APA references) will be submitted to the
                 instructor via CANVAS®.   Please keep a copy for your own records.

              þ  Students will grade their own and their teammates’ contribution to the project.  A student’s project grade will
                 be adjusted upward or downward according to his or her contribution to the project. A student’s project grade
                 will be adjusted upward or downward according to his or her contribution to the project. (Please review the
                 team member evaluation form in the course outline.)

              þ  Missed assignments cannot be made up.  Students with a valid excuse (e.g., medical) for missing the
                 assignment may make-up by arrangement.  Students who miss the assignment deadline without an acceptable
                 excuse will receive a zero.

                 Please refer to the detailed course outline for your assignment rubric and facilitator schedule and

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