Page 30 - february
P. 30
The best way to get rid of faulty products
Mechanical edge profiling,
or MEP for short, is the best way
out, especially when deburring with
a sander and other hand tools.
Defect is one of the main problems
for many companies, especially in
the manufacturing of parts. Every
manufacturer knows that there
is nothing worse than to refuse
expensive products, on which a huge
amount of valuable time was spent,
due to the presence of burrs or edge
defects. A familiar situation, isn’t it?
Mechanical edge profiling allows you
to effectively deal with such defects.
Specially designed mechanical
Mechanical edge profiling is the best way out of edge profiling tools are also required
the situation, especially when deburring with a grinder when milling critical rotating parts,
and other hand tools. Even performed by skilled the surface of which must be ideal,
craftsmen, manual operations are time consuming and for example, aircraft engine fans.
do not provide adequate quality stability. At the same These special tools have specific
time, mechanical edge profiling is a controlled process radii, chamfers and angles - the
in which high-precision instruments are used, operating most important elements for flawless
under the control of a CAM system. This enables fast processing of laboratory-tested edge
and stable removal of burrs and sharp edges. This profiles. The most sophisticated
technology also enables process documentation, deburring tools feature a special cutting
ensuring reproducibility and reducing set-up and part edge shape that produces chamfers
handling costs. Before introducing mechanical edge with a rounded edge at specific bevel
profiling into production, it is important to ensure that angles to prevent secondary burrs.
the necessary tools are available for this. For example, When using mechanical edge
when machining non-rotating parts such as aircraft profiling, this process must be considered
engine casings, it is more appropriate to use carbide as part of the machining operation to
end mills for chamfering and deburring tools. However, achieve maximum precision, stability
for profiling the edges of shaped parts, spherical (ball- and productivity. Deburring is done
shaped) tools are better suited.
30 Stanochniy park