Page 82 - demo
P. 82
3.0 mi / 50.9867 / -0.6104 Petworth
When you get to Petworth village you'll come in on Angel St and New St. Turn r. at Market Square
following a brown sign "Petworth House". Keep turning l. to follow Market Square around the
block. Somerfield should be on your l.
Turn r. in to Saddlers Row following a black and white sign to "Midhurst / Chichester".
At the T intersection with Pound St to your l., turn r. into Park Rd. Garden House Antiques is on
the corner to your r. at that turn.
As you travel along Park Rd you have the stone wall of Petworth House on your left. The entrance
gates are straight ahead.
Petworth to Portsmouth
Click here to return to the South West menu . . .
This route) will take you either to Arundel and then on to Portsmouth, or directly to
Arundel Castle. The seat of The Dukes of Norfolk set in 40 acres
of sweeping grounds and gardens, Arundel Castle has been open
to visitors seasonally for nearly 200 years. It is one of the great
treasure houses of England, home to priceless works of art,
furniture, tapestries and stained glass, china and clocks,
sculpture and carving, heraldry and armour in stunning room
Arundel. Other things to do in Arundel include The Hanover Band, Litlehampton Golf Club, The
Cheesemaking Workshop, Arun Canoes and Kayaks. Arundel Park is a great place for a walk –
have tea at the tea rooms . . . such and “English” thing to do!
For information on Portsmouth click here . . .
Click here for an interactive map of the area