Page 31 - Police Federal Credit Union
P. 31


              SUBSTANCE ABUSE

              It is Police FCU's policy to provide employees and members with a work environment that is free from
              the use and abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, and legal drugs unlawfully obtained. All employees are
              expected to be in such mental and physical condition as may be required to perform their assigned
              tasks in a professional and competent manner. An inability to meet these standards will result in
              disciplinary action up to and including employment termination.

              The misuse of alcohol that affects job performance is strictly prohibited and is cause for disciplinary
              action up to and including employment termination. The use of illegal drugs or legal drugs unlawfully
              obtained at any time is prohibited, and if discovered will be cause for disciplinary action up to and
              including employment termination. As such, Police FCU has adopted a policy that all employees must
              report to work completely free from the presence of drugs and the effects of alcohol. This policy does
              not  prevent  the  use  or  possession  of  over-the-counter  or  prescription  drugs  where  such  use  or
              possession  of  medication  is  consistent  with  doctor’s  orders  and  required  dosage  specifically
              prescribed for the employee. The sale or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs is absolutely prohibited

              at any time and is cause for immediate employment termination.

              The Credit Union may choose to require any employee to submit to a drug or alcohol test at any time.
              Any such test will be administered in a manner consistent with prevailing law, collection protocol, and
              in a manner intended to preserve personal dignity. A positive test for alcohol during working hours
              for illegal drugs, or any refusal to be tested, or tampering with a test shall be cause for disciplinary
              action up to and including employment termination.

              The lawful and responsible use of alcohol during non-work hours is at the discretion of the individual
              provided it is not on Police FCU property and does not interfere with one’s ability to report for work
              fully capable of performing one’s duties and responsibilities.


              The  Credit  Union  encourages  promoting  a  healthy  and  clean  work  environment  for  employees,
              members,  and  visitors.  We  believe  every  employee  has  the  right  to  work  in  an  area  free  of
              environmental  tobacco  smoke;  therefore,  consistent  with  state  laws  prohibiting  smoking  in  the
              workplace there will be no smoking of any kind allowed inside any of the Police FCU facilities. All Police
              FCU branches have designated areas for smoking and employees should abide by these assigned

              POLICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION                EMPLOYEE MANUAL - APRIL 2017               31 | PAGE
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