Page 125 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 125

George Orwell                                    1 9 8 4                                    124

        he had never in real life heard church bells ringing.

        He  got  away  from Mr  Charrington and  went down  Salió de la tienda del señor Charrington. Se había
        the stairs alone, so as not to let the old man see him  adelantado a él desde el piso de arriba. No quería
        reconnoitring  the  street  before  stepping  out  of  the  que lo acompañase hasta la puerta para que no se
        door. He had already made up his mind that after a  diera cuenta de que reconocía la calle por si había
        suitable interval—a month, say—he would take the  alguien. En efecto, había decidido volver a visitar
        risk  of  visiting  the  shop  again.  It  was  perhaps  not  la tienda cuando pasara un tiempo prudencial; por
        more  dangerous  than  shirking  an  evening  at  the  ejemplo, un mes. Después de todo, esto no era más
        Centre. The serious piece of folly had been to come  peligroso  que  faltar  una  tarde  al  Centro.  Lo  más
        back  here  in  the  first  place,  after  buying  the  diary  arriesgado había sido volver después de comprar el
        and  without  knowing  whether  the  proprietor  of  the  Diario sin saber si el dueño de la tienda era de fiar.
        shop could be trusted. However—!                      Sin embargo...

        Yes,  he  thought  again,  he  would  come  back.  He  Sí, pensó otra vez, volvería. Compraría más objetos
        would  buy  further  scraps  of  beautiful  rubbish.  He  antiguos  y  bellos.  Compraría  el  grabado  de  San
        would buy the engraving of St Clement Danes, take  Clemente  y  se  lo  llevaría  a  casa  sin  el  marco
        it out of its frame, and carry it home concealed under  escondiéndolo  debajo  del  «mono».  Le  haría
        the jacket of his overalls. He would drag the rest of  recordar  al  señor  Charrington  el  resto  de  aquel
        that  poem  out  of  Mr  Charrington's  memory.  Even  poema.  Incluso  el  desatinado  proyecto  de  alquilar
        the  lunatic  project  of  renting  the  room  upstairs  la  habitación  del  primer  piso,  le  tentó  de  nuevo.
        flashed  momentarily  through  his  mind  again.  For  Durante unos cinco segundos, su exaltación le hizo
        perhaps  five  seconds  exaltation  made  him  careless,  imprudente  y  salió  a  la  calle  sin  asegurarse  antes
        and  he  stepped  out  on  to  the  pavement  without  so  por el escaparate de que no pasaba nadie.  Incluso
        much as a preliminary  glance through the  window.  empezó a tararear con música improvisada.
        He had even started humming to an improvised tune

          Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clement's,  Naranjas  y  limones,  dicen  las  campanas  de  San
        You owe me three farthings, say the—                  Clemente, me debes tres peniques, dicen las...

        Suddenly  his  heart  seemed  to  turn  to  ice  and  his  De  pronto  pareció  helársele  el  corazón  y
        bowels  to  water.  A  figure  in  blue  overalls  was  derretírsele  las  entrañas.  Una  figura  en  «mono»
        coming down the pavement, not ten metres away. It  azul  avanzaba  hacia  él  a  unos  diez  metros  de
        was  the  girl  from  the  Fiction  Department,  the  girl  distancia.  Era  la  muchacha  del  Departamento  de
        with dark hair. The light was failing, but there was  Novela, la joven del cabello negro. Anochecía, pero
        no  difficulty  in  recognizing  her.  She  looked  him  podía  reconocerla  fácilmente.  Ella  lo  miró
        straight  in  the  face,  then  walked  quickly  on  as  directamente  a  la  cara  y  luego  apresuró  el  paso  y
        though she had not seen him.                          pasó junto a él como si no lo hubiera visto.

        For  a  few  seconds  Winston  was  too  paralysed  to  Durante  unos  cuantos  segundos,  Winston  quedó
        move.  Then  he  turned  to  the  right  and  walked  paralizado. Luego torció a la derecha y anduvo sin
        heavily  away,  not  noticing  for  the  moment  that  he  notar  que  iba  en  dirección  equivocada.  De  todos
        was going in the wrong direction. At any rate, one  modos, era evidente que la joven lo espiaba. Tenía
        question  was  settled.  There  was  no  doubting  any  que  haberío  seguido  hasta  allí,  pues  no  podía
        longer  that  the  girl  was  spying  on  him.  She  must  creerse  que  por  pura  casualidad  hubiera  estado
        have followed him here, because it was not credible  paseando en la misma tarde por la misma callejuela
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