Page 128 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 128

George Orwell                                    1 9 8 4                                    127

        Why  did  you  have  to  endure  it,  since  the  end  was  ¿Para  qué  sufrir  todo  esto  si  el  fin  era  el  mismo?
        always the same? Why was it not possible to cut a  ¿Por qué no ahorrarse todo esto? Nadie escapaba a
        few  days  or  weeks  out  of  your  life?  Nobody  ever  la vigilancia ni dejaba de confesar. El culpable de
        escaped detection, and nobody ever failed to confess.  crimental  estaba  completamente  seguro  de  que  lo
        When  once  you  had  succumbed  to  thoughtcrime  it  matarían antes o después. ¿Para qué, pues, todo ese
        was certain that by a given date you would be dead.  horror que nada alteraba?
        Why  then  did  that  horror,  which  altered  nothing,
        have to lie embedded in future time?

        He  tried  with  a  little  more  success  than  before  to  Por  fin,  consiguió  evocar  la  imagen  de  O'Brien.
        summon up the image of O'Brien. 'We shall meet in  «Nos  encontraremos  en  el  sitio  donde  no  hay
        the  place  where  there  is  no  darkness,'  O'Brien  had  oscuridad»,  le  había  dicho  O'Brien  en  el  sueño.
        said to him. He knew what it meant, or thought he  Winston sabía lo que esto significaba, o se figuraba
        knew. The place where there is no darkness was the  saberlo.  El  lugar  donde  no  hay  oscuridad  era  el
        imagined  future,  which  one  would  never  see,  but  futuro  imaginado,  que  nunca  se  vería;  pero,  por
        which,  by  foreknowledge,  one  could  mystically  adivinación,     podría   uno    participar   en   él
        share  in.  But  with  the  voice  from  the  telescreen  místicamente.  Con  la  voz  de  la  telepantalla
        nagging at his ears he could not follow the train of  zumbándole  en  los  oídos  no  podía  pensar  con
        thought further. He put a cigarette in his mouth. Half  ilación. Se puso un cigarrillo en la boca. La mitad
        the  tobacco  promptly  fell  out  on  to  his  tongue,  a  del  tabaco  se  le  cayó  en  la  lengua,  un  polvillo
        bitter dust which was difficult to spit out again. The  amargo que luego no se podía escupir. El rostro del
        face of Big Brother swam into his mind, displacing  Gran Hermano flotaba en su mente desplazando al
        that  of  O'Brien.  Just  as  he  had  done  a  few  days  de O'Brien.  Lo mismo que había hecho unos días
        earlier, he slid a coin out of his pocket and looked at  antes,  se  sacó  una  moneda  del  bolsillo  y  la
        it. The face gazed up at him, heavy, calm, protecting:  contempló.  El  rostro  le  miraba  pesado,  tranquilo,
        but what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark  protector.  Pero,  ¿qué  clase  de  sonrisa  se  escondía
        moustache?    Like  a  leaden  knell  the  words  came  bajo  el  oscuro  bigote?  Las  palabras  de  las
        back at him:                                          consignas martilleaban el cerebro de Winston:

          WAR IS PEACE                                        LA GUERRA ES LA PAZ

          FREEDOM IS SLAVERY                                  LA LIBERTAD ES LA ESCLAVITUD

          IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH                               LA IGNORANCIA ES LA FUERZA
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