Page 191 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 191

George Orwell                                    1 9 8 4                                    190

          Chapter 7                                         CAPÍTULO VII

          Winston had woken up with his eyes full of tears.  Winston  se  despertó  muy  emocionado.  Le  dijo  a
          Julia  rolled  sleepily  against  him,  murmuring  Julia:
          something  that  might  have  been  'What's  the

          'I dreamt—' he began, and stopped short. It was  «He  soñado  que...»,  y  se  detuvo  porque  no  podía
          too complex to be put into words. There was the  explicarlo.  Era  excesivamente  complicado.  No  sólo
          dream itself, and there was a memory connected  se  trataba  del  sueño,  sino  de  unos  recuerdos
          with  it  that  had  swum  into  his  mind in  the  few  relacionados con él que habían surgido en su mente
          seconds after waking.                             segundos después de despertarse.

          He lay back with his eyes shut, still sodden in the  Siguió tendido, con los ojos cerrados y envuelto aún
          atmosphere of the dream. It was a vast, luminous  en la atmósfera del sueño. Era un amplio y luminoso
          dream in which his whole life seemed to stretch  ensueño en el que su vida entera parecía extenderse
          out  before  him  like  a  landscape  on  a  summer  ante  él  como  un  paisaje  en  una  tarde  de  verano
          evening after rain. It had all occurred inside the  después de la lluvia. Todo había ocurrido dentro del
          glass  paperweight,  but  the  surface  of  the  glass  pisapapeles de cristal, pero la superficie de éste era la
          was  the  dome  of  the  sky,  and  inside  the  dome  cúpula  del  cielo  y  dentro  de  la  cúpula  todo  estaba
          everything  was  flooded  with  clear  soft  light  in  inundado por una luz clara y suave gracias a la cual
          which one could see into interminable distances.  podían  verse  interminables  distancias.  El  ensueño
          The  dream  had  also  been  comprehended  by—    había partido de un gesto hecho por su madre con el
          indeed,  in  some  sense  it  had  consisted  in—a  brazo y vuelto a hacer, treinta años más tarde, por la
          gesture of the arm made by his mother, and made  mujer  judía  del  noticiario  cinematográfico  cuando
          again  thirty years later by the Jewish woman he  trataba de proteger a su niño de las balas antes de que
          had seen on the news film,  trying to shelter the  los autogiros los destrozaran a ambos.
          small boy from the bullets, before the helicopter
          blew them both to pieces.

          'Do you know,' he said, 'that until this moment I  — ¿Sabes? —dijo Winston —, hasta ahora mismo he
          believed I had murdered my mother?'               creído que había asesinado a mi madre.

          'Why  did  you  murder  her?'  said  Julia,  almost  — ¿Por qué la asesinaste? — le preguntó Julia medio
          asleep.                                           dormida.

          'I didn't murder her. Not physically.'            — No, no la asesiné. Físicamente, no.

          In the dream he had remembered his last glimpse  En el ensueño había recordado su última visión de la
          of  his  mother,  and  within  a  few  moments  of  madre  y,  pocos  instantes  después  de  despertar,  le
          waking the cluster of small events surrounding it  había vuelto el racimo de pequeños acontecimientos
          had all come back. It was a memory that he must  que  rodearon  aquel  hecho.  Sin  duda,  había  estado
          have deliberately pushed out of his consciousness  reprimiendo deliberadamente aquel recuerdo durante
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