P. 204

Events  that  happen  to  other  people  need  to  be

           studied  carefully,  so  that  they  can  benefit,  as  well  as  what  is
           experienced by themselves, from which meaningful lessons can be

           extracted. Besides that, a Minang never feels shy or shy to learn

           from  people  who  have  been  successful  in  his  life,  and  he  can
           quickly adapt to situations and conditions, as long as the principles

           of his teachings are not disturbed. In the traditional proverb it is
           said that:

                              Where the earth is stepped on,
                              in the sky the sky is upheld,

                              where the branches are broken,

                              in sinan aia in sauak,
                              in mano nagari sung,

                              here it is customary to use. 142
                          The  above  saying  means  that,  wherever  and

           whenever  a  person  is  required  to  continue  to  learn,  without  a
           condition that hinders it. Ijtihad 143 This needs to be done because

           every time the situation and conditions in one place are different

                  142 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 229, which means: Where the
           earth is stepped on, there the sky is upheld, where the branches are broken,
           there the water is drawn in, where the nagari is inhabited, there is custom used.
                  143 Ijtihad is really to know the law of something that is not legal in the
           Qur'an and Sunnah. In this context, ijtihad is actually an attempt to return the
           teaching doctrine to its original source. Read, KH. Munawar Khalil, Returning
           to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Moon and Stars, Jakarta, 1961.
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