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can be said that the existence of the mamangan above
shows that the Minang people, especially the traditional
gatherers, have long believed in God Almighty.
3. The purpose of Minang traditional education is to seek
the truth, whose existence is above all else. This is
described in the adat tradition as follows: pangulu
barajo ka mufakat, mufakat barajo kanan bana
(Penghulu submits to consensus and consensus submits
to the truth).
4. Minang custom contains educational material that is
rational, this is based on the law of causality (cause and
effect), and at the same time the Minang people also
believe in the existence of a supernatural power of the
Almighty which cannot be penetrated by human reason
or ratio. When the potential ratio is no longer able to
penetrate the area outside the realm, then he surrenders
himself to the Almighty and the Creator. Therefore, all
Minang traditional education materials are integrated
with the value of monotheism which believes in the
omnipotence of Allah the Creator. This means that
Minang traditional education does not only aim to
shape and develop the intellectuals of students but also