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from others. Therefore, the necessity of learning in Minang
traditional education lasts a lifetime.
The Qur'an more firmly states that education begins
long before birth, namely at the time of marriage, this is based on
whether or not a marriage is valid. Illegal marriage according to
Islamic teachings is a sin and will pollute the human heart which
affects one's faith. Thus, a family whose marriage is not valid will
commit sins throughout their life. Which is stated by Allah SWT
in the letter Al Muthaffifin verse 14
اوُنا ا مهبول ىَل َنا ْل لَ
ِ ِ
"Not at all, have even polluted their hearts the sins they
have done"(Surat 83: 14)
ْ ْ
ُبلَقلا َلَ . هل دَسَجلا ا هل دَسَجلا َحَل ْ تَحَل ا ِدَسَجلا َلَ
"Indeed, in the human body there is mudghah, if it is good,
the whole body is good, if it is corrupt, the whole body is
corrupted. Remember, it is the heart."(Hadith narrated by
Bukhari Muslim).
It is clear, that an illegitimate marriage will make
family life dirty for the rest of their lives, and this will definitely
affect their offspring. This shows that education in the view of
Islam has begun at the time of marriage, long before birth and then