Page 142 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 142
Cross, uppercut, cross, hook
After throwing the second cross, lift and lock your lead
elbow at 90 degrees and rotate around the waist to throw
the hook.
Cross, uppercut, cross, hook, uppercut
After throwing the hook, starting with your elbow in front
and by your waist, drop your hand to get between a 45 and
90-degree angle in your elbow, and rotate around the waist
to throw the uppercut upward and outward.
Jab, lead hook, cross
After retracting the jab, lift and lock your lead elbow at 90
degrees and rotate around the waist to throw the hook.
Retract and throw the cross.
Cross, hook, slip, uppercut, cross
Throw the cross, then lift and lock your elbow at an inner
angle of 90 degrees as you rotate around the waist to throw
the lead hook. Slip slightly by bending laterally around the
waist as you lower your lead forearm until you have about a
45-degree inner angle in your elbow, and rotate around the
waist as you throw the lead uppercut upward and outward.
Throw a second cross.