Page 145 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 145


                Jab, overhand, body shot, uppercut

                After you throw the jab, weave forward and diagonally with
                your lead foot as you extend your rear arm in a circular
                motion, hitting the target in a downward motion. Rotate
                around the waist, lock your lead elbow in a 90-degree angle,

                and deliver the body shot. Make sure to protect your chin
                with your rear hand as you lower your lead forearm and
                rotate around the waist to throw the lead uppercut.

                COMBINATION 33

                Jab, overhand, body shot, uppercut, cross
                Make sure to turn your wrists on the jab and cross to ensure

                you connect to the target with the knuckles of your fist.
                Throw the body shot with your lead hand. Throw the
                uppercut with your lead hand.

                COMBINATION 34

                Jab, slip, pivot, hook to body
                After throwing the jab, bend laterally around the waist to

                take your head off the center line. Push off your rear foot
                and pivot on the ball of the lead foot to change direction 90
                degrees. Take a slight lateral step with your lead foot as you

                rotate around the waist, locking your elbow at an inner
                angle of 90 degrees to throw the hook to the body with your
                rear hand. Retract.

                COMBINATION 35
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