Page 144 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 144
Cross, weave, hook
After throwing the cross, weave by taking a lateral step with
your rear foot as you lower your level and rotate around the
waist. As you come back up, continue to rotate, lift and lock
your lead elbow at 90 degrees, and throw the hook.
Cross, step, check hook
After throwing the cross, take a short diagonal step forward
and then pivot on your lead foot. At the same time, lift and
lock your lead elbow at 90 degrees to throw the lead check
hook as you pivot on the ball of your lead foot.
Cross, step, jab, cross
After you throw the cross, take a short diagonal step forward
with your lead foot and pivot on the ball of your lead foot.
After you throw the jab, rotate around the waist to shift your
rear shoulder forward and throw the cross. Retract.
Jab, slip, cross
After you throw the jab, bend laterally around the waist to
slip and move head off the center line. As you return to
neutral stance, rotate around the waist to shift your rear
shoulder forward and throw the cross.