Page 148 - Jennifer Chieng Badass Boxing Workouts
P. 148

Catch, uppercut, hook, cross
                Protect your chin with your rear hand, tuck your elbow

                against your side, and bend laterally around the waist to
                lower your elbow to your hip to catch an incoming strike.
                Counter with a rear uppercut by lowering your rear forearm
                and rotating at the waist to throw the punch upward and
                outward. Lift and lock your lead elbow at 90 degrees while

                rotating at the waist to throw the lead hook. Shift your rear
                shoulder forward as you extend your rear arm and pivot on
                the ball of the rear foot to throw the cross.

                COMBINATION 44

                Catch, uppercut, cross, hook

                Protect your chin with your rear hand, tuck your elbow
                against your side, and bend laterally around the waist to
                lower your lead elbow to your hip to catch an incoming
                strike. Counter with a lead uppercut, cross, and lead hook.

                COMBINATION 45

                Parry, cross, jab

                Turn the wrist of your rear hand so that your palm is facing
                your target and flick your wrist downward to deflect
                incoming straight punches. Quickly counter with a straight

                cross by extending your rear arm, rotating at the waist, and
                pivoting on the ball of your rear foot to add reach to your
                punch. Make sure to turn your wrist on the cross to connect
                on the knuckles of your fist. Retract. Throw the jab.

                COMBINATION 46

                Parry, jab
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